Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Colonies |
Contents by First Year in Privy Council,
Unlike the Contents by Colony, this table lists only one case name for each report. Where there are multiple reports for the same year, the order is by report number and, hence, by colony. |
1680 – 1689 |
08_1680_00 Ward v Palmer (New York) 05_1681_00 Appeals of Randolph (Massachusetts) 08_1681_01 Darvall v Hall (New York) 08_1681_02 Dyer v Winder (New York) 05_1682_00 Thayre v [Savage] (Massachusetts) 13_1682_00 Bland v Codd (Virginia) 06_1683_00 Walton v Walford (New Hampshire) 08_1683_00 Wright v Cornwall (New York) 06_1684_00 Vaughan v [Martin] (New Hampshire) 08_1685_00 Billop v [West] (New York) 13_1685_00 Plampin v Scarborrow (Virginia) |
1690 – 1699 |
13_1690_00 Ludwell v Toton (Virginia) 05_1691_00 [In re The Salisbury] (Massachusetts) 05_1692_00 Brenton v Lawson (Massachusetts) 08_1692_00 Mauritz v Philips (New York) 04_1694_00 Appeal of Rawstone (Maryland) 07_1696_00 Jones v Fullerton (New Jersey (East)) 13_1696_00 Appeal of Bowtell (Virginia) 05_1698_00 Brenton v Shrimpton (Massachusetts) 11_1698_00 Peirce v Willie (Rhode Island) 01_1699_01 Palmes and Hallam v [Winthrop] (Connecticut) 01_1699_02 Hallam v Winthrop (Connecticut) 08_1699_00 Cruger v Depeyster (New York) 11_1699_00 Brinley v [Dyer] (Rhode Island) 12_1699_00 Peers v Amory (South Carolina) 13_1699_00 Starke v Parker (Virginia) |
1700 – 1709 |
05_1700_00 Ting v Wynthrop (Massachusetts) 06_1700_00 Appeal of Allen (New Hampshire) 08_1700_00 Alsop v Vaudall (New York) 12_1700_00 Niccoll v [Blake] (South Carolina) 06_1701_00 Allen v Waldron (New Hampshire) 08_1702_01 In re The Elizabeth and Catherine (New York) 08_1702_02 Bayard v Rex (New York) 01_1703_00 Palmes v Winthrop (Connecticut) 13_1703_00 Selden v Beverley (Virginia) 05_1705_01 Allen v Spencer (Massachusetts) 05_1705_02 Gookin v Smith (Massachusetts) 11_1705_01 Appeal of Harris (Rhode Island) 11_1705_02 Appeal of Newton (Rhode Island) 05_1706_00 Lason v Serjeant (Massachusetts) 04_1707_00 Taylor v Jones (Maryland) 08_1708_00 Appeal of Budge (New York) 11_1709_00 Remington v Brenton (Rhode Island) 13_1709_00 D’Oyly v Harrison (Virginia) |
1710 – 1719 |
04_1711_00 Macnamara v Rex (Maryland) 05_1711_00 Lillie v Bromfield (Massachusetts) 07_1712_00 Appeal of Crowley (New Jersey (East)) 10_1712_00 Appeal of Macarell (Pennsylvania) 05_1715_00 Bannister v Bowe (Massachusetts) 13_1715_00 Beverly v Seldon (Virginia) 07_1716_00 Sonmans v Ormstone (New Jersey (East)) 08_1716_00 Gouverneur v DeBiemer (New York) 13_1716_00 Stannard v Wormeley (Virginia) 05_1717_00 Oulton v Savage (Massachusetts) 08_1717_01 Appeal of Summers (New York) 08_1717_02 Appeal of Smith (New York) 05_1718_01 Tunley v Maccarty (Massachusetts) 05_1718_02 Flint v Willett (Massachusetts) 05_1718_03 Taylor v Taylor (Massachusetts) 11_1718_01 Ford v Hodgson (Rhode Island) 11_1718_02 Carr v Holmes (Rhode Island) 13_1719_00 Jones v Toleson (Virginia) |
1720 – 1729 |
04_1720_00 Forward v Poulson (later Hunt) (Maryland) 10_1720_00 Appeal of Clement (Pennsylvania) 13_1720_00 Corbin v Roscow (Virginia) 11_1721_01 Appeal of Owen (Rhode Island) 11_1721_02 In re The Pearl (Rhode Island) 05_1722_00 Gilbert v Branfield (Massachusetts) 04_1723_00 Brown v Boardley (Maryland) 11_1724_00 Cranston v Jekyll (Rhode Island) 13_1724_00 Perry v Randolph (Virginia) 11_1725_00 MacSparran v Mumford (Rhode Island) 05_1726_00 In re The Mary Ann (Massachusetts) 01_1727_00 Winthrop v Lechmere (Connecticut) 13_1727_00 Heal v Ball (Virginia) 09_1729_00 Gale v Everard (North Carolina) 11_1729_01 Wharton v Northrup (Rhode Island) 11_1729_02 Wood v Sanford (Rhode Island) 13_1729_00 Bayler v Carter (Virginia) |
1730 – 1739 |
04_1730_01 Macnamara v Brooke (Maryland) 04_1730_02 Nelson v Beale (Maryland) 11_1730_00 Sabere v Sabere (Rhode Island) 05_1731_00 Bennet v Gray (Massachusetts) 11_1732_00 Brenton v Boreland (Rhode Island) 13_1732_00 Corbin v Faldo (Virginia) 05_1733_01 Waldo v Fairweather (Massachusetts) 05_1733_02 Stoddard v Barrell (Massachusetts) 05_1733_03 Byfield v Swasey (Massachusetts) 11_1733_00 Torrey v Mumford (Rhode Island) 05_1734_01 Waldo v Waldo (Massachusetts) 05_1734_02 Gooch v Dummer (Massachusetts) 05_1734_03 Tidmarsh v Brandon (Massachusetts) 05_1734_04 Waldo v Waldoe (Massachusetts) 05_1734_05 Philips v Savage (Massachusetts) 05_1734_06 Waldo v Fairweather (Massachusetts) 04_1735_00 Appeal of Collins (Maryland) 05_1735_01 Ellis v Sprague (Massachusetts) 05_1735_02 Leighton v Frost (Massachusetts) 08_1735_00 Mossesson v Norris (New York) 11_1735_01 Coggeshall v Pelham (Rhode Island) 11_1735_02 Hassard v Potter (Rhode Island) 11_1735_03 Johnson v Arnold (Rhode Island) 10_1736_00 Appeal of Evans (Pennsylvania) 11_1736_00 MacSparran v Hassard (Rhode Island) 13_1736_00 Burges v Hack (Virginia) 01_1737_01 Wheeler v Levenworth (Connecticut) 01_1737_02 Clark v Towsey (Connecticut) 05_1737_01 Stoddard v Jones (Massachusetts) 05_1737_02 Pelham v Stone (Massachusetts) 11_1737_00 Brenton v Brenton (Rhode Island) 04_1738_01 Jennings v Cuming (Maryland) 04_1738_02 Carroll v Parran (Maryland) 05_1738_00 Pelham v Bannister (Massachusetts) 08_1738_00 Brown v Philips (New York) 11_1738_01 Brown v Allen (Rhode Island) 11_1738_02 Coggeshall v Coggeshall (Rhode Island) 11_1738_03 Martin v Gardiner (Rhode Island) 11_1738_04 Martin v Gibbs (Rhode Island) 13_1738_00 Hunt v Hill (Virginia) 04_1739_00 Tasker v Simpson (Maryland) |
1740 – 1749 |
13_1740_01 Rogers v Spalding (Virginia) 13_1740_02 Perry v Churchill (Virginia) 13_1740_03 Walker v Tucker (Virginia) 08_1741_01 Pearse v Cummyns (New York) 08_1741_02 Pearse v Key (New York) 05_1742_00 Francis v Jeffries (Massachusetts) 08_1742_00 Kennedy v Fowles (New York) 13_1742_01 Randolph v Woodford (Virginia) 13_1742_02 Randolph v Beverley (Virginia) 13_1742_03 Starke v Thrustout (Virginia) 13_1743_00 Meade v Thrustout (Virginia) 11_1745_01 Fogg v Harvey (Rhode Island) 11_1745_02 Potter v Freeborn (Rhode Island) 11_1746_01 Rous v Hassard (Rhode Island) 11_1746_02 Vanbrugh v Powers (Rhode Island) 11_1746_03 Polock v Verplank (Rhode Island) 11_1746_04 Tripp v Tripp (Rhode Island) 11_1747_01 Staniford v Newell (Rhode Island) 11_1747_02 Freebody v Wanton (Rhode Island) 11_1747_03 Brenton v Remington (Rhode Island) 13_1747_01 Lillie v Tab (Virginia) 13_1747_02 Kenner v Ball (Virginia) 04_1748_00 Frisby v Baldwin (Maryland) 11_1748_00 Gibbs v Sheldon (Rhode Island) 05_1749_00 Liebenrood v Dennie (Massachusetts) 11_1749_01 Wheelwright v Tyler (Rhode Island) 11_1749_02 Taylor v Clark (Rhode Island) 11_1749_03 Channing v Fenner (Rhode Island) 13_1749_01 Appeal of Ludwell (Virginia) 13_1749_02 Randolph v Wormley (Virginia) |
1750 – 1759 |
05_1750_01 Shirley v Waldo (Massachusetts) 05_1750_02 Knowles v Douglas (Massachusetts) 06_1750_00 French v Folensby (New Hampshire) 11_1750_00 Clemence v Angel (Rhode Island) 03_1751_00 Davis v Powell (Georgia) 11_1751_00 Rodman v Bannister (Rhode Island) 13_1751_00 Degge v Kay (Virginia) 11_1752_01 Peirce v Rice (Rhode Island) 11_1752_02 Walker v Paget (Rhode Island) 11_1752_03 Whitman v Whitman (Rhode Island) 13_1752_01 Mason v Withers (Virginia) 13_1752_02 Robinson v Anderson (Virginia) 13_1752_03 McCarty v Turf (Virginia) 05_1753_00 Vassall v Fletcher (Massachusetts) 06_1753_00 Appeal of Walker (New Hampshire) 11_1753_00 Borden v Cook (Rhode Island) 13_1753_01 Jones v Shields (Virginia) 13_1753_02 King v Lewis (Virginia) 13_1753_03 Jones v Porter (Virginia) 06_1754_00 Merrill v Proprietors of Bow (New Hampshire) 11_1754_00 Freebody v Cook (Rhode Island) 03_1755_00 Demere v Davis (Georgia) 05_1755_00 Bannister v Cunningham (Massachusetts) 11_1755_01 Grant v Dyre (Rhode Island) 11_1755_02 Stanton v Thompson (Rhode Island) 11_1755_03 Chaloner v Bland (Rhode Island) 11_1755_04 Whipple v Bowen (Rhode Island) 11_1755_05 Hazard v Hazard (Rhode Island) 11_1755_06 Whipple v Ninigret (Rhode Island) 13_1755_01 Lidderdale v Chiswell (Virginia) 13_1755_02 Dunbar v Custis (Virginia) 01_1756_00 Danielson v Throop (Connecticut) 11_1756_00 Brenton v Sylvester (Rhode Island) 11_1757_00 Isaacs v Merrett (Rhode Island) 06_1758_00 Trecothick v Wentworth (New Hampshire) 11_1758_00 Freebody v Brenton (Rhode island) 06_1759_01 Sherburne v Sherburne (New Hampshire) 06_1759_02 Dering v Packer (New Hampshire) 11_1759_00 Moss v Hopkins (Rhode Island) 13_1759_01 Nelson v Ambler (Virginia) 13_1759_02 Burwell v Johnson (Virginia) |
1760 – 1769 |
11_1760_01 Creaugh v Whitfield (Rhode Island) 11_1760_02 Larkin v York (Rhode Island) 13_1760_00 Tabb v Edmundson (Virginia) 11_1761_00 Simons v Wanton (Rhode Island) 06_1762_00 Rolfe v Proprietors of Bow (New Hampshire) 11_1762_01 Read v Nicholls (Rhode Island) 11_1762_02 Potter v Hazard (Rhode Island) 13_1762_01 Camm v William and Mary College (Virginia) 13_1762_02 Rickards v Hudson (Virginia) 13_1763_01 Cleeve v Mills (Virginia) 13_1763_02 Steuart v Buchanan (Virginia) 13_1763_03 Howlett v Osburne (Virginia) 13_1763_04 Parsons v Parsons (Virginia) 05_1764_00 Dudley v Richards (Massachusetts) 01_1765_00 Appeal of Whittlesey (Connecticut) 06_1765_00 Hilton v Fowler (New Hampshire) 08_1765_01 Appeal of Etherington (New York) 08_1765_02 Cunningham v Forsey (New York) 10_1765_01 Fothergill v Stover (Pennsylvania) 10_1765_02 McMurterie v Browne (Pennsylvania) 11_1765_01 Stead v Hart (Rhode Island) 11_1765_02 Shearman v Cornell (Rhode Island) 13_1765_01 Camm v Hansford (Virginia) 13_1765_02 Wilson v Darrell (Virginia) 10_1766_01 Long v Harper (Pennsylvania) 10_1766_02 Crawford v Hawker (Pennsylvania) 11_1766_01 Stead v Isaacs (Rhode Island) 11_1766_02 Lewis v Wilkinson (Rhode Island) 11_1766_03 Arnold v Green (Rhode Island) 11_1766_04 Freebody v Brenton (Rhode Island) 11_1766_05 Freebody v Holmes (Rhode Island) 11_1766_06 Bannister v Brown (Rhode Island) 13_1766_00 Corbin v Lomax (Virginia) 05_1767_00 Jeffries v Donnell (Massachusetts) 11_1767_00 Laycock v Clarke (Rhode Island) 05_1768_00 Apthorpe v Pateshall (Massachusetts) 11_1768_00 Isaacks v Stead (Rhode Island) 13_1768_01 Dixon v Turner (Virginia) 13_1768_02 Hiscox v Hill (Virginia) 11_1769_01 Hart v Solomons (Rhode Island) 11_1769_02 Grant v Hardy (Rhode Island) |
1770 – 1776 |
10_1770_01 Swift v Jones (Pennsylvania) 10_1770_02 Pike v Hoare (Pennsylvania) 13_1771_00 Lee v Hunter (Virginia) 04_1773_00 Bordley v Thomas (Maryland) 06_1773_00 James v Moffatt (New Hampshire) 07_1773_00 Wickoff v Ouke (New Jersey) 08_1773_00 Van Rensselaer v Jackson (New York) 09_1773_00 Nash v Dobbs (North Carolina) 10_1773_00 Styles v Kirkbride (Pennsylvania) 11_1773_01 Sandford v Smith (Rhode Island) 11_1773_02 Elam v Dockray (Rhode Island) 11_1773_03 Dudley v Clarke (Rhode Island) 11_1773_04 Dudley v Shaw (Rhode Island) 11_1773_05 Keeler v Rhodes (Rhode Island) 02_1774_00 Finney v Bickerton (Delaware) 05_1774_00 Wentworth v Bowdoin (Massachusetts) 09_1774_00 Appeal of Casey (North Carolina) 10_1774_00 Thrustout v Logan (Pennsylvania) 11_1774_00 Bean v Wanton (Rhode Island) 05_1775_00 Pease v Pullibank (Massachusetts) 07_1775_00 Reid v Reed (New Jersey) 11_1775_00 Andrews v Farrint (Rhode Island) 13_1775_00 Taliaferro v Taliaferro (Virginia) 04_1776_00 Heeltap v Weems (Maryland) 05_1776_00 Appeal of Beale (Massachusetts) |