Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t267 |
Josephus Stevanus |
1550–1603 |
Alternative Names |
Josephus Stevanus; Josep Esteve i Joan; Josè Esteve |
Biography/Description |
CERL Thesaurus. Not in DBE. We have not confirmed, but have no reason to doubt, the places and dates of E’s birth and death and that he was a professor of both philosophy and canon law. Italian edit16. He is described as a canon and operarius of Segovia in 1586, when the pope made him bishop of Viesti (now Vieste, prov. Foggia, ITA), a position that he resigned in 1589, when the pope collated him to deanship of Valencia. In 1594, the pope made him bishop of Orihuela (prov. Alicante, ESP), a position that he held until his death. Eubel. The De adoratione pedum Romani pontificis (TUI 1584 t. 13.2) was first published in 1578 by Francesco Ziletti in Venezia, where E. is simply described as ‘Valentinus’. The title page adds: ‘Adiecta praeterea eiusdem authoris disputatio de coronatione, & eleuatione Rom. pont.’ These items would also seem to be included in TUI 1584, without giving them separate titles. The exensive quotations of Greek and Latin authors in the work and the full quotation of the Dictatus papae of Gregory VII suggest that E. was a man of considerable learning. The work was reprinted twice in Roma in 1588, in one of which reprints E. is described as the bishop of Viesti. In 1584, his Sacri Rosarii Virginis Mariae ab haereticorum calumniis defensio was published in Roma. It was reprinted in Venezia in 1587 as part of the three-volume collection of material designed for the use of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. The oration that he gave on Ash Wednesday before Pope Gregory XIII was published in Roma in 1585, where he is described as a doctor of theology. The oration that he gave on the occasion of the profession of obedience of Philip II to Sixtus V was published in Roma in 1586 and 1587, and in Milano in 1586; in all three he is simply described as ‘Valentinus’. His De potestate coactiua quam Romanus pontifex exercet in negotia saecularia was published twice in Roma in 1586, one printing of which describes him as bishop of Viesti, the other as a doctor of theology and canon law and the operarius of Segovia (a position that he seems to have retained when he was made bishop of Viesti [Eubel]). His De luctu minuendo collectana ad Ludouicum de Torres vtriusq. signaturae referendarium, published in Roma in 1587, describes him, once more, as a doctor of theology and canon law, and the operarius of Segovia. The last known work of his of which we are aware, In causam Henrici Borbonii, ad episcopos, & presbyTUI 1584 t. ceterosque catholicos regni Francorum, was published in Valencia in 1590, and in Trento (and elsewhere) in 1592. In edition of Valencia 1590, he is described simply as bishop of Viesti; in the the Trento edition, he is described as bishop of Viesti and dean of Valencia. The history of these publications may be enough to suggest that E. was operating in Roma in the 1580s and that he returned to Spain when he resigned the see of Viesti and became dean of Valencia. |
Source: CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |