Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t305 |
Martinus de ?Ve |
fl. ?second half of 16th c. |
Alternative Names |
Martinus de Ve. |
Biography/Description |
Library cataloguers have pretty much given up on M. His De protestantibus (TUI 1584 t. 17), a treatise unrelated to Protestants, but which lists the occasions on which one may or may not avoid the normal effect of a legal act by protesting that one reserves the power to override it or that one does not intend that it have the consequences that it normally has, appears, so far as we can tell for the first time, in TUI 1584. It was reprinted in Köln in 1589 with the treatises by Giovanni degli Anguissola and Constantius Rogerius with similar titles (both of which follow in TUI 1584 t. 17), and again in the 17th century. The only clue as to the author’s identity is that Ziletti puts a period after ‘Ve’, as if it were an abbreviation. That is not much to go on, but it is enough to suggest that we should not be looking for jurist, which V. clearly was, with the improbable surname of only ‘Ve’. |
Source: CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |