The Harvard Law School’s Collection
of Medieval English Statute Books and
Registers of Writs

Ames Projects

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HLS MS No. 20

England. Statutes, 8 Edw. 3 to 11 Hen. 6

ca. 1433 (1440)



<Preliminary introduction>

The HOLLIS cataloguing may be found here.

The cataloguing in Baker’s English Legal Manuscripts, 1, no. 47 reads as follows:

“47 MS. 20.

“Mid-C.xv, 133 ff. Preceded by part of an index, from Mayntenance to Pardon only. Imperfect at beginning and end.

“Acquired by George Dunn in Dec. 1887; his sale, S. 12 Feb. 1913, no. 269; bought privately by HLS.

“Census, I, 1026, no. 20.”

The manuscript measures approximately 280 X 200 mm.

The binding is English green morocco with gilt borders, ca. 1880–1890, in good condition. The basically blank leaves at the beginning and end were probably added at the time of the binding.

There are two pencilled foliations that are relatively complete, beginning with the first folio of the calendar and not including the endpapers. They are in a 19th-century hand and seem to have been made when George Dunn had the manuscript rebound. One of them is in the upper right-hand corner. It contains some corrections, some of which are reflected in a second foliation that appears in the same place irregularly. If the corrections are taken into account both of them run from 1 to 133 and correspond to what we got when we foliated the manuscript digitally. The second relatively complete pencilled foliation is in the bottom center. It does not always correspond to the one in the upper right-hand corner. This foliation seems to represent the order in which Dunn found the manuscript. He then moved folios around to correspond to the chronological order, and had the manuscript bound in this order.

The fourth foliation, written top center in pen and ink with a quill, but not medieval, does not begin until our fol. 95, where it gives the number 134. It continues, with one major interruption at our fol. 99–106, to the end of the manuscript which is marked as fol. 166. The presence of the gap suggests that when this foliation was made there already were quires out of order, and this suggestion is confirmed by the bottom center foliation. The fact that this older foliation runs to fol. 166 suggests that between the time that this foliation was made and time when Dunn got the manuscript 34 folios were lost. We says ‘suggests’ because the older foliation is not complete. (It may have been complete at one time; there is evidence that the manuscript was trimmed at the top when it was bound, perhaps even when it acquired the current binding.)

It is likely that a large number of the missing folios were at the beginning of the manuscript.The calendar is fragmentary, running from ‘Mayntenaunce’ to ‘Pardon’. Those lemmata take up four folios. A crude estimate would suggest that as many as 20 folios could be missing here. The first statute begins in the middle of 8 Edward III. Manuscripts that begin in 1 Edward III frequently contain quite a bit of material from the years 1–7. Hence, all of the missing folios could have been at the beginning. Unfortunately, we know that they were not. In addition to at least one folio that is missing at the end (11 Hen. 6 is not quite complete), there is at least one folio missing after our fol. 23, 32, 35, 61, 66, 75, and 129. In the case of the last-named, there are probably a minimum of two folios missing. In the case of fol. 32, treated in more detail below, there may be three folios missing. In all these cases the missing folios result in missing text.

If the manuscript were disbound, it would probably be possible to reconstruct the original quiring. Since disbinding is unlikely to happen any time soon, we have attempted to state the quiring as it is now. The current binding is quite tight, and the quire breaks are not visible. There are no signature marks. We have relied on the carryovers and the indications that Dunn moved quires. With so much missing and with the obvious evidence of rearrangement of material which probably led to some quires being reconstructed, our statement can only be approximate.

Collation: 14 (f. 1–4), 26 (f. 5–10), 38 (f. 11–18), 42 (f. 19–20), 54 (f. 21–24), 66 (f. 25–30), ii (f. 31–32), 74 (f. 33–36), 8–108 (f. 37–60), 116 (f. 61–66), 128 (f. 67–75), 133 (f. 76–78), 144 (f. 79–82), 158 (f. 83–90), 16–174 (f. 91–98), 188 (f. 99–106), 193 (f. 107–109), 204 (f. 108–111), 23–248 (f. 112–129), 234 (f. 130–133).

There is no obvious break between quires 2 and 3, so the division here is arbitrary. Dunn moved quire 4 to its present position where it clearly belongs both because of the continuity of the text and because fol. 20v has a carryover to fol. 21r. There are gaps in the text of quire 5 between fol. 21 and 22 and between fol. 23 and 24. In this case we can reconstruct how the loss of text occurred. There was a bifolium (21a and 23a, if you will) that is now lost. Since 24v has has a carryover to 25r, we can say with reasonable confidence that quire 5 was originally a ternion.

We marked quire 6 as a ternion followed by two folios tipped in. That is not the only possibility, but what is going on here is not regular. There are gaps in the text following fol. 31v, 32r, and 32v. All three pages have carryovers in a medieval script, the first two in a style slightly different from the one that marks quire breaks in the rest of the manuscript. None of these carryovers is picked up on the following page. At a minimum that indicates that at least the first two and perhaps the third mark gaps in the text of considerable antiquity. We might hypothesize that these mark original scribal or binding errors that were later corrected on folios that are now missing. (It is possible that these carryovers are picked up later, but we have not found them, and it seems unlikely that we missed them.)

Dunn moved quires 7–10 to their present position, where they clearly belong chronologically. There is a gap in the text following fol. 35; hence, quire 7 may have been reconstructed in a way that cannot be discerned without disbinding. Quire 8 may also be reconstructed. Statutes of Richard 2 begin on fol. 40r, and changes of ruler usually begin a new quire in medieval statute books. A gathering of 3 folios and another of 5 would, however, be quite unusual; the entire quire was all in one place when Dunn found it, and the carryover on fol. 44v is picked up on fol. 45r. Quires 9 and 10 are regular quaternions, with carryovers that are picked up on the succeeding page.

Dunn moved quires 11–13 to their present position where they clearly belong chronologically. There is a gap in the text following the first folio of quire 11 (fol. 61) and another following the last folio of the quire (fol. 66), where there is also a carryover that is not picked up on the following page. At least two folios are missing, but it cannot have been a bifolium granted the position of the gaps. How the quire is currently constructed cannot be discerned without disbinding the manuscript. Quire 12 appears to be a regular quaternion. There is no carryover at the end, but text is missing following the last folio (fol. 74). Statutes of Henry IV begin quire 13, which ends (fol. 78v) with a carryover that is picked up on the succeeding page. Without determining how quire 13 is currently structured, we can imagine it was originally a duernion with the now-missing folio at the beginning, although that would mean that Henry IV began in mid-quire.

Dunn moved quires 14–17 to their current position where they clearly belong chronologically. Quires 14 and 15 have carryovers that are picked up on the following page. As we have marked the quiring, statutes of Henry V begin in the middle of quire 16, but the fact that quire 17 has older foliation, and the preceding and subsequent quires do not, suggests that both 16 and 17 are regular duernions.

Dunn moved quire 18 to its current position where it clearly belongs chronologically. The last folio (106v) has a carryover that is picked up on the following page.

Dunn left quires 19–23 where he found them. They are all marked with the older foliation. Quire 19 is now a gathering of three folios, but we frequently find that a folio has been cut out at the end of a reign. Quire 20, a duernion, begins statutes of Henry VI. It has a carryover that is picked up on the following page. Quire 21, a quaternion, also has a carryover picked up on the following page. Quire 22, also a quaternion, has a carryover that is not picked up on the following page. On the basis of what is in S.R. for these years of Henry VI there is probably more than one folio missing here. Since we are at the beginning of the quire that gap may have been matched by folios at the end of the quire. Something is clearly missing at the end, because the manuscript ends in mid-sentence.

Spaces were left for decorated intial capitals throughout the manuscript, but none were drawn. In some cases, the scribe added a small letter where the capital ought to have been.

The manuscript is written in an English legal hand, long lines, 45 to a full page. The script of the index/calendar may be in a style a bit later than that of the main text, but it is not obviously later than that of the last statute (1433). The pages are laid out in pencil with lines for a header, 45 lines of text, and a large space at the bottom.

Although several folios of the manuscript are missing, the condition of what remains is quite good. The handwriting is clear and legible, obviously professional.

Notes in Dunn’s handwriting, most identifying statutes, are pencilled in English throughout the manuscript. At the end is a longer pencilled addition in French, which fills in some of the missing text in 11 Hen. 6.

The last datable item in the main collection is the statute 11 Hen. 6. Other than the fact that text is missing at the end of the manuscript, there is nothing that would indicate a date any later than that. Hence our approximate date of ca. 1433. This may be a bit too early, but it seems likely that it is closer to right than Dunn’s estimate of ca. 1450.

There are no indications of provenance prior to Dunn’s note of his acquisition in 1887. It is possible that some existed on end papers that were discarded when Dunn had the manuscript rebound, but Dunn was not one to throw things out that indicated medieval or even early modern ownership. What we must imagine is that Dunn acquired a manuscript that was a total mess. If it was bound at all (it may have been just a stack of unbound quires), the binding was not doing its job. We cannot criticize him for rearranging the manuscript and having it bound. A modern codicologist, of course, would have left a better record of what the quiring was like when he found the manuscript and what, if anything, was done to remake the quires.

If we try to extrapolate back to what manuscript was like in the fifteenth century, we note that a fine piece of professional writing was never completed. Illustrations were clearly contemplated which are not there. Two, possibly three, botches around folios 31 and 32 were noticed. Perhaps they were corrected on individual folios that were later lost because the manuscript was not immediately bound; perhaps they were never corrected. We certainly cannot prove that this was a manuscript that was bespoke and never picked up. (Perhaps the person who ordered it died or fell on bad times.) It is, however, possible that that is what happened.

The only evidence that the manuscript was ever used is that an alphabetical index was put in in what may be a slightly later script. That same hand may also be the one responsible for the explicit at the end of the statutes of Edward III and the insertion of the short extract from the Modus tenendi parliamentum. All these things could, however, have been done in the scriptorium that was making up the manuscript.

We imagine that unbound quires of the manuscript were lying around, and pieces of it went missing. Someone in the eighteenth or early nineteenth century (it is unlikely to have been any earlier than that) foliated what was left of it, but more was lost before Dunn acquired it.

What we can say with reasonable confidence is that this manuscript was designed to be a high-quality production, perhaps a display manuscript, that never served its original purpose. There is nothing in it that needs be associated with the practice of law. The slight differences in content between this manuscript and others containing similar material may point to a merchant or a town as the person or entity that originally ordered it. Lawyers may have looked it in subsequent years, but it was such a mess that no one wanted it. It would have taken too much work to put it in a condition that would make it useable as statute-book. It is only when someone was interested in it because it was medieval that anything was done to rescue it. The person who did that was George Dunn.

We close with a word about the fragmentary alphabetical index. It is called in the headers ‘Calendare novorum statutorum’, the first, and we might add, the only instance that we have found so far of that term being used for statutes that postdate Edward II. As already noted, it has lemmata running from ‘Mayntenaunce’ to ‘Pardon’. It is nicely laid out in a professional hand that, as is also already noted, may be slightly later than that of the main manuscript. There is no decoration, but the lemma appears in the left-hand margin followed by an abridgement of the statute with penned lines forming a brace around the abridgement and pointing to the citation in the right-hand margin. There are spaces after each lemma.

The index belongs to that type of alphabetical index that has lemmata from ‘Accusacion/Accusements’ to ‘Wursted’, such as MS 21 and MS 42. Like those indices it contains no references to statutes before Edward III, and all of the statutory references are preceded by an abridgement of the contents of the statute. All of the lemmata in this manuscript map onto those of MS 21 for ‘Mauntenance’ to ‘Pardon’, except that it does not contain the lemma ‘Mainprise’, which is unique to MS 21 in this group. (Even MS 29, which expands the coverage to statutes that antedate Edward III, does not have it.) The latest citations are to 18 Hen. 6 (1440), of which there are three. Hence, our addition to the date of the manuscript of 1440 in parentheses.


Summary Contents

Clicking on the item in question will open the first sequence for the item in the PDS in a new tab or window.


  Seq. Fol. No. Item  
7–14f. 1r–4v0Alphabetical index of statutes 
15–16f. 5r–5v1Writ appointing places where staple of wool and leather should be held, ?8 Edw. 3. (Not in S.R.) 
16–17f. 5v–6r2Writ to the bishop of London against ‘communes malefactores’, 8 Edw. 3. (Not in S.R.) 
17f. 6r3Writ revoking the previous writ about the staple. (Not in S.R.) 
17–18f. 6r–6v49 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:273–4) 
18–20f. 6v–7v59 Edw. 3, stat. 1 (S.R. 1:269–72) 
20–21f. 7v–8r6Writ to the mayor and bailiffs of Kingston upon Hull that 9 Edw. 3, stat. 1, be proclaimed and observed, undated. (Not in S.R.) 
21f. 8r7Mandate (royal, undated) to all bailiffs concerning provisions for the household. (Not in S.R.) 
21–22f. 8r–8v810 Edw. 3, stat. 1 (S.R. 1:275) 
22–23f. 8v–9r910 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:276–8) 
23–24f. 9r–9v1010 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:276–8) 
24f. 9v1111 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:280–1) 
24–26f. 9v–10v12Statute of York, 12 Edw. 2 (S.R. 1:177–9) 
26f. 10v13Breve de vicecomite eligendo, ?12 Edw. 3. (Not in S.R.) 
26–31f. 10v–13r1414 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:289–92) 
31–34f. 13r–14v1514 Edw. 3, stat. 3 (S.R. 1:292) 
34–36f. 14v–15v1614 Edw. 3, stat. 4 (S.R. 1:292–4) 
36f. 15v1715 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:297) 
36–37f. 15v–16r18Ordinances concerning Ireland. (Not in S.R.) 
37–38f. 16r–16v1915 Edw. 3, stat. 3 (S.R. 1:297–8) 
38–40f. 16v–17v2018 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:300–1) 
40f. 17v2118 Edw. 3, stat. 3 (S.R. 1:302–3) 
40–42f. 17v–18v2220 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:303–5) 
42f. 18v23Oath of the justices, 20 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:305–6) 
42–43f. 18v–19r24Oath of the clerks of the chancery, 20 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:306) 
43–44f. 19r–19v25Ordinance of labourers, 23 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:307–9) 
44–45f. 19v–20r26Statute of labourers, 25 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:311–13) 
45–47f. 20r–21r27Statute of provisors, 25 Edw. 3, stat. 4 (S.R. 1:316–18) 
47–48f. 21r–21v28Statute of praemunire, 27 Edw. 3, stat. 1 (S.R. 1:329–31) 
49–52f. 22r–23v29Ordinance of the staple, 27 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:332–42) 
53–55f. 24r–25r3028 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:345–9) 
55–58f. 25r–26v3131 Edw. 3, stat. 1 (S.R. 1:349–53) 
58–59f. 26v–27r32Ordinatio de pisce salito de Blakeney [Norf], 31 Edw. 3, stat. 3 (S.R. 1:355–6) 
59–61f. 27r–28r33Ordinatio facta de allece vendend’, 31 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:353–5) 
61–65f. 28r–30r3434 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:364–9) 
65–66f. 30r–30v35Ordinatio facta de allece, 35 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:369–70) 
66–70f. 30v–32v36Ordinatio facta pro statu terre Hibernie, 31 Edw. 3, stat. 4 (S.R. 1:357–64) 
71–74f. 33r–34v3736 Edw. 3, stat. 1 (S.R. 1:371–6) 
74–76f. 34v–35v38Statutum de victu et vestitu, 37 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:378–83) 
77f. 36r3938 Edw. 3, stat. 1 (S.R. 1:383–5) 
77–79f. 36r–37r4038 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. 1:385–7) 
79–81f. 37r–38r4143 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:390–2) 
81f. 38r4245 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:393) 
81–82f. 38r–38v4347 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:395) 
82–84f. 38v–39v44De perdonacionibus et gratiis factis per Regem communitati regni sui Anglie, 50 Edw. 3 (S.R. 1:396–8) 
84–84f. 39v–39v45Modus tenendi parliamentum (extract). (Not in S.R.) 
85–88f. 40r–41v461 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:1–5) 
88–91f. 41v–43r47Statute of Gloucester, 2 Ric. 2, stat. 1 (S.R. 2:6–11) 
92f. 43v482 Ric. 2, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:12) 
92–94f. 43v–44v493 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:13–15) 
94–95f. 44v–45r50Statute of Northampton, 4 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:16) 
95–96f. 45r–45v51‘Statute of Absentees’ [Ireland]. (Not in S.R.) 
96–101f. 45v–48r525 Ric. 2, stat. 1 (S.R. 2:17–23) 
101–103f. 48r–49r535 Ric. 2, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:23–26) 
103–106f. 49r–50v546 Ric. 2, stat. 1 (S.R. 2:26–30) 
106–107f. 50v–51r556 Ric. 2, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:30–31) 
107–111f. 51r–53r567 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:31–36) 
111–112f. 53r–53v578 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:36–7) 
112–113f. 53v–54r589 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:38–9) 
114–116f. 54v–55v5910 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:39–43) 
116–125f. 55v–60r6011 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:39–55) 
125–128f. 60r–61v6112 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:55–60) 
129–133f. 62r–64r6213 Ric. 2, stat. 1 (S.R. 2:61–68) 
133–134f. 64r–64v6313 Ric. 2, stat. 3 (S.R. 2:74–75) 
134–137f. 64v–66r6413 Ric. 2, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:68–74) 
137–138f. 66r–66v6514 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:76–77) 
139–140f. 67r–67v6615 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:78–82) 
140–145f. 67v–70r6716 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:82–87) 
145–148f. 70r–71v6817 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:87–92) 
148–149f. 71v–72r6920 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:92–94) 
149–156f. 72r–75v7021 Ric. 2 (S.R. 2:94–110) 
157–161f. 76r–78r711 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:111–19) 
161–167f. 78r–81r722 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:120–31) 
167–172f. 81r–83v734 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:132–43) 
172–176f. 83v–85v745 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:143–8) 
176–177f. 85v–86r756 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:148–50) 
177–184f. 86r–89v767 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:150–8) 
184–186f. 89v–90v779 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:158–61) 
186–190f. 90v–92v7811 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:162–6) 
190–192f. 92v–93v7913 Hen. 4 (S.R. 2:166–9) 
193–196f. 94r–95v801 Hen. 5 (S.R. 2:170–4) 
196–207f. 95v–101r812 Hen. 5, stat. 1 (S.R. 2:175–87) 
207–209f. 101r–102r822 Hen. 5, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:187–90) 
209–210f. 102r–102v833 Hen. 5 (S.R. 2:191) 
210–213f. 102v–104r844 Hen. 5, aka 3 Hen. 5, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:192–6) 
213–217f. 104r–106r854 Hen. 5, aka 4 Hen. 5, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:196–200) 
217f. 106r865 Hen. 5 (S.R. 2:200) 
217–218f. 106r–106v877 Hen. 5 (S.R. 2:201–2) 
218f. 106v88Ordinance concerning Lancaster. (Not in S.R.) 
218–219f. 106v–107r898 Hen. 5 (S.R. 2:203) 
219–221f. 107r–108r909 Hen. 5, stat. 1 (S.R. 2:204–9) 
221–224f. 108r–109v919 Hen. 5, stat. 2 (S.R. 2:209–12) 
225–227f. 110r–111r921 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:213–16) 
227–235f. 111r–115r932 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:216–27) 
235–236f. 115r–115v943 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:227–8) 
236–238f. 115v–116v954 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:229–32) 
238–243f. 116v–119r966 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:232–8) 
243–260f. 119r–127v978 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:238–62) 
261–264f. 128r–129v989 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:263–72) 
265–268f. 130r–131v9910 Hen. 6[, stat. 1 and 2] (S.R. 2:272–7) 
268–272f. 131v–133v10011 Hen. 6 (S.R. 2:278–288) 


Detailed Contents

Clicking on the sequence number will open that sequence in the PDS in a new tab or window.


Seq. Fol. Label Header  
1Font cover 
2Inside front cover, marbled, with bookplate, From the Library of George Dunn, Gift of the Alumni of the Harvard Law School 
3Blank marbled page 
5Library reference marks 
71rAlphabetical index of statutesNovor’ statutor’ 
  Marginalia: (1) Mayntenance, (2) Marschall de bank le Roy, (3) Marschalsie, (4) Marchandisez eskyppez, (5) Vide.
  Note: (1) A 19th-century hand has written in pencil ‘Calendare’ above the header and has transcribed the first entry in the index. (2) For this fragmentary alphabetical index, see the Introduction.
  Marginalia: (1) Marchau’tz engloys, (2) Marchauntz estaungez.
  Note: The capital ‘C’ in the header, indicated here in pencil in a later hand, is missing throughout this section.
92rNovor’ Statutor’ 
  Marginalia: (1) Mariners, (2) Meer, (3) Melcombe, (4) Mendynantz.
102valendare [sic] 
  Marginalia: (1) Mensongez, (2) Merke & reprisell, (3) Mesprisio’n, (4) Mesurez.
113rNovor’ Statutor’ 
  Marginalia: (1) Vide, (2) Money.
123valendare [sic] 
  Marginalia: (1) Vide, (2) Mortemayn’, (3) Multiplicac’o’n, (3) Nati in partibz transmarinis, (5) Niefs, (6) Vide, (7) Nisi primo, (8) Norway, (9) Novell’.
134rNovor’ Statutor’ 
  Marginalia: (1) Nouncleyms, (2) Nounpleyns, (3) Nounsuyts, (4) Nountenir, (5) Nusauns, (6) Officers, (7) Oier & t’miner, (8) Orpheours.
144valendare [sic] 
  Marginalia: (1) Oxenford’, (2) Pakker, (3) Panell’, (4) Vide, (5) Pape, (6) Pardon’.
155rWrit to the ?mayor and bailiffs of York (or to the mayor and sheriffs of London) concerning the staple, ?6 Edw. 3. (Not in S.R.)E iij 
  Note: (1) This page begins in the middle of the item. (2) Pencilled notes in 19th-century hand assigns it to 8 Edw. 3 and says that it is not in Ruffhead. (3) The writ is dated on 16 Sep. in year 7. The contents are similar to, but not the same as, the ordinance of the Staple, 27 Edw. 3, stat. 2. There are five other examples of this writ in our collection, no two of which have the same date. See the Summary of Contents, SL_24, for discussion and a suggestion that this text belongs to 6 Edw. 3.
165vWrit to the bishop of London against ‘communes malefactores’, 8 Edw. 3. (Not in S.R.)Anno octavo 
  Heading: Sentencia facta in comunes malefactores Anno octavo E iij.
  Note: (1) Pencilled note: ‘Not in Ruffhead’. (2) Dated at Gloucester, year 8, this would seem to be the same as the writ contained in CUL, Gg.5.7, fol. 51v, noted in A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge, vol. 3 (Cambridge 1856) p. 187 (no. 72).
176r(1) Writ revoking the previous writ about the staple. (2) 9 Edw. 3, stat. 2. (S.R. [1] Not in S.R. [2] 1:273–4)E iij 
  Heading: Statutum apud Ebor’ editum Anno nono E iij.
  Note: (1) Pencilled note in 19th-century hand describing the statute. (2) The first new section lacks a heading.
186v9 Edw. 3, stat. 1. (S.R. 1:269–72)Anno nono 
  Heading: Incipit statutum de vendicione victualium Anno nono E iij editum apud Ebor’.
197rE iij 
207vWrit to the mayor and bailiffs of Kingston upon Hull that 9 Edw. 3, stat. 1, be proclaimed and observed, undated. (Not in S.R.)Anno nono 
  Heading: Breve de perambulacione statutorum predictorum.
  Note: It is unclear why this is called ‘breve de perambulacione’, but there is no doubt that it is as decribed above.
218r(1) Mandate (royal, undated) to all bailiffs concerning provisions for the household; (2) 10 Edw. 3, stat. 1. (S.R. [1] Not in S.R. [2] 1:27)E iij 
  Heading: (1) Commissio facto [sic] provisoribus iuxta statutum ante dictum. (2) Incipit statutum de forma perdonaconis cartarum A’o xo E iij.
  Note: Item (1) is an undated royal mandate to all bailiffs both within and without of liberties to cooperate with Robert Mauleverer in obtaining provisions for the household. Not found in S.R., PROME, Cal. Pat. R. or Cal. Close R. Also in HLS MS 19.
228v10 Edw. 3, stat. 2. (S.R. 1:276–8)Anno decimo 
  Heading: Aliud statutum factum fuit eodem anno ?quomodo serviretur magnatibus et aliis populorum gentibus [qmo s’viretur magnatibz & al’ ppl’orum gent’] de cibariis set nihil valet nunc. Et ideo non scribatur.
  Note: 19th-century pencilled note in margin ‘Rufhead p. 214’. Contemporary note next to c. 1: ‘vacat hic set postea est’. The Ruffhead reference is probably to p. 221 of vol. 1 the 1763 edition, which, in turn, refers to the appendix, which is in a later volume. Although the heading seems corrupt, it probably refers to S.R. 10 Edw. 3, stat. 3, p. 278–80. If that is right, then the statute that is here lacks a heading, which is found when the statute is repeated on the next page.
239r10 Edw. 3, stat. 2. (S.R. 1:276–8)E iij 
  Heading: Aliud statutum de eodem anno.
  Note: This statute appears twice, as is noted in the marginalia to the preceding statute.
249v(1) 11 Edw. 3. (2) Statute of York, 12 Edw. 2. (S.R. [1] 1:280–1 [2] 1:177–9)Anno vicesimo 
  Heading: (1) Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno xjo E iij. (2) Incipit statutum editum apud Ebor’ Anno duodecimo E iij.
  Note: The statute here called ‘12 Edw. 3’ is in fact 12 Edw. 2.
2510rxijo E iij 
2610v(1) Breve de vicecomite eligendo, ?12 Edw. 3. (2) 14 Edw. 3, stat. 2 (S.R. [1] Not in S.R. [2] 1:289–92%)Anno xiiij 
  Heading: (1) Breve de vicecomite eligendo facto eodem anno. (2) Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum anno xiiijo E iij.
  Note: The first item is an undated writ addressed to the coroners and knights of E[?ssex] concerning the misdeeds of the sheriffs. Perhaps related to MS 19, fol. 18r, which is addressed to Cornwall.
2711rE iij 
2811vAnno quartodecimo 
2912rE iij 
3012vAnno quartodecimo 
3113r14 Edw. 3, stat. 3. (S.R. 1:292)E iij 
  Heading: Incipit aliud statutum eodem anno factum apud Westm’.
3213vAnno xiiijo 
3314rE iij 
3414v14 Edw. 3, stat. 4. (S.R. 1:292–4)Anno xiiij 
  Heading: Aliud statutum eodem Anno editum pro clero Anglie apud Westm’.
3515rE iij 
3615v(1) 15 Edw. 3, stat. 2; (2) Ordinances concerning Ireland. (S.R. [1] 1:297 [2] Not in S.R)Anno xv 
  Heading: (1) Et nota quod Anno quintodecimo in quidena pasche eiusdem Regis erat quoddam statutum editum & postea revocatum ut patet in brevi sequente. (2) Incipit statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno xvij E iij.
  Note: (1) The first item is the revocation of 15 Edw. 3, stat. 1. The text is approximately the same as that in S.R. except that it is addressed to the sheriff of Cornwall rather than that of Lincoln. (2) The second item is not a statute of year 17. It would seem to be related to, but it is not the same thing as, the petitions in Parliament with answers of 16 Edw. 3 printed in Henry F. Berry, ed., Statutes and Ordinances, and Acts of the Parliament of Ireland: King John to Henry V (Dublin 1907) 332–363.
3716r15 Edw. 3, stat. 3. (S.R. 1:297–8)xvij E iij 
  Heading: Expliciunt statuta hibernie Anno xvij. Aliud statutum Anglie eodem Anno.
  Note: The text of 15 Edw. 3 contains several more lines after the end of the statute as printed in S.R.
3816v18 Edw. 3, stat. 2. (S.R. 1:300–1)Anno xvij 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno xviij E iij.
3917rAnno xviij E iij 
4017v(1) 18 Edw. 3, stat. 3. (2) 20 Edw. 3. (S.R. [1] 1:302–3 [2] 1:303–5)Anno xviij 
  Heading: (1) Aliud statutum editum eodem Anno apud Westm’. (2) Statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno vicesimo E iij.
4118rAnno xxo E iij 
4218v(1) Oath of the justices, 20 Edw. 3. (2) Oath of the clerks of the chancery, 20 Edw. 3. (S.R. [1] 1:305–6 [2] 1:306)Anno xxo 
  Heading: (1) Incipit Sacramentum Justiciarorum eodem Anno. (2) Sacramentum clericorum de Cancellaria.
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
4319rOrdinance of labourers, 23 Edw. 3. (S.R. 1:307–9)E iij xxiijo 
  Heading: Ordinacio facta de sevientibus Anno xxiijo apud Westm’.
4419vStatute of labourers, 25 Edw. 3, stat. 2. (S.R. 1:311–13)Anno vicesimo quinto 
  Heading: Incipit statutum de servientibus Anno vicesimo quinto Edwardi tertij.
4520rStatute of provisors, 25 Edw. 3, stat. 4. (S.R. 1:316–18)E iij 
  Heading: Statutum de avocacionibus editum eodem anno apud Westm’ etc.
4620vAnno xxv 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
4721rStatute of praemunire, 27 Edw. 3, stat. 1. (S.R. 1:329–31)E iij 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis E iij xxvij.
4821vAnno xxvij 
  Note: The page ends in paragraph 5 of the statute of praemunire, 27 Edw. 3, stat. 1. One[?] fol. is probably missing.
4922rOrdinance of the staple, 27 Edw. 3, stat. 2. (S.R. 1:332–42)E iij 
  Note: The page begins in paragraph 2 of the Ordinance of the staple.
5022vAnno xxvij 
5123rE iij 
5223vAnno xxvij 
  Note: The page ends in the middle of the Ordinance of the staple, 27 Edw. 3, stat. 2. One[?] fol. is probably missing.
5324r28 Edw. 3. (S.R. 1:345–9)E iij 
  Note: The page begins in the middle of 28 Edw. 3.
5424vAnno xxviij [sic] 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
5525r31 Edw. 3, stat. 1. (S.R. 1:349–53)E iij 
  Heading: Incipit statutum editum apud Westm’ anno xxxj E iij.
  Note: No decorated initial capital. The scribe has added an ‘a’ where it ought to go.
5625vAnno xxxi 
5726rE iij 
5826vOrdinatio de pisce salito de Blakeney [Norf], 31 Edw. 3, stat. 3. (S.R. 1:355–6)Anno xxxi 
  Heading: Ordinacio facta apud Westm’ de pisce salso eodem anno.
5927r‘Ordinatio facta de allece vendend’, 31 Edw. 3, stat. 2. (S.R. 1:353–5)E iij 
  Heading: Ordinacio de allece eodem Anno apud Westm’ editum Anno E iij xxxi.
6027vAnno xxxi 
6128r34 Edw. 3. (S.R. 1:364–9)Anno xxxiiij 
  Heading: Incipit Statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno xxxiiij E iij.
6228vAnno xxxiiij 
6329rE iij 
6429vAnno xxxiiij 
6530rOrdinatio facta de allece, 35 Edw. 3. (S.R. 1:369–70)E iij 
  Heading: Incipit secundm statutum de allece apud Westm’ Anno xxxv editum E iij.
6630vOrdinatio facta pro statu terre Hibernie, 31 Edw. 3, stat. 4. (S.R. 1:357–64)Anno xxxv 
  Heading: Statutum Hibernie editum apud Westm’ Anno xxxv E iij.
  Note: The text says 35 Edw. 3, but this is 31 Edw. 3 per S.R.
6731rE iij 
6831vAnno xxxv 
6932rE iij 
7032vAnno xxxv 
  Note: (1) Carryover indicating quire break. (2) The page ends in the middle of 35 Edw. 3.
7133r36 Edw. 3, stat. 1. (S.R. 1:371–6)E iij 
  Note: The page begins in the middle of 36 Edw. 3, stat. 1, the text beginning on S.R. 372. One fol. is probably missing.
7233vAnno xxxvj 
7334rE iij 
7434vStatutum de victu et vestitu, 37 Edw. 3. (S.R. 1:378–83)Anno xxxvij 
  Heading: Incipit Statutum apud Westm’ Anno xxxvij E iij editum.
7535rE iij 
7635vAnno xxxvij 
  Note: The page ends in the middle of Statutum de victu et vestitu, 37 Edw. 3.
7736r(1) 38 Edw. 3, stat. 1. (2) 38 Edw. 3, stat.2. (S.R. [1] 1:383–5 [2] 1:385–7)E iij 
  Heading: (1) No heading. (2) Aliud Statutum apud Westm’ editum eodem Anno etc.
  Note: (1) The page begins in the middle of 38 Edw. 3, stat 1. One fol. is probably missing. (2) The text of stat. 2 seems to be complete, but also seems to vary from that given in S.R.
7836vAnno xxxviij 
7937r43 Edw. 3. (S.R. 1:390–2)xliij E iij 
  Heading: Aliud statutum de Stapul’ apud Westm’ editum Anno xliij E iij.
8138r(1) 45 Edw. 3. (2) 47 Edw. 3. (S.R. [1] 1:393 [2] 1:39)xlv E iij 
  Heading: (1) Statutum apud Westm’ editum anno xl quinto E iij. (2) Statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno quadragesimo septimo E iij.
8238vDe perdonacionibus et gratiis factis per Regem communitati regni sui Anglie, 50 Edw. 3. (S.R. 1:396–8)Anno xlvij 
  Heading: Statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno quinquagesimo E iij.
8339rAnno quinquagesimo E iij 
8439vModus tenendi parliamentum (extract). (Not in S.R.)Anno lmo E iij 
  Heading: (1) Expliciunt omnia statuta Regis Edwardi terci a conquestu Anglie. (2) Ordinacio parliamenti et pena inde.
  Note: The second item, written in a slightly later hand, comes from the section of the Modus, De inchoatione parliamenti (Hardy ed., p. 29). Incipit: Primo die parliamenti vocabuntur burgenses. Explicit: ad valenciam unius comitis [sic] vel unius baronie ut predictum est. A substantial gap follows to the end of the page.
8540r1 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:1–5)Anno primo Richardi sc’di 
  Note: No decorated initial capital. The scribe has added an ‘R’ where it ought to go.
8640vAnno primo 
8741rRic’ sc’di 
8841vStatute of Gloucester, 2 Ric. 2, stat. 1. (S.R. 2:6–11)Anno primo 
  Heading: Incipit Statutum editum apud Gloucestre’ Anno Regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie secundo.
8942rR sc’di 
9042vAnno sc’do 
9143rR sc’di 
9243v(1) 2 Ric. 2, stat. 2. (2) 3 Ric. 2. (S.R. [1] 2:12 [2] 2:13–15)Anno sc’do et tercio 
  Heading: (1) Incipit aliud statutum editum apud Westm’ eodem Anno secundo. (2) Incipit Statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi tercio.
9344rRicardi ij 
9444vStatute of Northampton, 4 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:16)Anno iij 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Norhampton’ editum Anno quarto Ric’ secundi.
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
9545r‘Statute of Absentees’ [Ireland]. (Not in S.R.)Anno quarto R ij 
  Heading: Ordinacio hibernie.
  Note: The text given here seems to largely correspond to the royal answer given in PROME, parliament at Westminster, January, 1380, item 42.
9645v5 Ric. 2, stat. 1. (S.R. 2:17–23)ordinacio hib’nie 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno quinto R[?egis, ?egni] Ric’ Secundi.
9746rAnno quinto 
9846vAnno vto 
9947rRic’ ij 
10047vAnno quinto 
10148r5 Ric. 2, stat. 2. (S.R. 2:23–26)Ric’ ij 
  Heading: Incipit aliud statutum eodem anno editum apud Westm’.
10248vAnno quinto 
10349r6 Ric. 2, stat. 1. (S.R. 2:26–30)Ric’ ij 
  Heading: Incipit Statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno Sexto Reg[?is, ?ni]’ Ric’.
10449vAnno sexto 
10550rRic’ ij 
10650v6 Ric. 2, stat. 2. (S.R. 2:30–31)Anno sexto 
  Heading: Aliud statutum eodem Anno apud Westm’ editum.
10751r7 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:31–36)Ric’i ij 
  Heading: Incipit statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno Septimo R[?egis, ?egni] Ric’i Sc’di.
10851vAnno septimo 
10952rRic’i ij 
11052vAnno septimo 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
11153r8 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:36–7)Ric’i ij 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis R ij octavo.
11253v9 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:38–9)Anno octavo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno Nono R[?egis, ?egni] Ric’ ij.
11354rRic’i Sc’di ixo 
11454v10 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:39–43)Anno decimo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis Ric’i ij decimo.
11555rRic’i ij 
11655v2:39–5511 Ric. 2. (S.R. )A’o undecimo 
  Note: The missing initial begins a text without a heading.
11756rRic’i Sc’di 
11856vAnno undecimo 
11957rRic’i sc’di 
12057vAnno undecimo 
12158rRic’i sc’di 
12258vAnno undecimo 
12359rRic’i secundi 
12459vAnno undecimo 
12560r12 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:55–60)Ric’i ij 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Cantebriggiam editum Anno regni regis R ij duodecimo.
12660vAnno duodecimo 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
12761rRic’i ij 
12861vAnno duodecimo 
  Note: The page ends in the middle of 12 Ric. 2.
12962r13 Ric. 2, stat. 1. (S.R. 2:61–68)Ric’i ij 
  Note: The page begins in the middle of 13 Ric. 2, stat. 1. One fol. is probably missing.
13062vAnno terciodecimo 
13163rRic’i ij 
13263vAnno t’ciodecimo 
13364r13 Ric. 2, stat. 3. (S.R. 2:74–75)Ric’i ij 
  Heading: Aliud statutum editum eodem Anno apud W.
13464v13 Ric. 2, stat. 2. (S.R. 2:68–74)Anno terciodecimo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum de cartis impetrandis et provisoribus editum eodem A’o xiij apud Westm’.
  Note: The descender of the p is crossed as if ‘imperetrandis’ were meant, but that can’t be right. The ‘carte’ in question are those of pardon.
13565rRic’i sc’di 
13665vAnno tercidecimo 
13766r14 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:76–77)Ric’i sc’di 
  Heading: Incipit statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis R ij quartodecimo.
13866vAnno Quartodecimo 
  Note: (1) The page ends in the middle of 14 Ric. 2. (2) Carryover indicating quire break.
13967r15 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:78–82)Ric’i ij 
  Note: The page begins in the middle of the statute of 15 Ric. 2. One fol. is probably missing.
14067v16 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:82–87)Anno Sextodecimo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Wynton’ editum Anno regni regis R ij Sextodecimo.
14168rRic’i sc’di 
14268vAnno Sextodecimo 
14369rRic’i Sc’di 
14469vAnno Sextodecimo 
14570r17 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:87–92)Ric’i Sc’do 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud West’m editum Anno regni regis Ric’i decimo septimo.
14670vAnno decimo septimo 
14771rRic’i sc’di 
14871v20 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:92–94)Anno vicesimo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni Ric’i ij vicesimo.
14972r21 Ric. 2. (S.R. 2:94–110)Ric’i sc’di 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis Ric’i ij xxjo.
15072vAnno vicesimo primo 
15173rRic’i Sc’di 
15273vAnno vicesimo primo 
15374rRic’i sc’di 
15474vAnno vicesimo primo 
15575rRic’i Sc’di 
15675vAnno vicesimo primo 
  Note: The page ends in the middle of 21 Ric. 2.
15776r1 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:111–19)Henrici quarti 
  Note: The page begins in the middle of 1 Hen. 4. One fol. is probably missing.
15876vAnno primo 
15977rHenrici Quarti 
16077vAnno primo 
16178r2 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:120–31)Henrici Quarti 
  Heading: Incipit statutum editum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis Henrici quarti Secundo.
16278vAnno Secundo 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
16379rHenrici Quarti 
16479vAnno Sc’di 
16580rHenciri Quarti 
16680vAnno Sc’do 
16781r4 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:132–43)Henrici Quarti 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis Henrici Quarti Quarto.
16881vAnno Quarto 
16982rHenrici Quarti 
17082vAnno Quarto 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
17183rHenrici Quarti 
17283v5 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:143–8)Anno Quinto 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis Henrici iiijti Quinto.
17384rHenrici Quarti 
17484vAnno Quinto 
17585rHenrici iiijti 
17685v6 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:148–50)Anno Sexto 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Coventre editum Anno regni regis H iiijti Sexto.
17786r7 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:150–8)Henrici iiijti 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis H iiijti Septimo.
17886vAnno Septimo 
17987rHenrici Quarti 
18087vAnno Septimo 
18188rHenrici Quarti 
18288vAnno Septimo 
18389rHenrici Quarti 
18489v9 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:158–61)Anno Nono 
  Heading: Incipit statutum editum apud Glouc’ Anno regni regis Henrici Quarti Nono.
18590rHenrici Quarti 
18690v11 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:162–6)Anno undecimo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis Henrici iiijti undecimo.
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
18791rHenrici Quarti 
18891vAnno undecimo 
18992rHenrici Quarti 
19092v13 Hen. 4. (S.R. 2:166–9)Anno Terciodecimo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis Henrici Quarti Terciodecimo editum.
19193rHenrici Quarti 
19293vAnno Terciodecimo 
19394r1 Hen. 5. (S.R. 2:170–4)Anno primo Henrici Quinti 
19494vAnno primo 
19595rHenrici Quinti 
19695v2 Hen. 5, stat. 1. (S.R. 2:175–87)Anno primo 
  Heading: Incipiunt statuta apud Leycestre edita Anno regni henrici Quinti Secundo post conquestum.
19796rHenrici Quinti 
19896vAnno Sc’do 
19997rHenrici Quinti 
20097vAnno Sc’do 
20198rHenrici Quinti 
20298vAnno Secundo 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
20399rHenrici Quinti 
20499vAnno Sc’do 
205100rHenrici Quinti 
206100vAnno Sc’do 
207101r2 Hen. 5, stat. 2. (S.R. 2:187–90)Henrici Quinti 
  Heading: Incipit Aliud statutum apud Westm’ eodem Anno editum.
208101vAnno Secundo 
209102r3 Hen. 5. (S.R. 2:191)Henrici Quinti 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis Henrici vti post conquestum editum tercio.
210102v4 Hen. 5, aka 3 Hen. 5, stat. 2. (S.R. 2:192–6)Anno tercio 
  Heading: Incipit aliud statutum eodem anno tercio apud Westm’ editum.
211103rHenrici Quinti 
212103vAnno Tercio 
213104r4 Hen. 5, aka 4 Hen. 5, stat. 2. (S.R. 2:196–200)Henrici Quinti 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ Anno regni regis H vti Quarto editum.
214104vAnno Quarto 
215105rHenrici Quinti 
216105vAnno Quarto 
217106r(1) 5 Hen. 5. (2) 7 Hen. 5. (S.R. [1] 2:200 [2] 2:201–2)Henrici vti A’o vto 
  Heading: (1) Ad parliamentum tentum apud Westm’ sextodecimo die Novembris Anno regni Regis H. vti post conquestum quinto editum fuit quedam ordinacio prout in brevi sequente plenius continetur. (2) Ad parliamentum tentum apud Westm’ sextodecimo die Octobris Anno Septimo Regis Henrici Quinti edita fuerunt quedam ordinacio et statutum prout in brevi sequente plenius continetur.
218106v(1) Ordinance concerning Lancaster. (2) 8 Hen. 5. (S.R. [1] Not in S.R. [2] 2:20)Anno octavo 
  Heading: (1) Ad parliamentum tentum apud Westm’ secundo die Decembris Anno regni Regis H. quinti post conquestum Octavo edita fuit quedam ordinacio prout in brevi sequenti [sic] continetur. (2) Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni H vti Octavo.
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
219107r9 Hen. 5, stat. 1. (S.R. 2:204–9)Henrici quinti 
  Heading: Incipiunt statuta apud W. edita Anno regni regis Henrici vti etc Nono.
220107vAnno ixo 
221108r9 Hen. 5, stat. 2. (S.R. 2:209–12)Henrici Quinti 
  Heading: Incipiunt statutua apud Westm’ eodem Anno edita.
222108vAnno Nono 
223109rHenrici quinti 
224109vAnno Nono 
225110r1 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:213–16)Anno primo H vjti 
226110vAnno primo 
227111r2 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:216–27)Henr’ Sexti 
  Heading: Incipit statutum editum apud Westm’ anno Secundo H Sexti etc.
228111vAnno Sc’do 
229112rHenrici Sexti 
230112vAnno Sc’do 
231113rHenrici Sexti 
232113vAnno Sc’do 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
233114rHenrici Sexti 
234114vAnno Sc’do 
235115r3 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:227–8)Henrici Sexti Anno T’cio 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis Henrici Sexti post conquestum tercio.
236115v4 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:229–32)Anno quarto 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud layc’ editum Anno regni regis H vjti post conquestum quarto.
237116rHenrici Sexto 
238116v6 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:232–8)Anno Sexto 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis H vj post conquestum Sexto.
239117rHenrici Sexti 
240117vAnno Sexto 
241118rHenrici Sexti 
242118vAnno Sexto 
243119r8 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:238–62)Henrici Sexti 
  Heading: Incipiunt statuta apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis H vjti post conquestum octavo.
244119vAnno Octavo 
245120rHenrici Sexti 
246120vAnno Octavo 
247121rHenrici Sexti 
248121vAnno Octavo 
  Note: Carryover indicating quire break.
249122rHenrici Sexti 
250122vAnno Octavo 
251123rHenrici Sexti 
252123vAnno Octavo 
253124rHenrici Sexti 
254124vAnno Octavo 
255125rHenrici Sexti 
256125vAnno Octavo 
257126rHenrici Sexti 
258126vAnno Octavo 
259127rHenr’ Sexti 
260127vAnno Octavo 
261128r9 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:263–72)Henrici Sexti 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis H vjti post coquestum Anglie nono.
262128vAnno Nono 
263129rHenrici Sexti 
264129vAnno Nono 
  Note: (1) Carryover indicating quire break. (2) The page ends in the middle of 9 Hen. 6.
265130r10 Hen. 6[, stat. 1 and 2]. (S.R. 2:272–7)Henrici Sexti 
  Note: (1) The page begins in the middle of 10 Hen. 6, stat 1. Two fols. are probably missing, as is suggested by the pencilled note at the bottom of the preceding page. (2) The common petition that S.R. describes as stat. 2 is tucked in at the end of stat. 1 as c. 8, with the Latin response.
266130vAnno Decimo 
267131rHenrici Sexti 
268131v11 Hen. 6. (S.R. 2:278–288)Anno undecimo 
  Heading: Incipit statutum apud Westm’ editum Anno regni regis H vjti undecimo.
269132rHenrici Sexti 
270132vAnno Undecimo 
271133rHenrici Sexti 
272133vAnno Undecimo 
  Note: (1) The page ends in the middle of 11 Hen. 6. (2) The statute is filled out with pencilled notes in 19th century hand at the bottom of the page.
27319th-Century Notes 
  Note: The same hand that filled in the statute on previous page has entered more fully on a previously blank page the end of the statute from Ruffead’s Statutes at Large and bracketed what was to be copied onto the previous page.
280Marbled inside back cover 
281Back cover