An ‘Ocean of Law’. The Harvard Law School’s copy of TUI1584 is bound in 29 physical volumes, 17 inches high, 18 ‘tomes’ in 25 physical volumes and 4 physical volumes of indices. |
Tome 3 of TUI 1584 is devoted to procedure. It is divided into two parts, both of which bear the subtitle De iudiciis (literally ‘On judgments’, but we would get a better sense for what it is all about if we translated ‘On matters brought before a judge’). These paragraphs will serve introduce both parts, but the data only for part 1 is contained below. The data for part 2 will be found here. As is well known, one of the achievements of the ius commune of the medieval and early modern periods was the creation of Romano-canonical procedure, a procedural system for both civil and criminal cases that is in large measure still in use on the European Continent today, and to some extent in the Anglo-American legal world as well. The treatises in tome 3 do not cover the entire topic of Romano-canonical procedure. They deal with general topics about that procedure and take the order of proceeding (ordo iudiciarius) up to the joinder of issue (litis contestatio). Tome 4 deals with proof, and tome 5 deals with sentences, and the concept of res iudicata. Tome 11 deals more specifically with criminal procedure. Since tome 3 deals with procedure in general it includes some treatises that deal with the entire course of the ordo, including Tancred’s famous ordo iudiciarius (written c. 1215). Procedural writers had a tendency to write short works, but there are lot of them. Tome 3, part 1 contains 39 items, more than tome 1 (32). While most of the works are practical, a few seem to have been written by authors with a humanist bent. There are some authors who are obscure indeed, but all of them, with the exception of one Spaniard and one Flemming, seem to be either Italian or French. Tome 3, part 2 contains 54 items, the largest number in any physical volume so far. The methodological balance is the same as that in part 1. Once more, some authors are obscure indeed. Italians and French seem to dominate (with a decided preference for the former); there is one German, one Spanish, and one Netherlandish author. There seems to be more than the usual amount of misattribution, and the cause of it may be that this part contains two important medieval ‘living texts’: the treatise De exceptionibus and that De primo et secundo decreto. The first deals not with the exception as an alternative name for the basic substantive defense, but rather the procedural exceptions that normally had to be made before the litis contestatio. The second deals with contumacy. The seizure of the goods the contumacious defendant leads the organizer of the treatises to think about execution against the defendant’s goods, a topic that we might think belongs at the end of a general treatment of procedure. This is followed by a number of treatises on possessory remedies. The part concludes with three treatises on the recovery of costs. The list of titles and authors follows the format outlined in the introduction to these pages. There are no records in HOLLIS that are not found here, though there are some items that are not found in HOLLIS that are here, and there is one item in part 1 that HOLLIS misascribes to part 2. The heading abbreviations and the bibliographical abbreviations are the same as those used throughout these pages. In addition, Bethmann-Hollweg = Moritz August Bethmann-Hollweg, Der Civilprozeß des gemeinen Rechts in geschichtlicher Entwicklung, 6 vols. (Bonn 1864–1874). After the list of authors and titles there is another list that gives the formal ‘metadata’ of the tome. The foliation in both physical volumes is regular; we have filled it in without comment where it is not visible. The register of part 1 indicates – and this seems to be accurate – that the signatures are A–Z, Aa–Zz, Aaa–Fff, all quaternions except A and Fff, which are ternions. That of part 2 indicates – and, once more, this seems to be accurate – that the signatures are A–Z, Aa–Zz, Aaa–Ddd, all quaternions except Ddd, which is a ternion. The title pages are on fol. 1r. In both physical volumes, the binder added the pastedowns and the freestanding endpapers. Preliminary work on this list was done in the summer of 2013 by Dennis Mahoney and in the summer of 2014 by Shuting Lu. The Ames Foundation is grateful to them for their devotion to the task. Errors, which certainly exist and which are my responsibility, can be called to our attention by sending us an email. Charles Donahue, Jr. |
The following table lists the items in tome 3.1 in the order in which they appear. The notes give linked references to general information about the author that appears on a separate page and any particular information that we have about the item in question. The final column gives a linked reference the sequence number in the PDS where the item first appears. |
ITEM | HOLAU | TUIAU | TUITI | HN | Citation | Seq. |
item no. 1 | Gillotus, Joannes | Joannes Gillotus Briennensis | De iurisdictione et imperio | 4313553 | t. 3.1, f. 2ra | 8 |
note | Gillot, Jean, sec. ?16. The topic was one of considerable interest, particularly in French circles, in the 16th century. | |||||
item no. 2 | Gulielmus Luveranus | Gulielmus Luveranus | Arbor iurisdictionum | 4321185 | t. 3.1, f. 18va | 41 |
note | Luveranus, Gulielmus, sec. ?16/1. Mistakenly placed in vol. 3.2 in HOLLIS. Listed as in both TUI 1584 and Lyon 1549. The text is preceded by an illustrated arbor, and the distinctions that it draws resemble those found in the Schema iurisdictionum that is incorporated in contemporary editions of the Corpus iuris civilis. HOLTI is longer: Tractatus in enchiridion dictus arbor jurisdictionum. | |||||
item no. 3 | Crassis, Joannes de | Joannes de Grassis | Arbor iudiciorum | 4313648 | t. 3.1, f. 22rb | 48 |
note | Grassi, Giovanni, b. Castelnuovo Scrivia sec. 15/ineunte, d. Valenza Po 1473. Renzo Villata (DBI and DGI) doubts G’s authorship of this work on good grounds: The preface to the work refers to him in the third person. The work was almost certainly written by one of G’s students on the basis of his lectures. | |||||
item no. 4 | Bertrand, Pierre | Petrus Bertrandus Viennensis | De origine iurisdictionum, seu de duabus potestatibus temporali, scilicet, ac spirituali | 4287864 | t. 3.1, f. 29va | 63 |
note | Bertrand, Pierre, b. Annonay ca. 1280, d. Pujaut 1349. The occasion of this item was the Assemblée de Vincennes of 1329. It was written in response to to Pierre de Cugnières, who espoused the royalist position. | |||||
item no. 5 | Odofredus | Odofredus | Brevis et utilis tractatus iudiciorum in causis civilibus | 4342155 | t. 3.1, f. 32vb | 69 |
note | Odofredo Denari (Odofredus de Denariis), b. Bologna sec. 13/ineunte, d. Bologna 1265. This work does not seem to be O’s. It is a variation on the Iberian ordo iudiciarius with the incipit Ad summariam noticiam, sometimes attributed to one of the canonists who were called ‘Petrus Hispanus’. The connection with O. may be that he used it in his lectures on procedure. See A. Pérez Martín, El derecho procesal del “ius commune” en España (Murcia 1999) 60-2. | |||||
item no. 6 | Guido de Suzaria | Guido de Suzaria | De ordine iudiciorum | 4368129 | t. 3.1, f. 34rb | 72 |
note | Guido da Suzzara (de Suzaria), b. ?Suzzara [prov. Mantova] . . . , fl. 1247, d. Bologna 1293. Modern scholarship accepts G’s authorship of this work without much enthusiasm as to its quality (Mazzanti in DBI quoting Bethmann-Hollweg, [1874] 6.1.78: “ein unbedeutendes Büchlein über den Prozeß”). | |||||
item no. 7 | Gentilis, Jacobus | Jacobus Gentilis Perusinus | De ordine iudiciorum | 4312744 | t. 3.1, f. 41ra | 86 |
note | Gentili, Iacopo, da Perugia, sec. ?15. The title continues: et primo incipit flos causarum civilium. More work is clearly called for on this treatise and its author. What we can say is that the treatise is not the ordo that is sometimes attributed to Bartolus (Tractatus 1549, t.4, f. 6vb - 7vb), nor is it the ordo Ad summariam noticiam, though it could be derived from one or both of them. This treatise also appears in Tractatus 1549, t.4, f. 8ra - 11ra. | |||||
item no. 8 | Tancred, ca. 1185-1236 | Tancretus | Ordinis iudiciarii tractatus | 3960404 | t. 3.1, f. 44ra | 92 |
note | Tancredi da Bologna (Tancredus Bononiensis), b. Bologna ca. 1185, d. Bologna ca. 1236. The HOLLIS record is for the ed. Göttingen 1842. This is probably T’s best-known work, witnessed in many manuscripts, and, ultimately, translated into both French and German. | |||||
item no. 9 | Cantiuncula, Claudius, d. 1560? | Claudius Cantiuncula | De officio iudicis | 4294613 | t. 3.1, f. 72ra | 148 |
note | Cantiuncula, Claudius, b. Metz ca. 1490, d. Ensisheim 1549. HOLTI: De officio judicis libri duo. C’s authorship of this treatise is unquestioned. | |||||
item no. 10 | Not in HOLLIS | M. M. Ravaudus | Speculum iudicum | t. 3.1, f. 84va | 173 | |
note | Ravault, Martin, sec. 16. The work is also in Tractatus 1549, and there is a Paris ed. of 1517. | |||||
item no. 11 | Reyvaert, Jacob, ca. 1535-1 568 | Jacobus Raevardus Burgensis | Protribunalium liber singularis | 4354889 | t. 3.1, f. 87ra | 178 |
note | Raevardus, Jacobus (Reyvaert, Jacob), b. Lissewege [prov. West-Vlaanderen, BEL] ca. 1535, d. Brugge 1568. The HOLLIS record is from ed. Naples 1779, which dates the work to 1565. In Index authorum t.3.1: ‘Jacobus Revardus, Qui dicantur dies sessionum.’ On the title page Qui dicantur etc. appears as the title of cap. j. WorldCat gives the original publication as Brugge, 1565. The coinage ‘protribunalium’ (apparently conceived of as a neuter noun) seems to be derived from D.38.15.2. | |||||
item no. 12 | Placentinus | Placentinus | De iudiciis et de traditione eorum in quovis iudico estimantur | 4350906 | t. 3.1, f. 92vb | 189 |
note | Placentinus (Piacentino), b. Piacenza sec. 12/2, d. Montpellier ca. ?1181/2. | |||||
item no. 13 | Placentinus | Placentinus | De expediendis iudiciis | 4350906 | t. 3.1, f. 94rb | 192 |
note | Placentinus (Piacentino), b. Piacenza sec. 12/2, d. Montpellier ca. ?1181/2. Not in Index Authorum in t. 3.1. May be a continuation of the preceding treatise. | |||||
item no. 14 | Socini, Mariano, 1401-1467 | Marianus Socinus | De iudiciis | 4372298 | t. 3.1, f. 96va | 197 |
note | Socini (Sozini, Soccini), Mariano, sr., b. Siena 1397, d. Siena 1467. The attribution of this work has not been doubted, but it is not a treatise in the normal sense of the term. Rather, it is a repetitio on X 2.1.20. | |||||
item no. 15 | Massa, Antonio, 16th cent. | Antonius Massa de Gallesio | De iudiciis bonae fidei | 4338399 | t. 3.1, f. 101vb | 207 |
note | Massa, Antonio, b. Gallese 1500, d. Roma 1568. | |||||
item no. 16 | Matthaeis, Antonius, 16th cent. | Antonius de Mattheis Romano | Tractatus iudiciarius de prorogatione iurisdictionis et fori competentia ac de praeventione: de iure revocandi domum: de revocatione et reorum transmissione | 4338694 | t. 3.1, f. 105ra | 214 |
note | Mattei, Antonio (de), fl. 1541–1562. | |||||
item no. 17 | Trochaeus, Joannes Rogeraius | Joannes Rogeraius Trochaeus Parisiensis | De officio iudicis in causis capitalibus ex bono et aequo decidendis | 4365099 | t. 3.1, f. 129va | 261 |
note | Joannes Rogeraius Trochaeus Parisiensis, sec. ?16/m. The BSB digitale Sammlung has ed. Lyon 1550. There is a duplicate entry for this item in HOLLIS no. 4368837. | |||||
item no. 18 | Not in HOLLIS | Claudius Saturninus | Libro pandectarum quadragesimo octavo capite XVI de poenis [D.48.19.16] | t. 3.1, f. 136ra | 276 | |
note | Joannes Rogeraius Trochaeus Parisiensis, sec. ?16/m. Joannes Rogeraius Trochaeus Parisiensis, ?16th c. Not in Index authorum in v. 3.1. The item is an elaborate commentary on the cited and quoted Digest text of which the Roman author is Claudius Saturninus. The work is part of Trochaeus’ De officio iudicis. | |||||
item no. 19 | Bianchi, Marcantonio, 1498-1548 | Marcus Antonius Blancus Patavinus | De compromissis faciendis inter conjunctos ex statutorum dispositione, et de exceptionibus ante litis ingressum | 4192207 | t. 3.1, f. 138va | 281 |
note | Bianchi, Marcantonio, b. Padova 1498, d. Padova 1548. HOLLIS entry is for separate publication in Lyon 1549. | |||||
item no. 20 | Bianchi, Marcantonio, 1498-1548 | Marcus Antonius Blancus | De exceptionibus impedientibus litis ingressum | 4192207 | t. 3.1, f. 169rb | 342 |
note | Bianchi, Marcantonio, b. Padova 1498, d. Padova 1548. Not in Index authorum in v. 3.1. This is almost certainly part of the preceding treatise (separate author is not given), but what relationship it bears to it requires further exploration. | |||||
item no. 21 | Bottrigari, Jacopo, 1274-1347 | Jacobus de Butrigarius Bononiensis | De oppositione compromissi et de eius forma | 4287398 | t. 3.1, f. 206ra | 416 |
note | Iacopo Bottrigari, b. Bologna ca. 1274, d. Bologna 1348. HOLTI begins: Tractatus brevissimus sed mire conducibilis. | |||||
item no. 22 | Oriano, Lanfranco da, d. 1488 | Lanfrancus de Oriano | Solennins, utilis, quotidianus et practicabilis tractatus de arbitris; additis multis aliis questionibus clarissimorum doctorum, et nonnullis additionibus, et apostillis perutilissimis Benedicti de Vadis de foro Sempronii de novo insertis, et sub tali figno () [] notatis | 4334262 | t. 3.1, f. 206va | 417 |
note | Lanfranco da Oriano (Lanfrancus de Ariadno), b. Oriano 1400 X 1410, d. Brescia 1488. The author of the additiones and apostille (roughly the equivalent of footnotes) is Benedetto Vadi (de Vadis) (16th c.) of Fossombrone (prov. Pesara e Urbino). | |||||
item no. 23 | Joannes Baptista [Alfani] Perusinus | Joannes Baptista Perusinus | Tractatus egregius de arbitris et compromissis in libros 13 divisus | 4321218 | t. 3.1, f. 224vb | 453 |
note | Alfani, Giovanni Battista, b. ?Perugia . . . , d. Perugia 1483. | |||||
item no. 24 | Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, 1313-1357 | Bartolus | Quæstiones in materia arbitrorum cum additionibus Lanfranchini | 4192189 | t. 3.1, f. 294va | 593 |
note | Bartolo da Sassoferrato (Bartolus de Saxoferrato ), b. Venatura near Sassoferrato 1313/14, d. Perugia 1357. Not in the Index authorum of vol. 3.1. HOLLIS record refers to both Lyon 1549 and TUI 1584. The attribution of this treatise to Bartolus is not without doubt. Lange/Kriechbaum, Kommentatoren 728. So far as the author of the additiones is conerned, he is described later in the work as Jacobus Lanfranchinus Veronensis (?15th c.). | |||||
item no. 25 | Joannes Baptista, de Sancto Blasio | Baptista a Sancto Blasio Patavinus | De differentiis inter arbitrum et arbitratorem | 4321185 | t. 3.1, f. 296ra | 596 |
note | Battista, da Sambiagio, b. Padova ca. 1425, d. ?Verona ?Brescia 1492. | |||||
item no. 26 | Jacobi, Petrus, fl. 1311-1329 | Petrus Jacobus a Monte Pessulano | De arbitris et arbitratoribus | 4317874 | t. 3.1, f. 309va | 623 |
note | Jacobi (Jame d’Aurillac), Pierre, b. Aurillac ca. 1270, d. Clermont 1347. Whether this item is an extract from his better-known Practica aurea or a separate work requires further exploration. | |||||
item no. 27 | Garzoni, Girolamo, 16th cent. | Hieronymus Garzonius Auximatis | De laudo meri iuris | 4317168 | t. 3.1, f. 310rb | 624 |
note | Garzoni, Girolamo, sec. 16. | |||||
item no. 28 | Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, 1313-1357 | Bartolus | De consiliis habendis | 4192207 | t. 3.1, f. 330va | 665 |
note | Bartolo da Sassoferrato (Bartolus de Saxoferrato ), b. Venatura near Sassoferrato 1313/14, d. Perugia 1357. HOLLIS 4192207 has both Lyon 1549 and TUI 1584. HOLLIS 4192043 refers only to TUI 1584. Bartolan authorship of this work is highly doubtful. He may have written additiones to it. Lange/Kriechbaum, Kommentatoren 729. | |||||
item no. 29 | Scala, Pace, -1604 | Pax Scala Patavinus | De consilio sapientis in forensibus causis adhibendo libri IIII | 4008316 | t. 3.1, f. 331va | 667 |
note | Scala, Pace, b. ?Padova . . . , d. . . . 1604. HOLLIS entry if for the ed. Venice 1560. | |||||
item no. 30 | Aufrère, Étienne d’ [d. 1511] | Stephanus Aufrerius Tholosanus | De recusatione | 4192545 | t. 3.1, f. 355va | 715 |
note | Aufréri, Étienne, b. Poitiers ca. 1458, d. Toulouse 1511. HOLLIS record is for both Lyon 1549 and TUI 1584. HOLTI begins: Tractatus practicis multum necessarius. | |||||
item no. 31 | Oriano, Lanfranco da, d. 1488 | Lanfrancus de Ariadno | De recusationibus | 4334131 | t. 3.1, f. 359ra | 722 |
note | Lanfranco da Oriano (Lanfrancus de Ariadno), b. Oriano 1400 X 1410, d. Brescia 1488. | |||||
item no. 32 | Caccialupi, Giovanni Battista, d. 1496 | Joannes Baptista de Caccialupis | De advocatis | 4288095 | t. 3.1, f. 359vb | 723 |
note | Caccialupi, Giovanni Battista, b. San Severino Marche ca. 1425, d. Roma 1496. | |||||
item no. 33 | Politi, Lancelotto | Lancellotus Politi | De officio advocati | 4351226 | t. 3.1, f. 362ra | 728 |
note | Politi, Ambrogio Catarino (Lancellotto de), b. Siena 1484, d. Napoli 1553. | |||||
item no. 34 | Ubaldi, Baldo degli, 1327?-1400 | Baldus de Perusio | De tabellionibus, cum aliquibus additionibus Martini de Fano | 4195558 | t. 3.1, f. 364va | 733 |
note | Baldo degli Ubaldi (Baldus de Ubaldis, Baldus Perusinus), b. Perugia 1327, d. Pavia 1400. The author of the ‘additiones‘ is Martino del Cassero da Fano (b. Fano c. 1190, d. ?Bologna p. 1272). It is clear that Martino did not write additiones to the work of a man who was born a half a century after his death. Martino was, however, a well-known writer on procedure, so these ‘additiones‘ may be derived from a genuine work of his. | |||||
item no. 35 | Crassis, Joannes de | Joannes de Grassis | De substantialibus procuratorii, et de his quae contra illud obiici possunt, cum novis additionibus | 4313677 | t. 3.1, f. 366vb | 737 |
note | Grassi, Giovanni, b. Castelnuovo Scrivia sec. 15/ineunte, d. Valenza Po 1473. The work is said to have ‘new additions’. | |||||
item no. 36 | Poulvé, Adrien, 16th cent. | Adrianus Pulvaeus | De alienatione iudicii mutandi causa facta, deque litigiosis et actionum cessione | 4355207 | t. 3.1, f. 375va | 755 |
note | Poulvé, Adrien, fl. 1554 X 1590. | |||||
item no. 37 | Severoli, Ercole, 16th cent. | Hercules Severolus Faventini | De remissionibus litigatorum | 4365099 | t. 3.1, f. 378va | 761 |
note | Severoli, Ercole, sec. 16. | |||||
item no. 38 | Gutiérrez, Juan | Joannes Guterius Placentini Hispani | De actibus iudicialibus iuratis | 4320824 | t. 3.1, f. 383ra | 770 |
note | Gutiérrez, Juan, b. Plasencia [prov. Cáceres] ca. 1535, d. Ciudad Rodrigo [prov. Salamanca] 1618. HOLTI begins: [Tractatus tripartitus de juramento confirmatorio]. pt. 3. | |||||
item no. 39 | Zanetinis, Hieronymus de | Hyeronimus de Zanetinis Bononiensis | De foro conscientiae et contentioso | 4376134 | t. 3.1, f. 405ra | 814 |
note | Zanettini (de Zanetinis), Girolamo, b. Bologna . . . , fl. 1457, d. Bologna 1493. |
Item | Vol. | Fol. | Seq. |
Spine | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 1 |
Front cover | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 2 |
Front pastedown, with bookplate | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 3 |
Blank freestanding endpaper | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 4 |
Blank freestanding endpaper | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 5 |
Title Page: De iudiciis, pars prima | t.3 p.1 | [1r] | 6 |
Index Auctorum | t.3 p.1 | [1v] | 7 |
Joannes Gillotus Briennensis: De iurisdictione et imperio | t.3 p.1 | 2r | 8 |
t.3 p.1 | 2v | 9 | |
t.3 p.1 | 3r | 10 | |
t.3 p.1 | 3v | 11 | |
t.3 p.1 | 4r | 12 | |
t.3 p.1 | 4v | 13 | |
t.3 p.1 | 5r | 14 | |
t.3 p.1 | 5v | 15 | |
t.3 p.1 | 6r | 16 | |
t.3 p.1 | 6v | 17 | |
t.3 p.1 | 7r | 18 | |
t.3 p.1 | 7v | 19 | |
t.3 p.1 | 8r | 20 | |
t.3 p.1 | 8v | 21 | |
t.3 p.1 | 9r | 22 | |
t.3 p.1 | 9v | 23 | |
t.3 p.1 | 10r | 24 | |
t.3 p.1 | 10v | 25 | |
t.3 p.1 | 11r | 26 | |
t.3 p.1 | 11v | 27 | |
t.3 p.1 | 12r | 28 | |
t.3 p.1 | 12v | 29 | |
t.3 p.1 | 13r | 30 | |
t.3 p.1 | 13v | 31 | |
t.3 p.1 | 14r | 32 | |
t.3 p.1 | 14v | 33 | |
t.3 p.1 | 15r | 34 | |
t.3 p.1 | 15v | 35 | |
t.3 p.1 | 16r | 36 | |
t.3 p.1 | 16v | 37 | |
t.3 p.1 | 17r | 38 | |
t.3 p.1 | 17v | 39 | |
t.3 p.1 | 18r | 40 | |
Gulielmus Luveranus: Arbor iurisdictionum | t.3 p.1 | 18v | 41 |
t.3 p.1 | 19r | 42 | |
t.3 p.1 | 19v | 43 | |
t.3 p.1 | 20r | 44 | |
t.3 p.1 | 20v | 45 | |
t.3 p.1 | 21r | 46 | |
t.3 p.1 | 21v | 47 | |
Joannes de Grassis: Arbor iudiciorum | t.3 p.1 | 22r | 48 |
t.3 p.1 | 22v | 49 | |
t.3 p.1 | 23r | 50 | |
t.3 p.1 | 23v | 51 | |
t.3 p.1 | 24r | 52 | |
t.3 p.1 | 24v | 53 | |
t.3 p.1 | 25r | 54 | |
t.3 p.1 | 25v | 55 | |
t.3 p.1 | 26r | 56 | |
t.3 p.1 | 26v | 57 | |
t.3 p.1 | 27r | 58 | |
t.3 p.1 | 27v | 59 | |
t.3 p.1 | 28r | 60 | |
t.3 p.1 | 28v | 61 | |
t.3 p.1 | 29r | 62 | |
Petrus Bertrandus Viennensis: De origine iurisdictionum, seu de duabus potestatibus temporali, scilicet, ac spirituali | t.3 p.1 | 29v | 63 |
t.3 p.1 | 30r | 64 | |
t.3 p.1 | 30v | 65 | |
t.3 p.1 | 31r | 66 | |
t.3 p.1 | 31v | 67 | |
t.3 p.1 | 32r | 68 | |
Odofredus: Brevis et utilis tractatus iudiciorum in causis civilibus | t.3 p.1 | 32v | 69 |
t.3 p.1 | 33r | 70 | |
t.3 p.1 | 33v | 71 | |
Guido de Suzaria: De ordine iudiciorum | t.3 p.1 | 34r | 72 |
t.3 p.1 | 34v | 73 | |
t.3 p.1 | 35r | 74 | |
t.3 p.1 | 35v | 75 | |
t.3 p.1 | 36r | 76 | |
t.3 p.1 | 36v | 77 | |
t.3 p.1 | 37r | 78 | |
t.3 p.1 | 37v | 79 | |
t.3 p.1 | 38r | 80 | |
t.3 p.1 | 38v | 81 | |
t.3 p.1 | 39r | 82 | |
t.3 p.1 | 39v | 83 | |
t.3 p.1 | 40r | 84 | |
t.3 p.1 | 40v | 85 | |
Jacobus Gentilis Perusinus: De ordine iudiciorum | t.3 p.1 | 41r | 86 |
t.3 p.1 | 41v | 87 | |
t.3 p.1 | 42r | 88 | |
t.3 p.1 | 42v | 89 | |
t.3 p.1 | 43r | 90 | |
t.3 p.1 | 43v | 91 | |
Tancretus: Ordinis iudiciarii tractatus | t.3 p.1 | 44r | 92 |
t.3 p.1 | 44v | 93 | |
t.3 p.1 | 45r | 94 | |
t.3 p.1 | 45v | 95 | |
t.3 p.1 | 46r | 96 | |
t.3 p.1 | 46v | 97 | |
t.3 p.1 | 47r | 98 | |
t.3 p.1 | 47v | 99 | |
t.3 p.1 | 48r | 100 | |
t.3 p.1 | 48v | 101 | |
t.3 p.1 | 49r | 102 | |
t.3 p.1 | 49v | 103 | |
t.3 p.1 | 50r | 104 | |
t.3 p.1 | 50v | 105 | |
t.3 p.1 | 51r | 106 | |
t.3 p.1 | 51v | 107 | |
t.3 p.1 | 52r | 108 | |
t.3 p.1 | 52v | 109 | |
t.3 p.1 | 53r | 110 | |
t.3 p.1 | 53v | 111 | |
t.3 p.1 | 54r | 112 | |
t.3 p.1 | 54v | 113 | |
t.3 p.1 | 55r | 114 | |
t.3 p.1 | 55v | 115 | |
t.3 p.1 | 56r | 116 | |
t.3 p.1 | 56v | 117 | |
t.3 p.1 | 57r | 118 | |
t.3 p.1 | 57v | 119 | |
t.3 p.1 | 58r | 120 | |
t.3 p.1 | 58v | 121 | |
t.3 p.1 | 59r | 122 | |
t.3 p.1 | 59v | 123 | |
t.3 p.1 | 60r | 124 | |
t.3 p.1 | 60v | 125 | |
t.3 p.1 | 61r | 126 | |
t.3 p.1 | 61v | 127 | |
t.3 p.1 | 62r | 128 | |
t.3 p.1 | 62v | 129 | |
t.3 p.1 | 63r | 130 | |
t.3 p.1 | 63v | 131 | |
t.3 p.1 | 64r | 132 | |
t.3 p.1 | 64v | 133 | |
t.3 p.1 | 65r | 134 | |
t.3 p.1 | 65v | 135 | |
t.3 p.1 | 66r | 136 | |
t.3 p.1 | 66v | 137 | |
t.3 p.1 | 67r | 138 | |
t.3 p.1 | 67v | 139 | |
t.3 p.1 | 68r | 140 | |
t.3 p.1 | 68v | 141 | |
t.3 p.1 | 69r | 142 | |
t.3 p.1 | 69v | 143 | |
t.3 p.1 | 70r | 144 | |
t.3 p.1 | 70v | 145 | |
t.3 p.1 | 71r | 146 | |
t.3 p.1 | 71v | 147 | |
Claudius Cantiuncula : De officio iudicis | t.3 p.1 | 72r | 148 |
t.3 p.1 | 72v | 149 | |
t.3 p.1 | 73r | 150 | |
t.3 p.1 | 73v | 151 | |
t.3 p.1 | 74r | 152 | |
t.3 p.1 | 74v | 153 | |
t.3 p.1 | 75r | 154 | |
t.3 p.1 | 75v | 155 | |
t.3 p.1 | 76r | 156 | |
t.3 p.1 | 76v | 157 | |
t.3 p.1 | 77r | 158 | |
t.3 p.1 | 77v | 159 | |
t.3 p.1 | 78r | 160 | |
t.3 p.1 | 78v | 161 | |
t.3 p.1 | 79r | 162 | |
t.3 p.1 | 79v | 163 | |
t.3 p.1 | 80r | 164 | |
t.3 p.1 | 80v | 165 | |
t.3 p.1 | 81r | 166 | |
t.3 p.1 | 81v | 167 | |
t.3 p.1 | 82r | 168 | |
t.3 p.1 | 82v | 169 | |
t.3 p.1 | 83r | 170 | |
t.3 p.1 | 83v | 171 | |
t.3 p.1 | 84r | 172 | |
M. M. Ravaudus: Speculum iudicum | t.3 p.1 | 84v | 173 |
t.3 p.1 | 85r | 174 | |
t.3 p.1 | 85v | 175 | |
t.3 p.1 | 86r | 176 | |
t.3 p.1 | 86v | 177 | |
Jacobus Raevardus Burgensis: Protribunalium liber singularis | t.3 p.1 | 87r | 178 |
t.3 p.1 | 87v | 179 | |
t.3 p.1 | 88r | 180 | |
t.3 p.1 | 88v | 181 | |
t.3 p.1 | 89r | 182 | |
t.3 p.1 | 89v | 183 | |
t.3 p.1 | 90r | 184 | |
t.3 p.1 | 90v | 185 | |
t.3 p.1 | 91r | 186 | |
t.3 p.1 | 91v | 187 | |
t.3 p.1 | 92r | 188 | |
Placentinus: De iudiciis et de traditione eorum in quovis iudico estimantur | t.3 p.1 | 92v | 189 |
t.3 p.1 | 93r | 190 | |
t.3 p.1 | 93v | 191 | |
Placentinus: De expediendis iudiciis | t.3 p.1 | 94r | 192 |
t.3 p.1 | 94v | 193 | |
t.3 p.1 | 95r | 194 | |
t.3 p.1 | 95v | 195 | |
t.3 p.1 | 96r | 196 | |
Marianus Socinus: De iudiciis | t.3 p.1 | 96v | 197 |
t.3 p.1 | 97r | 198 | |
t.3 p.1 | 97v | 199 | |
t.3 p.1 | 98r | 200 | |
t.3 p.1 | 98v | 201 | |
t.3 p.1 | 99r | 202 | |
t.3 p.1 | 99v | 203 | |
t.3 p.1 | 100r | 204 | |
t.3 p.1 | 100v | 205 | |
t.3 p.1 | 101r | 206 | |
Antonius Massa de Gallesio: De iudiciis bonae fidei | t.3 p.1 | 101v | 207 |
t.3 p.1 | 102r | 208 | |
t.3 p.1 | 102v | 209 | |
t.3 p.1 | 103r | 210 | |
t.3 p.1 | 103v | 211 | |
t.3 p.1 | 104r | 212 | |
t.3 p.1 | 104v | 213 | |
Antonius de Mattheis Romano: Tractatus iudiciarius de prorogatione iurisdictionis et fori competentia ac de praeventione | t.3 p.1 | 105r | 214 |
t.3 p.1 | 105v | 215 | |
t.3 p.1 | 106r | 216 | |
t.3 p.1 | 106v | 217 | |
t.3 p.1 | 107r | 218 | |
t.3 p.1 | 107v | 219 | |
t.3 p.1 | 108r | 220 | |
t.3 p.1 | 108v | 221 | |
t.3 p.1 | 109r | 222 | |
t.3 p.1 | 109v | 223 | |
t.3 p.1 | 110r | 224 | |
t.3 p.1 | 110v | 225 | |
t.3 p.1 | 111r | 226 | |
t.3 p.1 | 111v | 227 | |
t.3 p.1 | 112r | 228 | |
t.3 p.1 | 112v | 229 | |
t.3 p.1 | 113r | 230 | |
t.3 p.1 | 113v | 231 | |
t.3 p.1 | 114r | 232 | |
t.3 p.1 | 114v | 233 | |
t.3 p.1 | 115r | 234 | |
t.3 p.1 | 115v | 235 | |
t.3 p.1 | 116r | 236 | |
t.3 p.1 | 116v | 237 | |
t.3 p.1 | 117r | 238 | |
t.3 p.1 | 117v | 239 | |
t.3 p.1 | 118r | 240 | |
t.3 p.1 | 118v | 241 | |
t.3 p.1 | 119r | 242 | |
t.3 p.1 | 119v | 243 | |
t.3 p.1 | 120r | 244 | |
t.3 p.1 | 120v | 245 | |
t.3 p.1 | 121r | 246 | |
t.3 p.1 | 121v | 247 | |
t.3 p.1 | 122r | 248 | |
t.3 p.1 | 122v | 249 | |
t.3 p.1 | 123r | 250 | |
t.3 p.1 | 123v | 251 | |
t.3 p.1 | 124r | 252 | |
t.3 p.1 | 124v | 253 | |
t.3 p.1 | 125r | 254 | |
t.3 p.1 | 125v | 255 | |
t.3 p.1 | 126r | 256 | |
t.3 p.1 | 126v | 257 | |
t.3 p.1 | 127r | 258 | |
t.3 p.1 | 127v | 259 | |
t.3 p.1 | 128r | 260 | |
t.3 p.1 | 128v | 261 | |
t.3 p.1 | 129r | 262 | |
Joannes Rogeraius Trochaeus Parisiensis: De officio iudicis in causis capitalibus ex bono et aequo decidendis | t.3 p.1 | 129v | 263 |
t.3 p.1 | 130r | 264 | |
t.3 p.1 | 130v | 265 | |
t.3 p.1 | 131r | 266 | |
t.3 p.1 | 131v | 267 | |
t.3 p.1 | 132r | 268 | |
t.3 p.1 | 132v | 269 | |
t.3 p.1 | 133r | 270 | |
t.3 p.1 | 133v | 271 | |
t.3 p.1 | 134r | 272 | |
t.3 p.1 | 134v | 273 | |
t.3 p.1 | 135r | 274 | |
t.3 p.1 | 135v | 275 | |
Claudius Saturninus: Libro pandectarum quadragesimo octavo capite XVI de poenis [D.48.19.16] | t.3 p.1 | 136r | 276 |
t.3 p.1 | 136v | 277 | |
t.3 p.1 | 137r | 278 | |
t.3 p.1 | 137v | 279 | |
t.3 p.1 | 138r | 280 | |
Marcus Antonius Blancus Patavinus: De compromissis faciendis inter conjunctos ex statutorum dispositione, et de exceptionibus ante litis ingressum | t.3 p.1 | 138v | 281 |
t.3 p.1 | 139r | 282 | |
t.3 p.1 | 139v | 283 | |
t.3 p.1 | 140r | 284 | |
t.3 p.1 | 140v | 285 | |
t.3 p.1 | 141r | 286 | |
t.3 p.1 | 141v | 287 | |
t.3 p.1 | 142r | 288 | |
t.3 p.1 | 142v | 289 | |
t.3 p.1 | 143r | 290 | |
t.3 p.1 | 143v | 291 | |
t.3 p.1 | 144r | 292 | |
t.3 p.1 | 144v | 293 | |
t.3 p.1 | 145r | 294 | |
t.3 p.1 | 145v | 295 | |
t.3 p.1 | 146r | 296 | |
t.3 p.1 | 146v | 297 | |
t.3 p.1 | 147r | 298 | |
t.3 p.1 | 147v | 299 | |
t.3 p.1 | 148r | 300 | |
t.3 p.1 | 148v | 301 | |
t.3 p.1 | 149r | 302 | |
t.3 p.1 | 149v | 303 | |
t.3 p.1 | 150r | 304 | |
t.3 p.1 | 150v | 305 | |
t.3 p.1 | 151r | 306 | |
t.3 p.1 | 151v | 307 | |
t.3 p.1 | 152r | 308 | |
t.3 p.1 | 152v | 309 | |
t.3 p.1 | 153r | 310 | |
t.3 p.1 | 153v | 311 | |
t.3 p.1 | 154r | 312 | |
t.3 p.1 | 154v | 313 | |
t.3 p.1 | 155r | 314 | |
t.3 p.1 | 155v | 315 | |
t.3 p.1 | 156r | 316 | |
t.3 p.1 | 156v | 317 | |
t.3 p.1 | 157r | 318 | |
t.3 p.1 | 157v | 319 | |
t.3 p.1 | 158r | 320 | |
t.3 p.1 | 158v | 321 | |
t.3 p.1 | 159r | 322 | |
t.3 p.1 | 159v | 323 | |
t.3 p.1 | 160r | 324 | |
t.3 p.1 | 160v | 325 | |
t.3 p.1 | 161r | 326 | |
t.3 p.1 | 161v | 327 | |
t.3 p.1 | 162r | 328 | |
t.3 p.1 | 162v | 329 | |
t.3 p.1 | 163r | 330 | |
t.3 p.1 | 163v | 331 | |
t.3 p.1 | 164r | 332 | |
t.3 p.1 | 164v | 333 | |
t.3 p.1 | 165r | 334 | |
t.3 p.1 | 165v | 335 | |
t.3 p.1 | 166r | 336 | |
t.3 p.1 | 166v | 337 | |
t.3 p.1 | 167r | 338 | |
t.3 p.1 | 167v | 339 | |
t.3 p.1 | 168r | 340 | |
t.3 p.1 | 168v | 341 | |
Marcus Antonius Blancus: De exceptionibus impedientibus litis ingressum | t.3 p.1 | 169r | 342 |
t.3 p.1 | 169v | 343 | |
t.3 p.1 | 170r | 344 | |
t.3 p.1 | 170v | 345 | |
t.3 p.1 | 171r | 346 | |
t.3 p.1 | 171v | 347 | |
t.3 p.1 | 172r | 348 | |
t.3 p.1 | 172v | 349 | |
t.3 p.1 | 173r | 350 | |
t.3 p.1 | 173v | 351 | |
t.3 p.1 | 174r | 352 | |
t.3 p.1 | 174v | 353 | |
t.3 p.1 | 175r | 354 | |
t.3 p.1 | 175v | 355 | |
t.3 p.1 | 176r | 356 | |
t.3 p.1 | 176v | 357 | |
t.3 p.1 | 177r | 358 | |
t.3 p.1 | 177v | 359 | |
t.3 p.1 | 178r | 360 | |
t.3 p.1 | 178v | 361 | |
t.3 p.1 | 179r | 362 | |
t.3 p.1 | 179v | 363 | |
t.3 p.1 | 180r | 364 | |
t.3 p.1 | 180v | 365 | |
t.3 p.1 | 181r | 366 | |
t.3 p.1 | 181v | 367 | |
t.3 p.1 | 182r | 368 | |
t.3 p.1 | 182v | 369 | |
t.3 p.1 | 183r | 370 | |
t.3 p.1 | 183v | 371 | |
t.3 p.1 | 184r | 372 | |
t.3 p.1 | 184v | 373 | |
t.3 p.1 | 185r | 374 | |
t.3 p.1 | 185v | 375 | |
t.3 p.1 | 186r | 376 | |
t.3 p.1 | 186v | 377 | |
t.3 p.1 | 187r | 378 | |
t.3 p.1 | 187v | 379 | |
t.3 p.1 | 188r | 380 | |
t.3 p.1 | 188v | 381 | |
t.3 p.1 | 189r | 382 | |
t.3 p.1 | 189v | 383 | |
t.3 p.1 | 190r | 384 | |
t.3 p.1 | 190v | 385 | |
t.3 p.1 | 191r | 386 | |
t.3 p.1 | 191v | 387 | |
t.3 p.1 | 192r | 388 | |
t.3 p.1 | 192v | 389 | |
t.3 p.1 | 193r | 390 | |
t.3 p.1 | 193v | 391 | |
t.3 p.1 | 194r | 392 | |
t.3 p.1 | 194v | 393 | |
t.3 p.1 | 195r | 394 | |
t.3 p.1 | 195v | 395 | |
t.3 p.1 | 196r | 396 | |
t.3 p.1 | 196v | 397 | |
t.3 p.1 | 197r | 398 | |
t.3 p.1 | 197v | 399 | |
t.3 p.1 | 198r | 400 | |
t.3 p.1 | 198v | 401 | |
t.3 p.1 | 199r | 402 | |
t.3 p.1 | 199v | 403 | |
t.3 p.1 | 200r | 404 | |
t.3 p.1 | 200v | 405 | |
t.3 p.1 | 201r | 406 | |
t.3 p.1 | 201v | 407 | |
t.3 p.1 | 202r | 408 | |
t.3 p.1 | 202v | 409 | |
t.3 p.1 | 203r | 410 | |
t.3 p.1 | 203v | 411 | |
t.3 p.1 | 204r | 412 | |
t.3 p.1 | 204v | 413 | |
t.3 p.1 | 205r | 414 | |
t.3 p.1 | 205v | 415 | |
Jacobus de Butrigarius Bononiensis: De oppositione compromissi et de eius forma | t.3 p.1 | 206r | 416 |
Lanfrancus de Oriano: Solennins, utilis, quotidianus et practicabilis tractatus de arbitris | t.3 p.1 | 206v | 417 |
t.3 p.1 | 207r | 418 | |
t.3 p.1 | 207v | 419 | |
t.3 p.1 | 208r | 420 | |
t.3 p.1 | 208v | 421 | |
t.3 p.1 | 209r | 422 | |
t.3 p.1 | 209v | 423 | |
t.3 p.1 | 210r | 424 | |
t.3 p.1 | 210v | 425 | |
t.3 p.1 | 211r | 426 | |
t.3 p.1 | 211v | 427 | |
t.3 p.1 | 212r | 428 | |
t.3 p.1 | 212v | 429 | |
t.3 p.1 | 213r | 430 | |
t.3 p.1 | 213v | 431 | |
t.3 p.1 | 214r | 432 | |
t.3 p.1 | 214v | 433 | |
t.3 p.1 | 215r | 434 | |
t.3 p.1 | 215v | 435 | |
t.3 p.1 | 216r | 436 | |
t.3 p.1 | 216v | 437 | |
t.3 p.1 | 217r | 438 | |
t.3 p.1 | 217v | 439 | |
t.3 p.1 | 218r | 440 | |
t.3 p.1 | 218v | 441 | |
t.3 p.1 | 219r | 442 | |
t.3 p.1 | 219v | 443 | |
t.3 p.1 | 220r | 444 | |
t.3 p.1 | 220v | 445 | |
t.3 p.1 | 221r | 446 | |
t.3 p.1 | 221v | 447 | |
t.3 p.1 | 222r | 448 | |
t.3 p.1 | 222v | 449 | |
t.3 p.1 | 223r | 450 | |
t.3 p.1 | 223v | 451 | |
t.3 p.1 | 224r | 452 | |
Joannes Baptista Perusinus: Tractatus egregius de arbitris et compromissis in libros 13 divisus | t.3 p.1 | 224v | 453 |
t.3 p.1 | 225r | 454 | |
t.3 p.1 | 225v | 455 | |
t.3 p.1 | 226r | 456 | |
t.3 p.1 | 226v | 457 | |
t.3 p.1 | 227r | 458 | |
t.3 p.1 | 227v | 459 | |
t.3 p.1 | 228r | 460 | |
t.3 p.1 | 228v | 461 | |
t.3 p.1 | 229r | 462 | |
t.3 p.1 | 229v | 463 | |
t.3 p.1 | 230r | 464 | |
t.3 p.1 | 230v | 465 | |
t.3 p.1 | 231r | 466 | |
t.3 p.1 | 231v | 467 | |
t.3 p.1 | 232r | 468 | |
t.3 p.1 | 232v | 469 | |
t.3 p.1 | 233r | 470 | |
t.3 p.1 | 233v | 471 | |
t.3 p.1 | 234r | 472 | |
t.3 p.1 | 234v | 473 | |
t.3 p.1 | 235r | 474 | |
t.3 p.1 | 235v | 475 | |
t.3 p.1 | 236r | 476 | |
t.3 p.1 | 236v | 477 | |
t.3 p.1 | 237r | 478 | |
t.3 p.1 | 237v | 479 | |
t.3 p.1 | 238r | 480 | |
t.3 p.1 | 238v | 481 | |
t.3 p.1 | 239r | 482 | |
t.3 p.1 | 239v | 483 | |
t.3 p.1 | 240r | 484 | |
t.3 p.1 | 240v | 485 | |
t.3 p.1 | 241r | 486 | |
t.3 p.1 | 241v | 487 | |
t.3 p.1 | 242r | 488 | |
t.3 p.1 | 242v | 489 | |
t.3 p.1 | 243r | 490 | |
t.3 p.1 | 243v | 491 | |
t.3 p.1 | 244r | 492 | |
t.3 p.1 | 244v | 493 | |
t.3 p.1 | 245r | 494 | |
t.3 p.1 | 245v | 495 | |
t.3 p.1 | 246r | 496 | |
t.3 p.1 | 246v | 497 | |
t.3 p.1 | 247r | 498 | |
t.3 p.1 | 247v | 499 | |
t.3 p.1 | 248r | 500 | |
t.3 p.1 | 248v | 501 | |
t.3 p.1 | 249r | 502 | |
t.3 p.1 | 249v | 503 | |
t.3 p.1 | 250r | 504 | |
t.3 p.1 | 250v | 505 | |
t.3 p.1 | 251r | 506 | |
t.3 p.1 | 251v | 507 | |
t.3 p.1 | 252r | 508 | |
t.3 p.1 | 252v | 509 | |
t.3 p.1 | 253r | 510 | |
t.3 p.1 | 253v | 511 | |
t.3 p.1 | 254r | 512 | |
t.3 p.1 | 254v | 513 | |
t.3 p.1 | 255r | 514 | |
t.3 p.1 | 255v | 515 | |
t.3 p.1 | 256r | 516 | |
t.3 p.1 | 256v | 517 | |
t.3 p.1 | 257r | 518 | |
t.3 p.1 | 257v | 519 | |
t.3 p.1 | 258r | 520 | |
t.3 p.1 | 258v | 521 | |
t.3 p.1 | 259r | 522 | |
t.3 p.1 | 259v | 523 | |
t.3 p.1 | 260r | 524 | |
t.3 p.1 | 260v | 525 | |
t.3 p.1 | 261r | 526 | |
t.3 p.1 | 261v | 527 | |
t.3 p.1 | 262r | 528 | |
t.3 p.1 | 262v | 529 | |
t.3 p.1 | 263r | 530 | |
t.3 p.1 | 263v | 531 | |
t.3 p.1 | 264r | 532 | |
t.3 p.1 | 264v | 533 | |
t.3 p.1 | 265r | 534 | |
t.3 p.1 | 265v | 535 | |
t.3 p.1 | 266r | 536 | |
t.3 p.1 | 266v | 537 | |
t.3 p.1 | 267r | 538 | |
t.3 p.1 | 267v | 539 | |
t.3 p.1 | 268r | 540 | |
t.3 p.1 | 268v | 541 | |
t.3 p.1 | 269r | 542 | |
t.3 p.1 | 269v | 543 | |
t.3 p.1 | 270r | 544 | |
t.3 p.1 | 270v | 545 | |
t.3 p.1 | 271r | 546 | |
t.3 p.1 | 271v | 547 | |
t.3 p.1 | 272r | 548 | |
t.3 p.1 | 272v | 549 | |
t.3 p.1 | 273r | 550 | |
t.3 p.1 | 273v | 551 | |
t.3 p.1 | 274r | 552 | |
t.3 p.1 | 274v | 553 | |
t.3 p.1 | 275r | 554 | |
t.3 p.1 | 275v | 555 | |
t.3 p.1 | 276r | 556 | |
t.3 p.1 | 276v | 557 | |
t.3 p.1 | 277r | 558 | |
t.3 p.1 | 277v | 559 | |
t.3 p.1 | 278r | 560 | |
t.3 p.1 | 278v | 561 | |
t.3 p.1 | 279r | 562 | |
t.3 p.1 | 279v | 563 | |
t.3 p.1 | 280r | 564 | |
t.3 p.1 | 280v | 565 | |
t.3 p.1 | 281r | 566 | |
t.3 p.1 | 281v | 567 | |
t.3 p.1 | 282r | 568 | |
t.3 p.1 | 282v | 569 | |
t.3 p.1 | 283r | 570 | |
t.3 p.1 | 283v | 571 | |
t.3 p.1 | 284r | 572 | |
Wrong running head | t.3 p.1 | 284v | 573 |
t.3 p.1 | 285r | 574 | |
t.3 p.1 | 285v | 575 | |
t.3 p.1 | 286r | 576 | |
t.3 p.1 | 286v | 577 | |
t.3 p.1 | 287r | 578 | |
t.3 p.1 | 287v | 579 | |
t.3 p.1 | 288r | 580 | |
t.3 p.1 | 288v | 581 | |
t.3 p.1 | 289r | 582 | |
t.3 p.1 | 289v | 583 | |
t.3 p.1 | 290r | 584 | |
t.3 p.1 | 290v | 585 | |
t.3 p.1 | 291r | 586 | |
t.3 p.1 | 291v | 587 | |
t.3 p.1 | 292r | 588 | |
t.3 p.1 | 292v | 589 | |
t.3 p.1 | 293r | 590 | |
t.3 p.1 | 293v | 591 | |
t.3 p.1 | 294r | 592 | |
Bartolus: Quæstiones Bartoli in materia arbitrorum cum additionibus Lanfranchini | t.3 p.1 | 294v | 593 |
t.3 p.1 | 295r | 594 | |
t.3 p.1 | 295v | 595 | |
Baptista a Sancto Blasio Patavinus: De differentiis inter arbitrum et arbitratorem | t.3 p.1 | 296r | 596 |
t.3 p.1 | 296v | 597 | |
t.3 p.1 | 297r | 598 | |
t.3 p.1 | 297v | 599 | |
t.3 p.1 | 298r | 600 | |
t.3 p.1 | 298v | 601 | |
t.3 p.1 | 299r | 602 | |
t.3 p.1 | 299v | 603 | |
t.3 p.1 | 300r | 604 | |
t.3 p.1 | 300v | 605 | |
t.3 p.1 | 301r | 606 | |
t.3 p.1 | 301v | 607 | |
t.3 p.1 | 302r | 608 | |
t.3 p.1 | 302v | 609 | |
t.3 p.1 | 303r | 610 | |
t.3 p.1 | 303v | 611 | |
t.3 p.1 | 304r | 612 | |
t.3 p.1 | 304v | 613 | |
t.3 p.1 | 305r | 614 | |
t.3 p.1 | 305v | 615 | |
t.3 p.1 | 306r | 616 | |
t.3 p.1 | 306v | 617 | |
t.3 p.1 | 307r | 618 | |
t.3 p.1 | 307v | 619 | |
t.3 p.1 | 308r | 620 | |
t.3 p.1 | 308v | 621 | |
t.3 p.1 | 309r | 622 | |
Petrus Jacobus a Monte Pessulano: De arbitris et arbitratoribus | t.3 p.1 | 309v | 623 |
Hieronymus Garzonius Auximatis: De laudo meri iuris | t.3 p.1 | 310r | 624 |
t.3 p.1 | 310v | 625 | |
t.3 p.1 | 311r | 626 | |
t.3 p.1 | 311v | 627 | |
t.3 p.1 | 312r | 628 | |
t.3 p.1 | 312v | 629 | |
t.3 p.1 | 313r | 630 | |
t.3 p.1 | 313v | 631 | |
t.3 p.1 | 314r | 632 | |
t.3 p.1 | 314v | 633 | |
t.3 p.1 | 315r | 634 | |
t.3 p.1 | 315v | 635 | |
t.3 p.1 | 316r | 636 | |
t.3 p.1 | 316v | 637 | |
t.3 p.1 | 317r | 638 | |
t.3 p.1 | 317v | 639 | |
t.3 p.1 | 318r | 640 | |
t.3 p.1 | 318v | 641 | |
t.3 p.1 | 319r | 642 | |
t.3 p.1 | 319v | 643 | |
t.3 p.1 | 320r | 644 | |
t.3 p.1 | 320v | 645 | |
t.3 p.1 | 321r | 646 | |
t.3 p.1 | 321v | 647 | |
t.3 p.1 | 322r | 648 | |
t.3 p.1 | 322v | 649 | |
t.3 p.1 | 323r | 650 | |
t.3 p.1 | 323v | 651 | |
t.3 p.1 | 324r | 652 | |
t.3 p.1 | 324v | 653 | |
t.3 p.1 | 325r | 654 | |
t.3 p.1 | 325v | 655 | |
t.3 p.1 | 326r | 656 | |
t.3 p.1 | 326v | 657 | |
t.3 p.1 | 327r | 658 | |
t.3 p.1 | 327v | 659 | |
t.3 p.1 | 328r | 660 | |
t.3 p.1 | 328v | 661 | |
t.3 p.1 | 329r | 662 | |
t.3 p.1 | 329v | 663 | |
t.3 p.1 | 330r | 664 | |
Bartolus: De consiliis habendis | t.3 p.1 | 330v | 665 |
t.3 p.1 | 331r | 666 | |
Pacius Scala Patavinus: De consilio sapientis in forensibus causis adhibendo libri IIII | t.3 p.1 | 331v | 667 |
t.3 p.1 | 332r | 668 | |
t.3 p.1 | 332v | 669 | |
t.3 p.1 | 333r | 670 | |
t.3 p.1 | 333v | 671 | |
t.3 p.1 | 334r | 672 | |
t.3 p.1 | 334v | 673 | |
t.3 p.1 | 335r | 674 | |
t.3 p.1 | 335v | 675 | |
t.3 p.1 | 336r | 676 | |
t.3 p.1 | 336v | 677 | |
t.3 p.1 | 337r | 678 | |
t.3 p.1 | 337v | 679 | |
t.3 p.1 | 338r | 680 | |
t.3 p.1 | 338v | 681 | |
t.3 p.1 | 339r | 682 | |
t.3 p.1 | 339v | 683 | |
t.3 p.1 | 340r | 684 | |
t.3 p.1 | 340v | 685 | |
t.3 p.1 | 341r | 686 | |
t.3 p.1 | 341v | 687 | |
t.3 p.1 | 342r | 688 | |
t.3 p.1 | 342v | 689 | |
t.3 p.1 | 343r | 690 | |
t.3 p.1 | 343v | 691 | |
t.3 p.1 | 344r | 692 | |
t.3 p.1 | 344v | 693 | |
t.3 p.1 | 345r | 694 | |
t.3 p.1 | 345v | 695 | |
t.3 p.1 | 346r | 696 | |
t.3 p.1 | 346v | 697 | |
t.3 p.1 | 347r | 698 | |
t.3 p.1 | 347v | 699 | |
t.3 p.1 | 348r | 700 | |
t.3 p.1 | 348v | 701 | |
t.3 p.1 | 349r | 702 | |
t.3 p.1 | 349v | 703 | |
t.3 p.1 | 350r | 704 | |
t.3 p.1 | 350v | 705 | |
t.3 p.1 | 351r | 706 | |
t.3 p.1 | 351v | 707 | |
t.3 p.1 | 352r | 708 | |
t.3 p.1 | 352v | 709 | |
t.3 p.1 | 353r | 710 | |
t.3 p.1 | 353v | 711 | |
t.3 p.1 | 354r | 712 | |
t.3 p.1 | 354v | 713 | |
t.3 p.1 | 355r | 714 | |
Stephanus Aufrerius Tholosanus: De recusatione | t.3 p.1 | 355v | 715 |
t.3 p.1 | 356r | 716 | |
t.3 p.1 | 356v | 717 | |
t.3 p.1 | 357r | 718 | |
t.3 p.1 | 357v | 719 | |
t.3 p.1 | 358r | 720 | |
t.3 p.1 | 358v | 721 | |
Lanfrancus de Ariadno: De recusationibus | t.3 p.1 | 359r | 722 |
Joannes Baptiste de Caccialupis: De advocatis | t.3 p.1 | 359v | 723 |
t.3 p.1 | 360r | 724 | |
t.3 p.1 | 360v | 725 | |
t.3 p.1 | 361r | 726 | |
t.3 p.1 | 361v | 727 | |
Lancellotus Politus : De officio advocati | t.3 p.1 | 362r | 728 |
t.3 p.1 | 362v | 729 | |
t.3 p.1 | 363r | 730 | |
t.3 p.1 | 363v | 731 | |
t.3 p.1 | 364r | 732 | |
Baldus de Perusio: De tabellionibus, cum aliquibus additionibus Martini de Fano | t.3 p.1 | 364v | 733 |
t.3 p.1 | 365r | 734 | |
t.3 p.1 | 365v | 735 | |
t.3 p.1 | 366r | 736 | |
Joannes de Grassis: De substantialibus procuratorii, et de his quae contra illud obiici possunt, cum novis additionibus | t.3 p.1 | 366v | 737 |
t.3 p.1 | 367r | 738 | |
t.3 p.1 | 367v | 739 | |
t.3 p.1 | 368r | 740 | |
t.3 p.1 | 368v | 741 | |
t.3 p.1 | 369r | 742 | |
t.3 p.1 | 369v | 743 | |
t.3 p.1 | 370r | 744 | |
t.3 p.1 | 370v | 745 | |
t.3 p.1 | 371r | 746 | |
t.3 p.1 | 371v | 747 | |
t.3 p.1 | 372r | 748 | |
t.3 p.1 | 372v | 749 | |
t.3 p.1 | 373r | 750 | |
t.3 p.1 | 373v | 751 | |
t.3 p.1 | 374r | 752 | |
t.3 p.1 | 374v | 753 | |
t.3 p.1 | 375r | 754 | |
Adrianus Pulva: De alienatione iudicii mutandi causa facta, deque litigiosis et actionum cessione | t.3 p.1 | 375v | 755 |
t.3 p.1 | 376r | 756 | |
t.3 p.1 | 376v | 757 | |
t.3 p.1 | 377r | 758 | |
t.3 p.1 | 377v | 759 | |
t.3 p.1 | 378r | 760 | |
Hercules Severolus Faventini: De remissionibus litigatorum | t.3 p.1 | 378v | 761 |
t.3 p.1 | 379r | 762 | |
t.3 p.1 | 379v | 763 | |
t.3 p.1 | 380r | 764 | |
t.3 p.1 | 380v | 765 | |
t.3 p.1 | 381r | 766 | |
t.3 p.1 | 381v | 767 | |
t.3 p.1 | 382r | 768 | |
t.3 p.1 | 382v | 769 | |
Joannes Guterius Placentini Hispani: De actibus iudicialibus iuratis | t.3 p.1 | 383r | 770 |
t.3 p.1 | 383v | 771 | |
t.3 p.1 | 384r | 772 | |
t.3 p.1 | 384v | 773 | |
t.3 p.1 | 385r | 774 | |
t.3 p.1 | 385v | 775 | |
t.3 p.1 | 386r | 776 | |
t.3 p.1 | 386v | 777 | |
t.3 p.1 | 387r | 778 | |
t.3 p.1 | 387v | 779 | |
t.3 p.1 | 388r | 780 | |
t.3 p.1 | 388v | 781 | |
t.3 p.1 | 389r | 782 | |
t.3 p.1 | 389v | 783 | |
t.3 p.1 | 390r | 784 | |
t.3 p.1 | 390v | 785 | |
t.3 p.1 | 391r | 786 | |
t.3 p.1 | 391v | 787 | |
t.3 p.1 | 392r | 788 | |
t.3 p.1 | 392v | 789 | |
t.3 p.1 | 393r | 790 | |
t.3 p.1 | 393v | 791 | |
t.3 p.1 | 394r | 792 | |
t.3 p.1 | 394v | 793 | |
t.3 p.1 | 395r | 794 | |
t.3 p.1 | 395v | 795 | |
t.3 p.1 | 396r | 796 | |
t.3 p.1 | 396v | 797 | |
t.3 p.1 | 397r | 798 | |
t.3 p.1 | 397v | 799 | |
t.3 p.1 | 398r | 800 | |
t.3 p.1 | 398v | 801 | |
t.3 p.1 | 399r | 802 | |
t.3 p.1 | 399v | 803 | |
t.3 p.1 | 400r | 804 | |
t.3 p.1 | 400v | 805 | |
t.3 p.1 | 401r | 806 | |
t.3 p.1 | 401v | 807 | |
t.3 p.1 | 402r | 808 | |
t.3 p.1 | 402v | 809 | |
t.3 p.1 | 403r | 810 | |
t.3 p.1 | 403v | 811 | |
t.3 p.1 | 404r | 812 | |
t.3 p.1 | 404v | 813 | |
Hyeronimus de Zanetinis Bononienis: De foro conscientiae et contentioso | t.3 p.1 | 405r | 814 |
t.3 p.1 | 405v | 815 | |
t.3 p.1 | 406r | 816 | |
t.3 p.1 | 406v | 817 | |
t.3 p.1 | 407r | 818 | |
t.3 p.1 | 407v | 819 | |
t.3 p.1 | 408r | 820 | |
t.3 p.1 | 408v | 821 | |
t.3 p.1 | 409r | 822 | |
t.3 p.1 | 409v | 823 | |
t.3 p.1 | 410r | 824 | |
t.3 p.1 | 410v | 825 | |
t.3 p.1 | 411r | 826 | |
t.3 p.1 | 411v | 827 | |
t.3 p.1 | 412r | 828 | |
Finis. Registrum | t.3 p.1 | 412v | 829 |
Blank freestanding endpaper | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 830 |
Blank freestanding endpaper | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 831 |
Back pastedown | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 832 |
Back cover | t.3 p.1 | no f. | 833 |
This page last updated .
Contact Rosemary Spang with comments. |