The Harvard Law School’s Collection of Medieval English Statute Books and Registers of Writs |
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HLS MS No. 166 |
Registrum brevium |
1340 X ca. 1351, with later additions |
<Preliminary introduction> The HOLLIS cataloguing may be found here. The following items are worth repeating: “Description: 178 leaves ; 21 cm. The cataloguing in Baker’s English Legal Manuscripts, 1, no. 98 reads as follows: “REGISTRUM BREVIUM “MS. 166. “C.xiv, 178ff., early C.xvi binding with arms of Henry VIII impaling Katharine of Aragon (d. 1536). The first writ is for land in Nottinghamshire. “‘Charles H. Read’ (C.xix); ‘Augustus W. Franks from W. Greenwell’, i.e. Augustus Wollaston Franks (later knight, d. 1897); sold at S. 24 July 1939, no. 196, to Blades; put up again, S. 20 Dec. 1939, no. 607; bought from Sweet & Maxwell, and received on 6 May 1941. “New Gallery, Regent Street, London, Exhibition of the Royal House of Tudor (1890), 266, no. 1370 (when in possession of Mr A.W. Franks).” Neither Baker’s count of the folios nor that in HOLLIS seems to correspond to what is actually there; our count puts the total at 201. (Baker and HOLLIS may have relied on the medieval foliation, which, as we will see below, is unreliable.) We will also express below some doubts about the binding. We may have found an addition to Baker’s provenance; on fol. 146v there is note: ‘George Griffith 5th September 1822’. The manuscript is approximately 210 X 145 mm. The somewhat informal script is consistent and legible, with a second, almost certainly later, script providing additions and re-inking in a darker color. There is no reason to doubt that that the basic script dates from the 14th century. The ascenders on some of the pages rise into the upper margin, perhaps suggesting a date earlier in the 14th century rather than later. There seems to be more than one hand at work using the basic script. The darker script is harder to date, but we would incline to date it in the 15th century, though probably fairly early in that century. There may also be more than one hand at work in the darker script, but the uniformity of the color of ink suggests not. Fol. 177v is written in a hand that is not either of these and probably dates from the last quarter of the 14th century. Fol. 178r–179v are written in a cursive script that probably dates from early in the 16th century. Paragraph marks and dividers are drawn in red. There are a number of decorated initial capitals, in red and blue, but no illuminations. The quality of this decoration is not particularly high. We have found three informal drawings, all of which seem to suggest that the artist was distancing himself from the contents of the manuscript (listed in the Detailed Contents). We have found one possible grotesque. The decorated leather binding is in remarkably good condition considering its probable age. Baker saw the arms of Henry VIII impaled with those of Katherine of Aragon on it. They are not visible on the images, but we have no reason to doubt that they are there. They allows us to date the binding with some precision. It is highly unlikely that it antedates Henry and Katherine’s marriage in 1509 or postdates their divorce in 1533. The metal clasps that hold the foredge together look as if they have been repaired or replaced at some more recent time. That there are bifolia of modern freestanding endpapers both front back and that the pastedowns are also modern suggest that the manuscript was rebound in these covers, perhaps on the occasion of its display in the ‘Exhibition of the Royal House of Tudor’ in 1890. One folio (fol. 22) is torn and stitched with coarse thread; the text is still legible. A quire would seem to be missing after our fol. 153. Medieval foliation accompanies the headers in a different hand from the main text. It appears on both recto and verso, and begins on our fol. 5r with ‘ij’. It follows consistently three numbers lower than our foliation until medieval fol. 139, which is repeated. It jumps ahead by eight where the quire is missing. We have refoliated the manuscript digitally, including the three medieval folios at the beginning and carrying on beyond the medieval foliation to include the last three quires, but omitting the endpapers in the front and back. Unusually, medieval signatures marks are found on the final pages of the quires. Modern ones, which probably date from the rebinding, occur on their first pages, with a few on the first four pages. The missing quire is indicated by the fact that the medieval quiring skips from xviij to xx, by the fact that fol. 154 begins in mid-sentence, and, perhaps, by the fact that there is a scribble in a hand of uncertain date at the bottom of fol. 153v that looks like ‘OWL’ but may be a very badly formed ‘quire’. The medieval foliation tells a similar story. Our fol. 153 is numbered ‘cxlix’ on both recto and verso; fol. 154 is numbered ‘clviij’. What might be missing from the contents is discussed below. Quiring/collation (omitting the modern endpapers): 13 (f. 1–3), 2–88 (f. 4–59), 912 (f. 60–71), 10–138 (f. 72–103), 146 (f. 104–109), 15–168 (f. 110–125), 176 (f. 126–135), 188 (f. 136–143), 1910 (f. 144–153), 20–258 (f. 154–201). Lacking a date in the initial writ of right patent, setting a date for the manuscript is, to some extent, speculative. The script is consistent with a date in the mid-14th century and no king is mentioned other than an Edward. The style of the ascenders on the top line of some of the pages suggests the style of the 13th century, but that style is by no means confined to the 13th century, particularly, it would seem, when the scribe is seeking to be somewhat retardataire. The clearest clues that we have so far found as to a date are on fol. 4r, the first page of register. In the writ to the bailiffs of the queen, she is named as ‘Phe’, almost certainly Philippa of Hainaut, who was queen of England from 1330 until her death in 1369. Further down the page is a writ addressed to the bailiffs of the earl of Lancaster, which is marked ‘quando dominus fuit extra regnum’. The earl is almost certainly Henry of Grosmont, who went on a number of missions both diplomatic and military for Edward III, in the 1330s and 1340s. He was made duke of Lancaster in 1351, so the writ almost certainly dates from before that time. That does not necessarily mean that the register was written before that time, but it makes it likely enough to suggest a terminus ante quem of 1351. The terminus post quem is easier. The initial writ of right patent styles the king as ‘rex Francie’. Edward III adopted this style in January of 1340 and used it until 1360. His style is given 28 times throughout the manuscript, and it always includes ‘rex Francie’. In only one of these is the attestation clause not completed cut off with an ‘etc’. On fol. 165v, the writ is tested at ‘Merton 28 etc’. We have not yet been able to find any time in the relevant years when the Chancery was dating royal documents at Merton, much less on the 28th day of any month.1 Hence, our tentative bracketing dates for the manuscript are 1340 X 1351. 1. The only time during the relevant years when Edward III was at Merton was from 1–6 Jan., 1349. W. M. Ormrod, Edward III at 622. The Chancery, however, does not seem to have dated any documents there, and, of course, 1–6 does not include 28. More plausible is 28 July 1341. The king was at Langley, but the wardrobe was at Merton. C. Shenton, Itinerary of Edward III and his Household 223. The Chancery, however, was dating documents that day at Havering atte Bower, where the Privy Seal was. It is possible that the clerk of this writ got mixed up. The first three folios contain a list of contents of the register. Fol. 1r through fol. 3r tracks the contents of the register almost exactly, using the medieval foliation described above. On fol. 3v the list is somewhat less precise, reflecting, probably, the fact that there are fewer headers from our fol. 150 forward. The list stops with fol. 180 (our fol. 176), the last folio that is numbered in the medieval foliation. Although the list from our fol. 150 forward is somewhat less precise and not complete, everything that is found in the list corresponds to something that is in the register, normally on the folios given in the list or within the range of folios given in the list. We can thus with some confidence reconstruct the contents of the missing quire from the contents list, the folio numbers being the medieval folios of the now missing folios between our fol. 153 and 154:
The last item is not quite right. Our fol. 154 (medieval fol. 158) does contain writs of formedon, but ‘Supersedeas de trans’ does not appear until our fol. 155r. The remaining entries in the list do, however, track the medieval foliation except that ‘De proteccionibus’, which is supposed to begin on medieval fol. 168 does not, in fact, begin until fol. 169. These errors could mean that a folio got inserted, but since all the rest of the entries do track, they are probably just errors. The end of the manuscript poses some puzzles. The medieval fol. 180 is on our fol. 176r which contains a ‘Carta pacis in Hibernia’, which the indexer probably thought of as belonging in his category ‘De cartis perdonacions’. Fol. 176v is also foliated with the medieval fol. 180 and contains in the later script a case of idempnitate nominis, which can be included in the category of carte perdonacionis only by considerable stretch of that term. It also contains in the same script, and probably hand, an extract from a sample writ of trespass that does not fit the category at all. The blank space at the bottom of the page has an informal drawing of a dog and human profile. Here, the medieval foliation ends. Fol. 177r contains a copy of the last page of the contents (fol. 3v), or, perhaps, fol. 3v is a copy of this page. Fol. 177v contains a copy of a justicies writ of debt issued in the name of King Richard [II] on 10 May of his first year (1378). The hand is not one that have seen before and would seem to be roughly contemporary with the date of the writ. The writ seems to have been written over text that was rubbed out. Fol. 178r begins the third-to-last full quire in the manuscript. A cursive hand probably dating from early in the 16th century transcribes an audita querela to the sheriffs of London ‘ubi quis ?renditur [?retinetur] in statuto stapule infra etatem’. The obligation was apparently entered into on 13 August in year 21 of the king’s reign. Assuming, as seems likely on the basis of the script, that the king is Henry VIII, this would be 1529. The writ runs over to fol. 179v. The rest of this quire, the next quire, and first two folios of the last quire are headed with majuscules running from A to R. The rectos contain occasional names of writs written in gothic script that could be contemporary with the majuscules, which are clearly from the 16th century. The hand of the script is definitely not that of the writer of the 15th-century material in the main register. Other than that these folios are basically blank with an occasional drawing, pen trials, or, quite mysteriously, what seems to be a third of a page of code on fol. 200v. The names of the writs on the final quires follow:
If we are willing to accept that what could be ‘io’ is really arabic‘10’, then what we are looking at here is relatively clear. It is the beginning of an alphabetical index of the writs such as that in HLS MS 26. The writ of right is on manuscript fol. 1. Manuscript fol. 10 contains a pone and a recordari in a writ of right. There is no Accedas ad curiam in the writ headers on manuscript fol. 10 but one of the regulae deals with it. In summary, this is basically a large register dating from the second quarter of the 14th century. Probably in the 15th century, it fell into the hands of an owner who added or had added quite a few additional writs, with, it would seem, a particular focus on trespass. That owner is probably also responsible for some notes, some improvements in the descriptions of the writs, and the list of contents. Why he duplicated the last page of the contents at the beginning and end of manuscript, is a puzzle. Perhaps he started at the end, and then decided to do something more ambitious at the beginning. A 16th-century owner added the final three quires, putting in a long writ that interested him at the beginning. He probably intended to index the contents of the register. We can see the beginnings of a scheme, but the scheme was never executed. If we have the date right, he may not have continued because the printed register that first appeared in 1531 has a similar table at the beginning. Everything that we know about our three owners would point to some kind of legal professional, a serjeant, an attorney, or a clerk. The basic script of the manuscript is work-a-day; the decoration is routine. The basic register is large, just the kind of thing that a lawyer or a clerk would want. Its contents are described in some detail in the conclusion to the Analysis of Writs. The 15th-century additions are technical and detailed. What the 16th-century owner planned is what a 16th-century lawyer or aspiring lawyer might plan to do with this manuscript. There is nothing about this manuscript that would connect it with royalty other than the binding. Indeed, at the very time when the binding seems to have been created, the manuscript seems to have belonged to a lawyer, who was planning additions. That, in turn, might lead one to think that the binding was supplied from another manuscript or that it is a forgery. The Preliminary Analysis of Writs below contains rough transcriptions of the names of the writs found in the margins of the regiser. The conclusion to that table compares the structure and contents this register with those found in HLS MS 28 and Hall’s register ‘R’, both of which date from about a generation earlier than our register. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summary Contents |
Clicking on the item in question will open the first sequence for the item in the PDS in a new tab or window. |
Seq. | Fol. | No. | Item | ||
7–12 | f. 1r–3v | 0 | Contents | ||
Note: The headers provide a guide to way in which contemporaries were thinking about categories of writs, and we have used them even where they do not correspond to how we would divide the writs. The later additions, which are scattered throughout the register and do not necessarily conform to the category of writs being considered, are simply included in the broader category. | |||||
13–27 | f. 4r–11r | 1 | Writs of right: basic | ||
24–37 | f. 9v–16r | 2 | Writs of right: monstraverunt, recordari, de errore, de falso iudicio | ||
37–42 | f. 16r–18v | 3 | Writs of right: writs of attorney | ||
43–48 | f. 19r–21v | 4 | Writs of right: De execucione iudicii and miscellaneous | ||
49–61 | f. 22r–28r | 5 | Ecclesiastical writs: Basic | ||
62–73 | f. 28v–34r | 6 | Ecclesiastical writs: Prohibition | ||
74–82 | f. 34v–38v | 7 | Ecclesiastical writs: Consultation | ||
83–83 | f. 39r–39r | 8 | Ecclesiastical writs: De vi laica admovenda | ||
84–85 | f. 39v–40r | 9 | Ecclesiastical writs: Ne quis trahatur in placitum extra regnum | ||
86–95 | f. 40v–45r | 10 | Ecclesiastical writs: De excommunicato capiendo, including dependent supersedeas and scire facias | ||
96–104 | f. 45v–49v | 11 | Waste | ||
105–106 | f. 50r–50v | 12 | De homine replegiando | ||
107–113 | f. 51r–54r | 13 | Replevin: basic | ||
114–118 | f. 54v–56v | 14 | Replevin: Recordari, including de moderata misericordia | ||
119–120 | f. 57r–57v | 15 | De nativis habendis and de libertate probanda | ||
121–121 | f. 58r–58r | 16 | De minis | ||
122–148 | f. 58v–71v | 17 | Trespass: basic | ||
154–155 | f. 74v–75r | 18 | Trespass: de audiendo et terminando, including de errore | ||
156–157 | f. 75v–76r | 19 | De conspiracione and de odio et athia | ||
158–160 | f. 76v–77v | 20 | Trespass: additions | ||
161–166 | f. 78r–80v | 21 | Account | ||
167–167 | f. 81r–81r | 22 | Quod nullus implacitetur sine brevi | ||
168–176 | f. 81v–85v | 23 | Miscellaneous rights in land | ||
177–190 | f. 86r–92v | 24 | Debt | ||
192–195 | f. 93v–95r | 25 | Warranty of charter | ||
196–198 | f. 95v–96v | 26 | Annuity, including mesne | ||
199–207 | f. 97r–101r | 27 | Covenant, including levying of fines | ||
208–210 | f. 101v–102v | 28 | Dower | ||
210–217 | f. 102v–106r | 29 | Wardship and succession | ||
218–220 | f. 106v–107v | 30 | Escheat | ||
221–227 | f. 108r–111r | 31 | Writs of attorney | ||
227–246 | f. 111r–120v | 32 | Brevia de statuto | ||
Note: The headers use the category ‘Brevia de statuto’ at the end of the section, but before they reach that they include a number of others: Ne fiant plures secte pro una hereditate, De contribucione facienda, Quod ille qui habet eius partem faciat sectam, Quod barones (in patria non commorantes) (homines de antiquo dominico) (coronatores) non ponantur in assisis, De trans’, De coronatore eligendo, Quod marescalli et senescallus non teneant placitum de libero tenemento, De Estrepamento, De manutencione. | |||||
247–262 | f. 121r–128v | 33 | Novel disseisin | ||
262–289 | f. 128v–142r | 34 | Novel disseisin: Redisseisin | ||
290–294 | f. 142v–144v | 35 | Mort d’ancestor | ||
295–300 | f. 145r–147v | 36 | De avo et consanguineo and nuper obiit | ||
301–301 | f. 148r–148r | 37 | Quare eiecit | ||
303–315 | f. 149r–155r | 38 | Entry | ||
316–320 | f. 155v–157v | 39 | Formedon | ||
321–335 | f. 158r–165r | 40 | Si sit ad dampnum | ||
336–352 | f. 165v–173v | 41 | Proteccio | ||
353–357 | f. 174r–176r | 42 | Charters of pardon | ||
358–364 | f. 176v–179v | 43 | Miscellaneous |
Detailed Contents |
Clicking on the sequence number will open that sequence in the PDS in a new tab or window. |
Seq. | Fol. | Label | Header | Sig. | |
1 | Spine | ||||
2 | Foredge | ||||
3 | Front cover | ||||
4 | Front pastedown with notes | ||||
5 | Notes of ownership | ||||
6 | Blank | ||||
7 | 1r | Contents | |||
Note: Written in script that is similar to the second hand of the main text, this lists the writs on each folio of the manuscript, using the medieval foliation described in the Introduction. At the head of this page is a note in a 16th-century cursive script that cites Fitzherbert’s Nouvel natural brevium, first published in 1534, so the note postdates the binding. The contents were written on irregularly sized pages. Later repair work has has expanded them, seemingly by putting a protective covering around them. For more on the contents list, see the Introduction. | |||||
8 | 1v | ||||
9 | 2r | ||||
10 | 2v | ||||
11 | 3r | ||||
12 | 3v | ||||
13 | 4r | Writs of right: basic | 2 | ||
Note: (1) The first line is decorated in the 13th century style. (2) The initial writ of right patent is addressed by a King Edward to the bailiffs of ?‘Coaltun’, which Baker reads as some place in Notts. (perhaps Colston Bassett, but there are many Coltons). There is no attestation clause. (3) The lord who is ‘extra regnum’ is the earl of Lancaster. (4) Each writ has a letter in the inner margin. (5) The signatures seem to be in the top right. This page is not foliated. | |||||
14 | 4v | De recto | |||
Note: Marginalia. | |||||
15 | 5r | De recto custodi terre et heredis | |||
16 | 5v | De recto [dote] | |||
17 | 6r | De recto | |||
18 | 6v | De recto | |||
19 | 7r | De recto | |||
20 | 7v | De recto | |||
21 | 8r | De recto | |||
22 | 8v | De recto | |||
23 | 9r | De recto | |||
24 | 9v | Writs of right: monstraverunt, recordari, de errore, de falso iudicio | De recto | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
25 | 10r | De recto | |||
26 | 10v | De recto | |||
27 | 11r | De recto | |||
28 | 11v | De monstraverunt | j | ||
29 | 12r | Monstraverunt | 3 (top of page) | ||
30 | 12v | De Recordari in brevi de facto | |||
31 | 13r | De recordari in brevi de recto etc’ | |||
32 | 13v | De pone loquelam in brevi de recto | |||
33 | 14r | De pone loquelam in brevi de recto | |||
34 | 14v | Recordari de falso iudicio | |||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
35 | 15r | De errore corrigendo | |||
36 | 15v | De errore corrigendo | |||
37 | 16r | Writs of right: writs of attorney | De falso iudicio pro eo qui petit admitti | ||
38 | 16v | de attornato | |||
39 | 17r | de attornato | |||
40 | 17v | de attornato | |||
41 | 18r | de attornato | |||
42 | 18v | de attornato | |||
43 | 19r | Writs of right: De execucione iudicii and miscellaneous | De execucione iudicii | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
44 | 19v | De execucione [Iudicij] | ij | ||
Note: ?Pen trials. | |||||
45 | 20r | De execucione Iudicij et Certiorari | 1; 4 (top of page) | ||
46 | 20v | De utlagaria adnullanda | |||
47 | 21r | De warant’ [de servicio Regis] | 2 | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
48 | 21v | De trans’ | |||
49 | 22r | Ecclesiastical writs: Basic | Repleg’ [et advocacionibus] | 3 | |
Note: (1) Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. (2) Tear in page stitched with thread. | |||||
50 | 22v | De advocacionibus | |||
51 | 23r | De advocacionibus | 4 | ||
52 | 23v | De advocacionibus | |||
53 | 24r | De advocacionibus | |||
54 | 24v | De advocacionibus | |||
55 | 25r | De advocacionibus | |||
56 | 25v | De advocacionibus | |||
57 | 26r | De advocacionibus | |||
58 | 26v | De advocacionibus | |||
59 | 27r | De advocacionibus | |||
60 | 27v | De advocacionibus | iij | ||
61 | 28r | De advocacionibus | 5 (top of page) | ||
62 | 28v | Ecclesiastical writs: Prohibition | Prohibicio | ||
63 | 29r | Prohibicio | |||
64 | 29v | Prohibicio | |||
65 | 30r | Prohibicio | |||
66 | 30v | Prohibicio | |||
67 | 31r | Prohibicio | |||
68 | 31v | Prohibicio | |||
69 | 32r | Prohibicio | |||
70 | 32v | Prohibicio | |||
71 | 33r | Prohibicio | |||
72 | 33v | Prohibicio | |||
73 | 34r | ||||
74 | 34v | Ecclesiastical writs: Consultation | Consultacio | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
75 | 35r | Consultacio | |||
76 | 35v | Consultacio | iiij | ||
77 | 36r | Consultacio | 6 (top of page) | ||
78 | 36v | Consultacio | |||
79 | 37r | Consultacio | |||
80 | 37v | Consultacio | |||
81 | 38r | Consultacio | |||
82 | 38v | Consultacio | |||
83 | 39r | Ecclesiastical writs: De vi laica admovenda | De vi laica admovenda | 39 (top of page) | |
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
84 | 39v | Ecclesiastical writs: Ne quis trahatur in placitum extra regnum | Ne quis trahatur in placitum extra regnum | ||
85 | 40r | Ne quis trahatur in placitum extra regnum | |||
86 | 40v | Ecclesiastical writs: De excommunicato capiendo, including dependent supersedeas and scire facias | De excommunicato capiendo | ||
87 | 41r | De excommunicato deliberando | |||
88 | 41v | De caucione admittenda | |||
89 | 42r | Supersedeas | |||
90 | 42v | Supersedeas | |||
91 | 43r | Supersedeas | |||
92 | 43v | Scire facias | v | ||
93 | 44r | Scire facias | 7 (top of page) | ||
94 | 44v | Scire facias | |||
95 | 45r | Scire facias | |||
96 | 45v | Waste | De vasto | 72 (top of page) | |
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
97 | 46r | De vasto | |||
98 | 46v | De vasto | |||
99 | 47r | De vasto | |||
100 | 47v | De vasto | |||
101 | 48r | De vasto | |||
102 | 48v | De vasto | |||
103 | 49r | De vasto | |||
104 | 49v | ||||
Note: Different hand. | |||||
105 | 50r | De homine replegiando | Repleg’ | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
106 | 50v | Repleg’ | |||
107 | 51r | Replevin: basic | Repleg’ | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
108 | 51v | Repleg’ | vj | ||
109 | 52r | Repleg’ | 8 (top of page) | ||
110 | 52v | Repleg’ | |||
111 | 53r | Repleg’ | |||
112 | 53v | Repleg’ | |||
Note: Marginalia. | |||||
113 | 54r | Repleg’ | |||
114 | 54v | Replevin: Recordari, including de moderata misericordia | Recordari | ||
Note: (1) Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. (2) Additional text added below the main text. | |||||
115 | 55r | Recordari | |||
116 | 55v | Recordari | |||
117 | 56r | Recordari | |||
118 | 56v | De recordari | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
119 | 57r | De nativis habendis and de libertate probanda | De Nativis habendis | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
120 | 57v | De libertate probanda | |||
Note: Decorated initials ’R’ with elaborate curlicues. | |||||
121 | 58r | De minis | De minis | ||
Note: (1) Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. (2) Includes numbers 92 and 93 in inner margin. | |||||
122 | 58v | Trespass: basic | De trans’ | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
123 | 59r | De trans’ | |||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
124 | 59v | De trans’ | vij | ||
125 | 60r | De trans’ | 9 (top of page) | ||
126 | 60v | De trans’ | |||
127 | 61r | De trans’ | |||
128 | 61v | De trans’ | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘S’. | |||||
129 | 62r | De trans’ | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
130 | 62v | De trans’ | |||
131 | 63r | De trans’ | |||
132 | 63v | De trans’ | |||
133 | 64r | De trans’ | |||
134 | 64v | De trans’ | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
135 | 65r | De trans’ | |||
136 | 65v | De trans’ | |||
137 | 66r | De trans’ | |||
138 | 66v | De trans’ | |||
139 | 67r | De trans’ | |||
140 | 67v | De trans’ | |||
141 | 68r | De trans’ | |||
142 | 68v | De trans’ | |||
143 | 69r | De trans’ | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘Q’. | |||||
144 | 69v | De trans’ | |||
145 | 70r | De trans’ | |||
146 | 70v | De trans’ | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
147 | 71r | De trans’ | |||
148 | 71v | De trans’ | viij | ||
149 | 72r | De audiendo et terminando | 10 (top of page) | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
150 | 72v | De audiendo et terminando | |||
151 | 73r | De trans’ [audiendo et terminando] | |||
152 | 73v | De audiendo et terminando | |||
153 | 74r | De audiendo et terminando | 75 (top of page) | ||
154 | 74v | Trespass: de audiendo et terminando, including de errore | De procedendo ad iudicium et De errore | ||
155 | 75r | De errore corrigendo | |||
156 | 75v | De conspiracione and de odio et athia | De conspiracione | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
157 | 76r | De odio et athia | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
158 | 76v | Trespass: additions | De trans’ | ||
159 | 77r | De trans’ | |||
160 | 77v | Trans’ | |||
Note: Most of text in a new ink. | |||||
161 | 78r | Account | De compoto | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
162 | 78v | De compoto | |||
163 | 79r | De compoto | |||
164 | 79v | De compoto | ix | ||
Note: Informal drawing of an ass holding a man armed with a spear and a shield. | |||||
165 | 80r | Ex parte talis | 11 (top of page) | ||
166 | 80v | De ex parte tallis | |||
167 | 81r | Quod nullus implacitetur sine brevi | Quod nullus implacitetur sine brevi | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
168 | 81v | Miscellaneous rights in land | De secta | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
169 | 82r | Ad molendinum | |||
Note: This page seems to written over text that has been rubbed out. | |||||
170 | 82v | De pone stagno et via reparanda | |||
171 | 83r | De Curia claudenda | |||
172 | 83v | Quod permittat de communa pasture | |||
173 | 84r | De admensuracione pasture | |||
Note: Much of the text appears to have been re-inked. | |||||
174 | 84v | De attornato de admensuracione pasture | |||
175 | 85r | De racionabilibus divisis | |||
176 | 85v | De racionabilibus divisis | |||
Note: Informal drawing of an ass upside down. | |||||
177 | 86r | Debt | De debito | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
178 | 86v | De debito | |||
179 | 87r | De racionabili parte bonorum | |||
180 | 87v | Quod mulieres non distringantur pro debitis virorum | x | ||
181 | 88r | supersedeas de debito et att’ inde | 12 (top of page) | ||
182 | 88v | De supersedias de debito | |||
183 | 89r | De debito [super statutum mercatorium] | |||
184 | 89v | De debito [super statutum mercatorium] | |||
185 | 90r | De debito [recognicio in cancellaria] | |||
186 | 90v | De debito | |||
187 | 91r | De debito | |||
188 | 91v | De debito | |||
189 | 92r | De falso iudicio in debito | |||
190 | 92v | De plegiis acquietandis | |||
191 | 93r | De cartis reddendis | |||
192 | 93v | Warranty of charter | De Warantia carte | ||
193 | 94r | Supersedeas | |||
194 | 94v | De Warant’ | |||
195 | 95r | De warant’ | |||
196 | 95v | Annuity, including mesne | De annuo redditu | xj | |
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
197 | 96r | Iusticios [de medio] | 13 (top of page) | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
198 | 96v | Quod tenens non distr’ domi medius paratus est | |||
199 | 97r | Covenant, including levying of fines | De convencione | ||
Note: (1) Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. (2) Grotesque. | |||||
200 | 97v | De convencione | |||
201 | 98r | De convencione | |||
202 | 98v | De convencione | 100 (top of page) | ||
203 | 99r | De[dimus potestatem] | |||
204 | 99v | De[dimus potestatem quid iuris clamat] | |||
205 | 100r | De[dimus potestatem in per que servicia] | |||
206 | 100v | De transcripto pedis finis habendo | |||
207 | 101r | De mittimus sub pede sigilli | |||
208 | 101v | Dower | De dote unde nihil habet | ||
Note: Elaborately Decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
209 | 102r | De dote | |||
210 | 102v | Wardship and succession | De Custodia terre et hered’ | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
211 | 103r | De custodia terre | |||
212 | 103v | De eieccione custodie | xij | ||
213 | 104r | De eieccione | 14 (top of page) | ||
214 | 104v | De forisfactura maritagii | |||
215 | 105r | De herede rapto in socagio | |||
216 | 105v | Quod tenens in dotem non distringatur pro relevio | |||
217 | 106r | De valore maritagii pro executoribus | |||
218 | 106v | Escheat | De Escaeta | ||
219 | 107r | De inquirendo | |||
220 | 107v | De attornato | |||
221 | 108r | Writs of attorney | De attornato | ||
222 | 108v | De attornato | |||
223 | 109r | De attornato | |||
224 | 109v | De attornato | xiij | ||
225 | 110r | De attornato | 15 (top of page) | ||
226 | 110v | De attornato | |||
227 | 111r | Brevia de statuto | Ne fiant plures secte pro una hereditate | ||
228 | 111v | De contribucione facienda | |||
229 | 112r | Quod ille qui habet eius partem faciat sectam | |||
230 | 112v | Quod barones non ponantur in assisis | |||
231 | 113r | Quod in patria non commorantes non ponantur etc’ | |||
232 | 113v | Quod homines de antiquo dominico non ponantur in assisis | |||
233 | 114r | Quod coronatores non ponantur in assisis | |||
234 | 114v | De trans’ | |||
235 | 115r | De coronatore eligendo | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
236 | 115v | De coronatore eligendo | |||
237 | 116r | Quod marescalli et senescallus non teneant placitum de libero tenemento | |||
238 | 116v | De Estrepamento | |||
239 | 117r | De manutencione | |||
240 | 117v | Breve de | xiiij | ||
241 | 118r | Statuto | 16 (top of page) | ||
242 | 118v | Breve | |||
243 | 119r | de statuto | |||
Note: There is some medieval writing at the bottom of the page that then seems to have been crossed out with pencil or charcoal. | |||||
244 | 119v | Brevia | |||
245 | 120r | de statuto | |||
Note: Part of text in a different hand. | |||||
246 | 120v | De statuto | |||
Note: Text in a different hand. | |||||
247 | 121r | Novel disseisin | De nova disseisina | ||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
248 | 121v | De nova | |||
249 | 122r | Disseisina | |||
250 | 122v | De nova | |||
251 | 123r | Disseisina | |||
252 | 123v | Nova | |||
253 | 124r | Disseisina | 25 (top of page) | ||
254 | 124v | Nova | |||
255 | 125r | Disseisina | |||
256 | 125v | Nova | xv | ||
257 | 126r | Disseisina | 14 | ||
258 | 126v | Nova | |||
259 | 127r | disseisina | |||
260 | 127v | Certiorari de assisa nove disseisine | |||
261 | 128r | Certiorari pro dampnum | |||
262 | 128v | Novel disseisin: Redisseisin | Certiorari pro redisseisina | ||
263 | 129r | De recordo mittendis | |||
264 | 129v | De recordo mittendis | |||
265 | 130r | De recordo et processu mittendis | |||
266 | 130v | De recordo et processu mittendis | |||
267 | 131r | De recordo mittendis | |||
268 | 131v | De recordo et processu mittendis | |||
269 | 132r | De presentacione facta in turno vicecomitis mittendis | |||
270 | 132v | De recordo quando breve pedibus de altiori et De decepcione | |||
271 | 133r | Quod Iustic’ viso scripto fac’ scire facere parti | |||
272 | 133v | De recordo et carta reddend’ | |||
273 | 134r | Recordo processu et inquisicione mittenda quia interfecit se defend’ | |||
Note: Informal drawing of a human face in profile with writing on it, which looks like ‘17’ with a suprascript ‘ao’. | |||||
274 | 134v | De reddisseisina | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
275 | 135r | De redd[isseisina] | |||
276 | 135v | Redisseisina | xvj | ||
277 | 136r | De postdisseisina | 18 (top of page) | ||
278 | 136v | De postdisseisina | |||
279 | 137r | Attincta | |||
280 | 137v | Attincta | |||
281 | 138r | De attincta | |||
282 | 138v | De attincta | |||
283 | 139r | De attincta | |||
284 | 139v | De attincta | |||
285 | 140r | De attincta | |||
286 | 140v | Quod iusticiarii procedant | |||
287 | 141r | De execucione Iudicii | |||
288 | 141v | de deliberando imprisonantum | |||
289 | 142r | De supersedendo in levacione dampnorum | |||
290 | 142v | Mort d’ancestor | [Cut off] | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
291 | 143r | De morte antecessoris | |||
292 | 143v | De mort’ | xvij | ||
293 | 144r | antecessoris | 19 (top of page) | ||
294 | 144v | De mort’ | |||
295 | 145r | De avo et consanguineo and nuper obiit | De avo et Nuper obijt | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
296 | 145v | De ventre inspiciendo | |||
297 | 146r | Diem clausit extremum | |||
298 | 146v | De modo et causa capcionis | |||
Note: Modern note in margin: George Griffith 5th September 1822. | |||||
299 | 147r | De etate probanda | |||
300 | 147v | De etate probanda | |||
301 | 148r | Quare eiecit | |||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
302 | 148v | ||||
303 | 149r | Entry | 150 (top of page) | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
304 | 149v | De ingressu | |||
305 | 150r | De ingressu | |||
306 | 150v | De ingressu | |||
307 | 151r | De ingressu | |||
308 | 151v | De ingressu | |||
309 | 152r | De ingressu | |||
310 | 152v | Audita querela | |||
311 | 153r | ||||
Note: Decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
312 | 153v | De ingressu | xviij | ||
Note: Modern note (or scribble): OWL. | |||||
313 | 154r | [cut off] | 20 (top of page) | ||
Note: One quire missing before this one. | |||||
314 | 154v | [cut off] | |||
315 | 155r | Donacionis | |||
Note: Part of text in a different hand. | |||||
316 | 155v | Formedon | Forma donacionis | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
317 | 156r | Forma donacionis | |||
Note: Decorated initial ‘R’. | |||||
318 | 156v | Forma donacionis | |||
Note: Part of text in a different hand. | |||||
319 | 157r | ||||
Note: (1) Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. (2) This page seems to be written over text that has been rubbed out. | |||||
320 | 157v | Quod ei deforciat | |||
Note: Part of text in a different hand. | |||||
321 | 158r | Si sit ad dampnum | |||
322 | 158v | Si sit | |||
323 | 159r | Ad dampnum | |||
324 | 159v | Si sit | |||
325 | 160r | De dampnum | |||
326 | 160v | Si sit | |||
327 | 161r | Ad dampnum | |||
328 | 161v | Si sit de dampnum | xx | ||
329 | 162r | Si sit ad dampnum | 21 (top of page) | ||
330 | 162v | Si sit ad dampnum | |||
331 | 163r | Si sit ad dampnum | |||
332 | 163v | Si sit ad dampnum | |||
333 | 164r | Si sit ad dampnum dampnum | |||
334 | 164v | Si sit ad dampnum | |||
335 | 165r | Si sit ad dampnum | |||
336 | 165v | Proteccio | |||
Note: Elaborately decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
337 | 166r | Proteccio | |||
338 | 166v | ||||
339 | 167r | ||||
340 | 167v | Proteccio | |||
341 | 168r | Proteccio | |||
342 | 168v | Proteccio | |||
343 | 169r | Proteccio | |||
344 | 169v | Proteccio | xxj | ||
345 | 170r | Proteccio | 22 | ||
346 | 170v | Proteccio | |||
347 | 171r | Proteccio | |||
348 | 171v | Proteccio | |||
349 | 172r | Proteccio | |||
350 | 172v | Proteccio | |||
351 | 173r | Proteccio | |||
352 | 173v | ||||
353 | 174r | Charters of pardon | 175 | ||
Note: Decorated initial ‘E’. | |||||
354 | 174v | ||||
355 | 175r | ||||
356 | 175v | ||||
357 | 176r | ||||
Note: End of main register. | |||||
358 | 176v | Miscellaneous | De idemptitate nominis | ||
Note: (1) Medieval foliation ends. (2) Later addition. (3) Informal drawing of a dog and human profile. | |||||
359 | 177r | 178 | |||
Note: Duplicate of fol. 3v (last page of contents). | |||||
360 | 177v | Iusticies | |||
Note: Later addition. | |||||
361 | 178r | 23 (top of page) | |||
Note: Very late addition. See the Introduction. | |||||
362 | 178v | ||||
363 | 179r | ||||
364 | 179v | ||||
Note: End of very late addition. | |||||
365 | 180r | A | |||
Note: Basically blank folios, headed on the recto by a letter of the alphabet, occasional notes of writ titles on the recto and nothing on the verso. See the Introduction. | |||||
366 | 180v | Blank | |||
367 | 181r | B | |||
368 | 181v | Blank | |||
369 | 182r | C | |||
370 | 182v | Blank | |||
371 | 183r | D | |||
372 | 183v | Blank | |||
373 | 184r | E | |||
374 | 184v | Blank | |||
375 | 185r | F | |||
376 | 185v | Blank | |||
377 | 186r | G | 24 | ||
378 | 186v | Blank | |||
379 | 187r | H | |||
380 | 187v | Blank | |||
381 | 188r | J | |||
382 | 188v | Blank | |||
383 | 189r | K | |||
384 | 189v | Blank | |||
385 | 190r | L | |||
386 | 190v | Blank | |||
387 | 191r | M | |||
388 | 191v | Blank | |||
389 | 192r | N | |||
390 | 192v | Blank | |||
391 | 193r | O | |||
392 | 193v | Blank | |||
393 | 194r | P | 25 | ||
394 | 194v | Blank | |||
395 | 195r | Q | |||
396 | 195v | Blank | |||
397 | 196r | R | |||
398 | 196v | Blank | |||
399 | 197r | Blank | |||
Note: Final fols. before endpapers vermiculated. | |||||
400 | 197v | Blank | |||
401 | 198r | Blank | |||
402 | 198v | Blank | |||
403 | 199r | Blank | |||
404 | 199v | Blank | |||
405 | 200r | Blank | |||
406 | 200v | Notes in ?code | |||
Note: Pen trial ’Remember man that’ [thou art dust], etc. | |||||
407 | 201r | Blank | |||
Note: Perhaps original parchment cover. | |||||
408 | 201v | Blank | |||
409 | Pencil notes in modern hand | ||||
Note: Notes on the arms and the binding with reference to manuscripts in the BL. | |||||
410 | Blank | ||||
411 | Back pastedown | ||||
412 | Back cover |
Preliminary Analysis of the Register of Writs
No heading found As indicated in the Introduction, the contents of this register almost certainly date from the second quarter of the 14th century, probably between 1340 and 1351, with additions that were probably made fairly early in the 15th century. The scribe of the original text omitted the marginalia from a number of the writs, although there are almost always marginal red or blue paragraph marks indicating where a new writ or entry begins. The 15th-century hand has filled in a number of them, but others remain just paragraph marks. We have indicated in our analysis what the 15th-century hand wrote by putting it in square brackets. Where there is just a paragraph mark that is indicated by ‘paragraph mark only’ in diamond brackets. The following table gives the names of the writs as found in the marginalia and counts them. Two counts of the writs are given in the right-hand columns. The first counts all the writs for which there are marginal notes, excluding, however, the notes that are labelled ‘Regula’ or ‘Nota’. The second excludes from the total all the writs where the marginal note includes the words ‘eodem’ or ‘aliter’. |
Seq. | Fol. | Header | Writ(s) | Count | Uniq |
13 | 4r | Breve de recto patens; Regula; aliter; Aliter quando dominus fuerit extra regnum; Regula; aliter; Ordo ponendi [particularum]. | 5 | 4 | |
14 | 4v | De recto | [Nota mediet’]; Regula [et medietas sive non integrum etc’]; [Nota]; Regula; Regula; [Regula pur le tenire in breve de recto]; [Nota versus]. | 0 | 0 |
15 | 5r | De recto custodi terre et heredis | [Nota]; [De thoue fait feod milit’]; [Nota inde procell’ de maundra mise ?demittant et bone que est ?intier]; Regula; Regula; De recto custodi terre et heredis [R.]; Regula; Aliter [custod’ quando alterio quod]; Regula; [Aliter ?? domin ??]; Regula; Regula; Aliter in [london]. | 5 | 2 |
16 | 5v | De recto [dote] | Regula; Breve de recto de dote; Regula; Aliter [quando partem habeat et partem non]; Regula; Aliter de custoda gaole; Regula. | 3 | 1 |
17 | 6r | De recto | Aliter; Regula; Breve de recto de racionabili parte; Regula; Regula. | 2 | 1 |
18 | 6v | De recto | Regula; Breve de recto Episcopis; Aliter Alibi; Regula; Aliter sede vacante; Aliter electo sede vacante; Breve de recto quando dominus Curie remittit domino Regi Curiam suam; Causa; Regula; Littera per quam dominus remittit Curiam suam. | 7 | 4 |
19 | 7r | De recto | De recto de servicio feodi unius militis; Regula; Nota; Precipe in capite magna carta capitulo xxio oportet assidare quod tenementum tenetur de Rege in capite. | 2 | 2 |
20 | 7v | De recto | De non intromittendo; Regula; De iniuste de exes; Pone ne iniuste vexes; de attornato de consuetudinibus et serviciis; Nota; Prohibicio vicecomiti ?directo [?should be de recto]. | 5 | 5 |
21 | 8r | De recto | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter ballivis Episcopis; Prohibicio in gavelkynd in hoc brevi debet ?minio magnam assisam sicut in precedenti; De eleccione facienda. | 5 | 2 |
22 | 8v | De recto | Regula; Regula; Regula; Regula; De recordo mittendis. | 1 | 1 |
23 | 9r | De recto | [bis scriptus]. | 1 | 1 |
24 | 9v | De recto | secundum consuetudinem manerii; Aliter; Aliter de communa pasture; Attachiamentum super dominum quando recusat tenere Curiam suam; Attachiamentum super ballivos quando recusant tenere Curiam domini ??. | 5 | 3 |
25 | 10r | De recto | Regula; Regula; Breve quod vicecomes accedat in propria persona ad videndum quod plena iusticia exhibiatur pet’; Sicut alias; De recordo et racionabili iudicio pro petente quando ballivi nolunt procedere ad iudicium; Sicut alias; Cum pluries. | 5 | 5 |
26 | 10v | De recto | Quod procedant in brevi de recto; [Regula]; De essonio de malo lecto. | 2 | 2 |
27 | 11r | De recto | Regula; de attornato languidi recipiendi; Regula; Aliter de malo lecti; De licencia surgenti de malo lecti. | 3 | 2 |
28 | 11v | De monstraverunt | Monstravit pro hominibus de antiquo dominico Corone Anglie; Regula; De eodem vicecomiti; Regula; Attachiamentum. | 3 | 2 |
29 | 12r | Monstraverunt | de attornato; Regula; breve de inquirendo utrum manerium sit de antiquo dominico necne; Nota; De attachiendo domini de antiquo dominico corone pro eo quod cepit bona hominum suorum pendente attachiamento. | 3 | 3 |
30 | 12v | De Recordari in brevi de facto | Causa ad removendum parvum breve de recto; Nota; De removendo breve de recto; Causa; De removendo breve de recto in Curia alicuius; Causa anno viio apud Ebor’ consign’. | 5 | 5 |
31 | 13r | De recordari in brevi de recto etc’ | Regula; Recordari in brevi de recto secundum consuetudinem manerii; Causa; Regula; Causa; Causa ad removendum parvum breve de recto. | 4 | 4 |
32 | 13v | De pone loquelam in brevi de recto | Regula; Regula; [Pone]; Regula; Regula; Pone pro defendente in brevi de recto. | 2 | 2 |
33 | 14r | De pone loquelam in brevi de recto | Causa; Causa; Causa; Regula; Regula; Regula. | 3 | 3 |
34 | 14v | Recordari de falso iudicio | Regula; [Aliter]; Aliter sine brevi; Aliter in hundredo cum brevi vel sine brevi; Aliter pro Abbate. | 4 | 0 |
35 | 15r | De errore corrigendo | Aliter de frisca forcia; de attornato in brevi de falso iudicio; Aliter ad Curiam Cantuariae; Nota; Regula; De errore corrigendo. | 4 | 2 |
36 | 15v | De errore corrigendo | Nota; Cum pluries. | 1 | 1 |
37 | 16r | De falso iudicio pro eo qui petit admitti | Aliter de falso iudicio pro eo qui pecit se admitti; anno xo apud Ebor’; de attornato quando loquela retornata placitanda iuxta libertatem; de attornato quando quis petitur in auxilium; de attornato quando quis vocatur ad Warantum in duabus loquelis; Attornato dedimus potestatem; anno xo apud North’. | 7 | 6 |
38 | 16v | de attornato | Breve de attornato in Curia boronis in brevi de recto; de attornato in brevi de recto de racionabilis parte; de attornato en le iniuste vexes; Dedimus potestatem in dote pro vocato de Waranto; de attornato ad loquelas prosequendas sine brevi. | 5 | 5 |
39 | 17r | de attornato | Nota; Regula; dedimus potestatem de attornato recipiendi; de attornato inde; de attornato quando tenens vocat ad warantum; dedimus potestatem de attornato removendo. | 4 | 4 |
40 | 17v | de attornato | de attornato ammovendo et nullo substituendo; Regula; dedimus potestatem de attornato recipiendi; de attornato generali. | 3 | 3 |
41 | 18r | de attornato | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; de attornato generali in itinere. | 5 | 1 |
42 | 18v | de attornato | dedimus potestatem inde; Dedimus potestatem de attornato recipiendi generali ca’ infirmit’; Dedimus potestatem de fidelit’ capiend’; Aliter; [Trans’]. | 5 | 4 |
43 | 19r | De execucione iudicii | De execucione iudicii; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Regula; Aliter pro executoribus; sicut alias. | 8 | 2 |
44 | 19v | De execucione [Iudicij] | Cum pluries; Attachiamentum. | 2 | 2 |
45 | 20r | De execucione Iudicij et Certiorari | de attornato; Aliter; [Certiorari]. | 3 | 2 |
46 | 20v | De utlagaria adnullanda | [Insign’ tenuit]; [de utlagaria adnullanda]. | 2 | 2 |
47 | 21r | De warant’ [de servicio Regis] | De Warantia de servicio domini Regis; Aliter; Nota; De Warantia Regis per testimonium Senescalli eo quod fuit coram eo; De Warantia de communi summonicione in itinere; Regula. | 4 | 3 |
48 | 21v | De trans’ | [Transgressione facta ??]; [Trans’]; [Trans’]; [Trans’]; [Trans’]. | 5 | 5 |
49 | 22r | Repleg’ [et advocacionibus] | De terra replegianda; [cest br’ est custod’ per lestat de anno ixo E tercii capitulo iio]; Aliter; Nota; Aliter; Regula; Regula; De recto de advocacione ecclesie. | 5 | 3 |
50 | 22v | De advocacionibus | De advocacione ecclesie; Aliter; Regula; Aliter; Regula; [de attornato]; [De ultima presentacione]; Aliter pro Rege; de attornato. | 7 | 4 |
51 | 23r | De advocacionibus | Attincta; De certificionibus utrum placitum pedeat in banco super quare impedit; de eodem episcopo. | 3 | 2 |
52 | 23v | De advocacionibus | Regula; Breve de advocacione decimarum; Regula; De ?recale quando clericus institutus poterit removeri si ius patr’ natus emicat’; Regula; Regula. | 2 | 2 |
53 | 24r | De advocacionibus | quare impedit anno viio apud Ebor’ consign’; Anno viio consign’; Quare impedit; Quare impedit pro Rege; Aliter racione custodie; Quare impedit pro alio; Aliter ad vicarium. | 7 | 5 |
54 | 24v | De advocacionibus | Regula; Aliter ad prebendam; de attornato; Regula; De admittat; Aliter; Aliter; Nota; Quare non admisit. | 6 | 3 |
55 | 25r | De advocacionibus | Pone pro petente; Quare non admisit; Regula; Attachiamentum in le quare impedit pro Rege; Ne episcopus conferat alicui ecclesiam; Regula. | 4 | 4 |
56 | 25v | De advocacionibus | Quod clericus Regis manuteneatur appellacionis; Quare incumbravit; Breve quod dicitur utrum. | 3 | 3 |
57 | 26r | De advocacionibus | Regula; [anno xiiiio R iii capitulo xviio an’ p’ce ?viber’]; Aliter; Aliter de eodem; De eodem; de attornato in brevi de recto de utrum. | 5 | 2 |
58 | 26v | De advocacionibus | Prohibicio de advocacione ecclesie iudicii; De eodem parti; Attachiamentum inde; Prohibicio de advocacione ecclesie pro Rege. | 4 | 3 |
59 | 27r | De advocacionibus | De eodem de hospitali; De eodem de prebenda; Regula; Breve quod dicitur indicavit. | 3 | 1 |
60 | 27v | De advocacionibus | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter parti; Aliter quando alicuis clamat de advocacione Regis; prohibicio de catallis et debitis. | 5 | 1 |
61 | 28r | De advocacionibus | Aliter parti; Attachiamentum inde; Pro Rege; Non concedatur nisi impetrans fuerit ad minus infra sacres; Attachiamentum inde. | 5 | 4 |
62 | 28v | Prohibicio | Prohibicio de laico feodo; Attachiamentum; Regula; Prohibicio de trans’; Inde parti. | 4 | 4 |
63 | 29r | Prohibicio | Attachiamentum inde coram iusticiariis; Prohibicio de trans’ pro Rege; Regula; Attachiamentum inde; de attornato in attachiamento pro clericus; Aliter. | 5 | 4 |
64 | 29v | Prohibicio | Aliter; Prohibicio de decimis Regis; indicavit pro Rege. | 3 | 2 |
65 | 30r | Prohibicio | Prohibicio formata quando mulier trahitur in placitum in Curia Xtianitatis quia appellat ?j; Prohibicio de decimis separatis; Attachiamentum inde in rei; Prohibicio de latrociniis iuxta vim indenture. | 4 | 4 |
66 | 30v | Prohibicio | Regula; Prohibicio de nova forma. | 1 | 1 |
67 | 31r | Prohibicio | Prohibicio de catallis et debitis generalibus; Prohibicio super recogniciones in Curia Xtianitatis facte. | 2 | 2 |
68 | 31v | Prohibicio | Attachiamentum super prohibicio formata; Regula; Prohibicio quando iudex fatigat ipsum qui portat prohibicionem. | 2 | 2 |
69 | 32r | Prohibicio | Anno xo apud novum templ’ Londonie; Attachiamentum inde. | 2 | 2 |
70 | 32v | Prohibicio | Prohibicio alia; Aliter; Nota. | 2 | 1 |
71 | 33r | Prohibicio | Prohibicio alia; Attachiamentum. | 2 | 2 |
72 | 33v | Prohibicio | Prohibicio alia; Prohibicio alia. | 2 | 2 |
73 | 34r | de recto iudicio faciendo; de administracione ecclesie accipienda. | 2 | 2 | |
74 | 34v | Consultacio | Consultacio de diffamacione; Consultacio de [mortu]ariis. | 2 | 2 |
75 | 35r | Consultacio | Consultacio de decimis; consultacio de transgressione facta clerico. | 2 | 2 |
76 | 35v | Consultacio | Consultacio de annua pensione; consultacio de trans’ pro capellano. | 2 | 2 |
77 | 36r | Consultacio | Consultacio de usura. | 1 | 1 |
78 | 36v | Consultacio | consultacio de pecunia promissa causa matrimonii; consultacio de minutis decimis; [de silva cedua anno xvvo E capitulo iiio]. | 3 | 3 |
79 | 37r | Consultacio | consultacio de legatis et de decimis; consultacio de transgressione facta capellano. | 2 | 2 |
80 | 37v | Consultacio | Consultacio de eodem; consultacio de decimis super le indicavit. | 2 | 1 |
81 | 38r | Consultacio | Aliter de decimis. | 1 | 0 |
82 | 38v | Consultacio | consultacio de dampnis taxatis pro defectum in rectoria; consultacio de decimis; Nota. | 2 | 2 |
83 | 39r | De vi laica admovenda | Litter porrecta domino Rege de vi laica removenda; Breve vicecomiti de vi laica removenda; Nota; Quod clericus manuteneatur in possessione pendente appellacione. | 3 | 3 |
84 | 39v | Ne quis trahatur in placitum extra regnum | Ne quis trahatur in causam extra regnum; Ne aliquis se transferat; Quod clerici Regis non compellantur ad residenciam. | 3 | 3 |
85 | 40r | Ne quis trahatur in placitum extra regnum | Sicut aias; Attachiamentum ne quis trahatur in placitum extra regnum; Aliter; Regula; Pro excommunicato capiendo. | 4 | 3 |
86 | 40v | De excommunicato capiendo | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter sicut alias; Cum pluries. | 4 | 1 |
87 | 41r | De excommunicato deliberando | Regula; De excommunicato deliberando; Regula; De caucione admittendi; Inde vicecomiti. | 3 | 3 |
88 | 41v | De caucione admittenda | De excommunicato recapiendo. | 1 | 1 |
89 | 42r | Supersedeas | Supersedeas pendente placito attachiamenti; Nota; Regula; Supersedeas pro clerico. | 2 | 2 |
90 | 42v | Supersedeas | Supersedeas pendente appellacione; Aliter; Regula; Supersedeas pro litteras specialies et instrumenta publica. | 3 | 2 |
91 | 43r | Supersedeas | De restitucione bonorum post purgacionem clerici; Aliter; Quod extra habitus ab ecclesia restituatur ab eadem. | 3 | 2 |
92 | 43v | Scire facias | scire facias quare non debet supersederi capcione pendente appellacione; <Paragraph mark only>. | 2 | 2 |
93 | 44r | Scire facias | Nota; Nota; Nota; Scire facias. | 1 | 1 |
95 | 45r | Scire facias | [Trans’]; [De querela non manutenanda contra etc’]. | 2 | 2 |
96 | 45v | De vasto | vasto facto dotem; Regula; Aliter; Aliter ad vitam; Aliter pro religiosis; de attornato inde; Regula; Aliter in custod’; Aliter in dote ?utne infra ecclesie. | 7 | 2 |
97 | 46r | De vasto | De vasto facto tenentem ad terminum vel annorum Glouc’ capitulo vio; W secundo capitulo xiiio; Aliter pro religiosis; Aliter ex dimissione ad v’; [Aliter ??]; Aliter contra executores; Aliter ex dimissione. | 7 | 2 |
98 | 46v | De vasto | Aliter de assignacione ad vitam; Aliter ex assignacione; Aliter de attornato; Aliter per legem Anglie; Aliter pro indiviso W secundo capitulo xxiio verba statuti; Regula; De particione facta. | 6 | 1 |
99 | 47r | De vasto | Regula; Aliter de vivario; Aliter in le remanere; Aliter per finem; Regula; Aliter ex dimissione exec’. | 4 | 0 |
100 | 47v | De vasto | Quando tenens ad terminum vite dimittit stat’ suum; Remanere in finem in feodo talliato; Anno vio apud R’; Nota; Nota. | 3 | 3 |
101 | 48r | De vasto | De vasto facto in novo casu; Aliter in le descendere pro herede; De vasto quando tenens ad terminum vite dimissit alii statum suum et ille alii qui fecit vastum; Aliter. | 4 | 2 |
102 | 48v | De vasto | Aliter; apud Londoniam anno xio; Aliter. | 3 | 1 |
103 | 49r | De vasto | Aliter; De ten’ tent’ per le Elegit; Aliter de eodem. | 3 | 1 |
104 | 49v | De champertia; Trans’ bona; Trans’ per vicecomitem facta; Trans’. | 4 | 4 | |
105 | 50r | Repleg’ | de homine replegiando; Nota; Cum pluries; Attachiamentum inde. | 3 | 3 |
106 | 50v | Repleg’ | Regula; Replegiare pro foresta; Regula; Nota. | 1 | 1 |
107 | 51r | Repleg’ | Replegiare de averiis; Sicut alias; Attachiamentum super le sicut alias; Nota; Regula; Ne omittas propter libertatem. | 4 | 4 |
108 | 51v | Repleg’ | Returnum vicecomitis; Sicut alias super le non omittas propter libertatem; Cum pluries super le sicut alias. | 3 | 3 |
109 | 52r | Repleg’ | Attachiamento super le cum pluries; De averiis capiendis in Wythernam’. | 2 | 2 |
110 | 52v | Repleg’ | Returnum vicecomitis; Returnum vicecomitis; Returnum vicecomitis; Returnum vicecomitis; De execucione facienda in Wythernam’. | 5 | 5 |
111 | 53r | Repleg’ | Regula; de custode admisso ad defendendum loquelas; Pone pro petente de averii; Regula; Pone pro defendente; Causa; Regula; Causa. | 5 | 5 |
112 | 53v | Repleg’ | Causa; Causa; Causa; Causa; Causa; Causa; Regula; Pone in Curia ad peticionem petentis. | 7 | 7 |
113 | 54r | Repleg’ | Causa; Causa pro defendente; Causa pro defendende; Causa pro petente; Causa pro petente; Causa pro defendente [loco istius datur breve de ?? adm’ anno iio G iiiio]; Causa pro pentente de attornato. | 7 | 7 |
114 | 54v | Recordari | Recordari de averiis; Regula causa; Causa pro defendente; Aliter in Curia alicuius; Causa pro defendente. | 4 | 3 |
115 | 55r | Recordari | Aliter ad Wapentachium; Regula; Causa pro petente; Causa pro defendente; Aliter; Causa in Curia pro defendente que est diversorum dominorum; Breve coronatoribus quando vicecomes non returnat breve de pone. | 6 | 4 |
116 | 55v | Recordari | Breve ad inquirendum de proprietate advocata de averiis vel catallis; Returnum vicecomitis; De recapcione averior ante le pone. | 3 | 3 |
117 | 56r | Recordari | Regula; De recapcione averiorum post le pone; De recapcione averiorum post le recordari. | 2 | 2 |
118 | 56v | De recordari | De moderata misericordia capienda; Regula; Attachiamentum; Regula; Regula de Nativis. | 2 | 2 |
119 | 57r | De Nativis habendis | Regula; Regula; Regula; Regula; Aliter. | 1 | 0 |
120 | 57v | De libertate probanda | De libertate probanda; Aliter; De auxilio habendo ad distrigendos villanos; De tallagio habendo; De scutagio habendo; De auxilio habendo ad militem faciendum vel filiam maritandam; Regula. | 6 | 5 |
121 | 58r | De minis | De minis; Regula; De trans’ post brevem de pace; De incendio domorum; Aliter in quinque portibus. | 4 | 3 |
122 | 58v | De trans’ | De trans’ in comitatu; De bonis et catallis asportatis; De libera falda prostata; De ovibus ad certum terminum pastendis traditis fugatis; Aliter; De carta facta; De piscata pisce asport’; De fossato levato; De ?supercunita asport’; De equis abductis ad loca ignota Marl’ capitulo iio. | 10 | 9 |
123 | 59r | De trans’ | De tauro ad terminum tradito et abducto; De ovibus imparcatis; De bonis asportatis pro executoribus; De porcis fugatis cum canibus; [de bonis pro ?? pecuniar’ prefect’]; De trans’ coram Rege. | 6 | 6 |
124 | 59v | De trans’ | De forcio fracto; De cista facta et bonis asportatis; De imprisonamento et aliis enormis; De imprisonamento quousque finem fecerit; De clausa fracto et aliis enormiis; De herba depasta. | 6 | 6 |
125 | 60r | De trans’ | De turbis fossis et arboribus successis; De equo et bonis et catallis arestatis; Regula; De Warenna fugata; De bladis et herbis asportatis; De cignis interfectis; De pullis esparvariorum; De denariis sig’ et asport’ [partially overwritten in fresh ink]; De domo fracta; De equis et bovibus defunctis. | 9 | 9 |
126 | 60v | De trans’ | De barris succisis; De navibus cum victualibus abductis; De bonis et catallis et deneriis in pecunia munerata asportatis; Aliter de pecunia; De cartis scriptis quiet’ claud’ et rec’ asportatia; De quarera [?et quarell’]. | 6 | 5 |
127 | 61r | De trans’ | De carbonibus maritimis; De bladis conculcatis per carucas; De columbis captis; De columbario fracto; De gurgite pro fracto; De carucis fen’ cariatis subversi; De parco fracto et feris asportatis; De palis in ?percepcionis extractis; De canibus interfectis; De stallis fractis. | 10 | 10 |
128 | 61v | De trans’ | De clauso fracto et leporibus et cuniculis fugatis et asportatis; Regula; De equis et bovibus verberatis et oculis erutis; De terra inundata per subversionem aque; De parco inundato; De insulto facti uxori ante maritagium; De lanis ab ovibus abstractis; De morsu canum; De navi et victualibus abducta. | 8 | 8 |
129 | 62r | De trans’ | Recordari de trans’; Causa; De transgressione facta tempore antecessoris; De non permittendo execucionem ?test’ fieri. | 4 | 4 |
130 | 62v | De trans’ | De non permittendo averia replegiando; De animalibus iniusto captis nomine Wach’; De averiis ad loca ignota fugatis; Ne quis distringatur per averia carucarum. | 4 | 4 |
131 | 63r | De trans’ | Regula; De averiis fugatis de uno comitatu in alium; De parco fracto et averiis abductis; De parco fracto; Aliter pro amerciamento; Aliter pro anno redditu; Aliter pro defalta. | 6 | 3 |
132 | 63v | De trans’ | De rescussu averiorum; Aliter; De rescussu pro consuetudinibus et serviciis; aliter de eodem; Aliter in quodam anno redditu; Aliter pro execucione iudicii; Regula. | 6 | 2 |
133 | 64r | De trans’ | Aliter de ovibus rescussis; De rescussu facto super attachiamentum hominis; Aliter; Aliter de parco fracto. | 4 | 1 |
134 | 64v | De trans’ | Regula; De averiis captis extra feodum vel in regia via communi vel strata; Marl’e anno xiiiio; Aliter quando nullus ten’ de eo tenetur; Aliter. | 4 | 2 |
135 | 65r | De trans’ | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter. | 3 | 0 |
136 | 65v | De trans’ | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter. | 5 | 0 |
137 | 66r | De trans’ | Aliter; Audita querela in quinque portubus; Aliter audita querela; De rescussu. | 4 | 2 |
138 | 66v | De trans’ | Aliter coram Rege; Aliter de admittendo custode; De Warenna ingressa et pullis esparvariorum captis; De clauset domibus fractis; De attachiamento fracto. | 5 | 3 |
139 | 67r | De trans’ | Pro taxatore de rescussu; De rescussu; Breve contra vicecomitem quando permittit hominem captum per statutum mercatorum de libari ante satisfaccionem debiti. | 3 | 3 |
140 | 67v | De trans’ | De attachiamento vicecomiti quando returnat non est inventus ubi defendens moram facit; Attachiamentum quando vicecomes permisit imprisonatum abire; Pro Abbate de bonis asportatis tempore advocacionis. | 3 | 3 |
141 | 68r | De trans’ | De stagno fracto; De terra submersa; De trans’ quo minus theolon’ colligere possit; De trans’ de obcessione. | 4 | 4 |
142 | 68v | De trans’ | De wall’ et fossatis fractis; Audita querela de disseisina facta in Northwall’; Audita querela de morte hominis; audita querela de redditu in quinque portibus; Anno xo de bladis et germinibus vinearum; Aliter anno xo; Aliter. | 7 | 5 |
143 | 69r | De trans’ | Causa in recordo de trans’; Aliter; De rescussu facto ballivo Regis; De transgressione facta ante matrimonium; De navi abducti et bonis asportatis; De bladis messis herba falcata et arboribus successis. | 6 | 5 |
144 | 69v | De trans’ | Aliter; De wrecco asportato quod pertinet ad dominum manerii; De transgressione facta in rebus defuncti anno viii apud Warr’; Aliter apud Ebor’ anno viii. | 4 | 2 |
145 | 70r | De trans’ | Aliter apud Londoniam anno decimo; De cordis selde secatis. | 2 | 1 |
146 | 70v | De trans’ | De furtis prostratis; De trans’ contra proteccionem; Inquisicio de trans’ contra proteccionem; Aliter. | 4 | 3 |
147 | 71r | De trans’ | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Attincta de trans’ coram Rege; Regula. | 6 | 1 |
148 | 71v | De trans’ | Attincta de trans’; Patens inde; Attincta de trans’ in Nisi prius apud E; Aliter de attincta de loquela que fuit Reg’ infra libertatem returnum placitand’. | 4 | 3 |
149 | 72r | De audiendo et terminando | Audiendo et terminando; Inde vicecomiti. | 2 | 2 |
150 | 72v | De audiendo et terminando | Aliter de trans’; Regula; <Paragraph mark only>. | 2 | 1 |
151 | 73r | De trans’ [audiendo et terminando] | Aliter audiendo et terminando de transgressione facta contra proteccionem; Regula; Aliter audiendo et terminando de rescussu facto ballivis domini Regis. | 2 | 0 |
152 | 73v | De audiendo et terminando | Aliter de bladis; Associacio in audiendo et terminando; Regula; Si non omnes in audiendo et terminando. | 3 | 2 |
153 | 74r | De audiendo et terminando | de attornato inde; dedimus potestatem; Audiendo et terminando in confinio; Regula; De recordo et processu; Quod inquisicio de trans’ capiatur per propinquiores. | 5 | 5 |
154 | 74v | De procedendo ad iudicium et De errore | De procedendo ad iudicium in Londonia in brevi de trans’; De errore corrigendo in Londonia in brevi de trans’; Inde maiori et vicecomiti admittendo recordum et processum. | 3 | 3 |
155 | 75r | De errore corrigendo | De errore corrigendo in Londonia; Breve quando vicecomes recusat dare villam. | 2 | 2 |
156 | 75v | De conspiracione | De conspiracione; Aliter de morte hominis. | 2 | 1 |
157 | 76r | De odio et athia | [Aliter]; Regula; De odio et atia W prim’ capitulo xio. | 2 | 1 |
158 | 76v | De trans’ | Regula; De ponendo in ballivum Glouc’ capitulo ixo; <Paragraph mark only>. | 2 | 2 |
159 | 77r | De trans’ | <Paragraph mark only>; <Paragraph mark only>. | 2 | 2 |
160 | 77v | Trans’ | Trans’ de equo ?prandilent’ vendit’; De brases prandilent’ vendit’; Pro executoribus; Trans’ de minis fo’is tenentibus suis per quod etc’; Trans’ contra hospitatore’; De stagno molendini lapidibus impleto et blad’ falcat’ et salo slivers’ cum port’. | 6 | 6 |
161 | 78r | De compoto | De compoto in Comitatu; Aliter pro executoribus; Aliter; Regula; Aliter; Aliter ad Bancum pro Abbate; Nota; Regula; Monstravit pro priore. | 6 | 2 |
162 | 78v | De compoto | Regula; monstravit vicecomitibus Londonie; <Paragraph mark only>. | 2 | 2 |
163 | 79r | De compoto | Regula; De compoto in socagio; de attornato in eodem; Aliter; Pone pro petente. | 4 | 2 |
164 | 79v | De compoto | <Paragraph mark only>; Causa pro defendente; de attornato de compoto pro defendente; De arestando ballivi pro arreragiis compoti; Marl’ capitulo xxiio; Westm’ secundo capitulo xi. | 6 | 6 |
165 | 80r | Ex parte talis | Regula; De admittendo arest’ arreragiis compoti per manucapcionem ad recitandum compotum coram Baronibus de scaccario; De inveniendo manucapcionem in cancellaria ad recitandum compotum coram Baronibus de scaccario. | 2 | 2 |
166 | 80v | De ex parte tallis | De inveniendo manuc’ in scaccar’ coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario; Quando ballivus evasit de carcere. | 2 | 2 |
167 | 81r | Quod nullus implacitetur sine brevi | Quod nullus placitetur sine brevi Regis de libero tenemento; Attachiamento inde; de attornato inde; Quod nullus placitetur sine brevi de libero tenemento ad communem legem; De non faciendo consuetudines et servicia in debita; [Recognacio inter mercat’]. | 6 | 6 |
168 | 81v | De secta | De secta ad molendinum in comitatu; Aliter ad bancum; Regula; Quod permittat villanos facere sectam in comitatu; De eodem ad bancum; Regula; De eodem in comitatu; <Paragraph mark only>; De molendino tento pro diviso reparando cum participibus. | 7 | 4 |
169 | 82r | Ad molendinum | Regula; De domo reparanda; De ponte et stagno reparando; Regula; <Paragraph mark only>; <Paragraph mark only>. | 4 | 4 |
170 | 82v | De pone stagno et via reparanda | <Paragraph mark only>; De via reparanda; Aliter de calceto; De pavimento reparando; de Curia claudenda in comitatu. | 5 | 4 |
171 | 83r | De Curia claudenda | De eodem ad Bancum; Pone de eodem; Quod permitta haurire aquam; Quod permitta adaquare gregem; Quod permitta habere liberum taurum; Quod permittat habere racionabile estoverium; de attornato; De chimino habendo; De libera falda habenda; De piscaria habenda; Quod permittat habere liberum passagium; ?Regula. | 11 | 9 |
172 | 83v | Quod permittat de communa pasture | Quod permittat ?W habere communa pasture; Aliter; Regula; Aliter; [Aliter]; [Aliter]. | 5 | 1 |
173 | 84r | De admensuracione pasture | Aliter; quod permittat de communa pasture; Regula; <Paragraph mark only>; De communa pasture; Regula; Nota; <Paragraph mark only>; Nota; de pastura admensuranda. | 6 | 5 |
174 | 84v | De attornato de admensuracione pasture | de attornato de admensuracione pasture; De secunda superoneracione; W secundo capitulo iiii; quod vicecomes procedat ad pasturam amensurandam per defaltam. | 4 | 4 |
175 | 85r | De racionabilibus divisis | Pone de mensur’; pro defendente; de attornato in secunda superonerace; Regula; De racionabilibus divisis; Regula; [De perambulacione. | 5 | 5 |
176 | 85v | De racionabilibus divisis | Pone de racionabilibus divisis; De visu franciplegii habend’; [Trans’]; [Trans’]; [Execucio iudic’]; [Trans’]; [Trans’]; [Certiorari de matrimonio et divorcio]; [Trans’]. | 9 | 9 |
177 | 86r | De debito | De debito in Comitatu; Aliter; Aliter pro executoribus; Aliter contra executores; Regula; Aliter in Banco; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter. | 9 | 1 |
178 | 86v | De debito | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter in Londonia; Regula; Pone de debito pro petente in Comitatu; Causa. | 7 | 2 |
179 | 87r | De racionabili parte bonorum | Recordari de debito in Comitu; Regula; Causa pro defendente; Quod mulieres habeant racionabiles partes de bonis virorum suorum; Aliter pro pueris. | 4 | 3 |
180 | 87v | Quod mulieres non distringantur pro debitis virorum | Aliter pro pueris; Anno quarto Quod mulieres non distringantur pro debitus virorum suorum; Aliter de Thesaurio et Baronibus. | 3 | 1 |
181 | 88r | supersedeas de debito et att’ inde | Supersedeas; Supersedeas; Attachiamentum; Regula. | 3 | 3 |
182 | 88v | De supersedias de debito | Supersedeas de diversis querelis. | 1 | 1 |
183 | 89r | De debito [super statutum mercatorium] | De auxilio habendo ad debita levanda; Aliter; Aliter; de recognicione debitorum. | 4 | 2 |
184 | 89v | De debito [super statutum mercatorium] | Aliter ad duos terminos; Aliter quando clericus facerit recognicionem; Regula; Aliter contra clericum. | 3 | 0 |
185 | 90r | De debito [recognicio in cancellaria] | Quod clericus captus virtute statuti mercatorii; Aliter quod clericis non capiatur; De debito recognito in cancellaria; Aliter; Si recognoscat. | 5 | 3 |
186 | 90v | De debito | Aliter; Regula; Aliter; Aliter. | 3 | 0 |
187 | 91r | De debito | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; De supersedendo de debito. | 4 | 1 |
188 | 91v | De debito | Aliter; Aliter; Nota; Aliter; Aliter; Regula. | 4 | 0 |
189 | 92r | De falso iudicio in debito | De certiorando de debito in scaccario; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; dedimus potestatem in recognicione; Aliter in cancellaria. | 6 | 2 |
190 | 92v | De plegiis acquietandis | Aliter de attornato; de attornato in statuto mercatorum; De acquietando plegio; De eodem ad Bancum; Aliter; Aliter; De attornato inde; De acquietando. | 8 | 4 |
191 | 93r | De cartis reddendis | <Paragraph mark only>; Quod plegii non distringant dum principalis debitor est sufficiens; De cartis reddendis; Regula; De cartis reddendis; De pixide cum scriptum sigillatum reddenda; de attornato; de attornato; Pone pro petente. | 8 | 8 |
192 | 93v | De Warantia carte | Regula; De Warantia carte; de attornato; Supersedeas in brevi de recto; Et potest fieri attachiamentum inde; Aliter. | 5 | 4 |
193 | 94r | Supersedeas | De supersedendo in placito post vocacionem Waranti; Aliter; Nota. | 2 | 1 |
194 | 94v | De Warant’ | Regula; Istud breve non fundatur super articulis; Aliter de attornato. | 2 | 1 |
195 | 95r | De warant’ | Quando uxor admittitur ad ius defendendum et vocat forinsecum ad warantum; Aliter. | 2 | 1 |
196 | 95v | De annuo redditu | De annuo redditu; Aliter ad Bancum; Regula; de attornato inde; Regula; De consuetudinibus et serviciis; de attornato inde; Regula. | 5 | 4 |
197 | 96r | Iusticios [de medio] | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Nota; [De medio]; Aliter; de attornato inde. | 6 | 2 |
198 | 96v | Quod tenens non distr’ domi medius paratus est | Pone pro petente; Regula; Nota; Nota; Quod tenens non distringatur dum medius paratus est. | 2 | 2 |
199 | 97r | De convencione | De convencione; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Nota; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Nota; Nota. | 7 | 1 |
200 | 97v | De convencione | Aliter; Nota; Recordari in placito convenc’ apud Londoniam anno viiio; Causa. | 3 | 2 |
201 | 98r | De convencione | De convencione apud Ebor’ anno viii; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter. | 8 | 1 |
202 | 98v | De convencione | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Recordari. | 8 | 1 |
203 | 99r | De[dimus potestatem] | Dedimus potestatem ad recipiendum cogniciones in bevi de convencione; Aliter; Dedimus potestatem in quid iuris. | 3 | 2 |
204 | 99v | De[dimus potestatem quid iuris clamat] | Aliter; Aliter; quod iusticiarii permittant finem levari de ten’ tent’ de Rege in capite; Dedimus potestatem capitali Iusticiario. | 4 | 2 |
205 | 100r | De[dimus potestatem in per que servicia] | dedimus potestatem in quid iuris clamat; Dedimus potestatem in per que servicia. | 2 | 2 |
206 | 100v | De transcripto pedis finis habendo | Regula; Regula; De fine facto; Aliter; De transcripto pedis finis habendo. | 3 | 2 |
207 | 101r | De mittimus sub pede sigilli | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter. | 3 | 0 |
208 | 101v | De dote unde nihil habet | De dote quando tenetur de Rege in capite; [?? cons’]; de attornato inde; Regula; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; In ?r’o de dote assignata in denariis. | 8 | 4 |
209 | 102r | De dote | Aliter; Aliter; [De amensuracione dotis]; Aliter. | 4 | 1 |
210 | 102v | De Custodia terre et hered’ | Pone de eodem; de attornato inde; Aliter de attornato; Aliter; [De custodia] terre et heredis; De eodem in comitatu; De custodia heredis cantum; De terra tantum. | 8 | 4 |
211 | 103r | De custodia terre | Aliter racione dimissionis; Aliter racione custodie; Aliter; Regula; Regula; De custodia in socagio; Regula; Aliter; Aliter Pone; De eieccione custodie in socagio. | 7 | 2 |
212 | 103v | De eieccione custodie | Regula; De eieccione custodie terre et heredis; De eieccione custodie racione dimissionis exec’; De eieccione terre et heredis racione dimissionis et de bonis et catallis asportatis. | 3 | 3 |
213 | 104r | De eieccione | [Anno xi E iiio terris p’ De breve abat’]; De eieccione prioratus; De intrusione in hereditatem alicuius; De eieccione custodie racione dimissionis; De herede rapto W secund’ capitulo xxxviio. | 5 | 5 |
214 | 104v | De forisfactura maritagii | Regula; Aliter quando ducitur de uno comitatu in alium; Regula; De forisfectura maritagii; De valore maritagii. | 3 | 2 |
215 | 105r | De herede rapto in socagio | De herede rapto in socagio; Regula; Dedimus potestatem de custode admittendo; Quod Rex non teneatur facere servicia seu debita solvere pro terris que sunt in custodia sua in illi quibus huius custodiam dimisit; De forisfactura maritagii; De eieccione custodie. | 5 | 5 |
216 | 105v | Quod tenens in dotem non distringatur pro relevio | Aliter; apud Londoniam anno xo; Quod tenens in dotem non distringatur pro ?relimo. | 3 | 2 |
217 | 106r | De valore maritagii pro executoribus | De valore maritagii pro executoribus; Regula; Aliter; [De intrusione her’]. | 3 | 2 |
218 | 106v | De Escaeta | Aliter; Regula; De escaeta; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; De inquirendo de quo ten’ capt’ in manu Regis racione felonio teneantur et de valore anni diei et vasti. | 6 | 2 |
219 | 107r | De inquirendo | De inquirendo quartum terrarum et tenementorum felo tenuit die ?que fecit feloniam et de valore anni diei et vasti; Inquisicio anni diei et vasti; De seisina habenda post annum diem et vastum. | 3 | 3 |
220 | 107v | De attornato | Regula; [Pro Rege]; [Aliter]; Littera faciendi attornatum; [Prohibicio ne exeat regnum]. | 4 | 3 |
221 | 108r | De attornato | de attornato faciendo; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter per litteras patentes; Si non tenent in visu francii plegii; Aliter ballivis honoris. | 7 | 2 |
222 | 108v | De attornato | Regula; Aliter; Quod tenens in custodia ex concessione Regis ea teneant quiete ab omni secta; Quod mulieres tenentes in dotem de huius custodia teneant quiete; Aliter. | 4 | 2 |
223 | 109r | De attornato | Aliter de eodem; Attachiamentum quando ballivus recusat recupere attornatum; Habeas etc’. | 3 | 2 |
224 | 109v | De attornato | De turno vicecomitis Marl’ capitulo ixo; Attachiamentum inde; De visu francii plegii; ad Curiam; Attachiamentum inde. | 5 | 5 |
225 | 110r | De attornato | Aliter pro viris religiosis; Aliter; Quod persona ecclesiastica non venat ad visu franci plegii pro ter’ ecclesie annexio; Pro personis Marl’ capitulo ixo in consimili casu; Aliter pro mulieribus; Regula; Quod mulieres non faciant sectam pro dote. | 6 | 3 |
226 | 110v | De attornato | Quod mulieres habeant quarantena suam; Quod nullus distringantur contra formam feoffamenti; Regula; Attachiamentum inde. | 3 | 3 |
227 | 111r | Ne fiant plures secte pro una hereditate | de attornato; Regula; Nota; Ne fiant plures secte pro unica hereditate Marl’ capitulo viiio; Aliter de eodem; Aliter. | 4 | 2 |
228 | 111v | De contribucione facienda | Aliter; Aliter ad comitatum inter coheredes et similiter tenentes per vendicionem; Attachiamentum inde; Nota; [De contribucione facienda]. | 4 | 2 |
229 | 112r | Quod ille qui habet eius partem faciat sectam | Aliter; Quod illo qui habet ?einetiam faciat sectam; Ne unicus heres faciat diversas sectas pro pluribus hereditatibus; Attachiamentum inde; Ne capiantur fines pro pulcre placitando. | 5 | 4 |
230 | 112v | Quod barones non ponantur in assisis | Aliter; Regula; Attachiamentum inde cornatoribus super vicecomitem; Attachiamentum vicecomiti super ballivos; de attornato; Quod barones non ponantur in assisis; Quod perpetuo languidi non ponantur in assisis; Quod clerici non ponantur in assisis. | 7 | 6 |
231 | 113r | Quod in patria non commorantes non ponantur etc’ | Quod homines non in patria commorantes non ponantur in assisis; Quod homines lxx annorum non ponantur in assisis; Attachiamentum inde; Quod homines xl solidatas terre non habentes non ponantur in assisis; Aliter de eodem ut apparet in statuto inde edito. | 5 | 4 |
232 | 113v | Quod homines de antiquo dominico non ponantur in assisis | Attachiamentum; Quod homines de antiquo dominico non ponantur in assisis; Estrik’. | 3 | 3 |
233 | 114r | Quod coronatores non ponantur in assisis | Quod tenentes de antiquo dominico non veniant ad visu franci plegii ad terminum vite; Quod coronatores non posantur in assis’; Quod viridarius non ponatur in assisis. | 3 | 3 |
234 | 114v | De trans’ | [Trans’]; [Trans’]; [Trans’]. | 3 | 3 |
235 | 115r | De coronatore eligendo | De coronatore eligendo; De coronatore ammovendo quia alibi occupatur; De coronatore amovendo quia languidus est; Aliter; De ballivo ammovendo quia non habet terras seu tenementa in eodem Comitatu; Regula. | 5 | 3 |
236 | 115v | De coronatore eligendo | Aliter; De viridario eligendo amoto per falsam suggestionem; Quod districciones relaxentur usque ?diem vic’ per securitatem; [Nota]. | 3 | 2 |
237 | 116r | Quod marescalli et senescallus non teneant placitum de libero tenemento | Quod non eligatur nisi miles coronator W primum; R’ marescall’ et senescall’ hospit’ sui s’. | 2 | 2 |
238 | 116v | De Estrepamento | Aliter; De uxore rapta W secund’ capitulo xxxiiiio; Quod non fiat estripementum pendente placito Glouc’ coram xlo. | 3 | 2 |
239 | 117r | De manutencione | Quod plures secte non fiant pro unica hereditate Marl’ capitulo viiio Estrik anno viio; De manutenentibus placita pro proficuo habend’; [de recto]; Aliter. | 4 | 3 |
240 | 117v | Breve de | De adnullando recogniciones per vim et duriciam factas. | 1 | 1 |
241 | 118r | Statuto | Supersedeas pendente placito ad adnullandum recognicionem per vim et duriciam; quod vicecomes ponat inquis’ magis propinquos et magis sufficientes. | 2 | 2 |
242 | 118v | Breve | Quod districcio non fiat in via regia nec in feodis ecclesie de quibus olim sine detate; Articuli cleri capitulo ixo; Aliter; Regula. | 3 | 2 |
243 | 119r | de statuto | Quod iuratores non capiantur de una parte et de alia; <Paragraph mark only>; Aliter. | 3 | 2 |
244 | 119v | Brevia | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter. | 3 | 0 |
245 | 120r | de statuto | [Aliter]; Ne quis occasionentur pro capcione Hugh le Despenser; [Trans]. | 3 | 2 |
246 | 120v | De statuto | [Trans]; [Trans]; [Trans]; [Trans]. | 4 | 4 |
247 | 121r | De nova disseisina | Nov disseisina ad primam assisam; Regula; Aliter coram Rege vel Iusticiariis de Banco; Nota; coram iusticiariis assignatis; Patens inde. | 4 | 3 |
248 | 121v | De nova | [Regula]; Nota; de attornato; Nota. | 1 | 1 |
249 | 122r | Disseisina | Assisa de ?? paste; Aliter; Patens inde; Regula; Nota; Regula. | 3 | 2 |
250 | 122v | De nova | Aliter in confinio; Aliter; Aliter; Paten in confino; [de nocumento]. | 5 | 2 |
251 | 123r | Disseisina | Patens inde; versus; Nota; De domo iniuste levata; Regula; de attornato inde; Regula; Aliter. | 5 | 4 |
252 | 123v | Nova | De stagno; De via; De cursu aque diverso; De via inter extraneas personas; de attornato in quod permittat; Regula; <Paragraph mark only>; Pone de domo; Nota; Nota. | 7 | 7 |
253 | 124r | Disseisina | De mercato; Nota; de attornato in assisa nove disseisine; Quando assisa arramiata est coram aliquibus Iusticiariis et capt’ coram al’; Aliter quando assisa adiornata coram Rege; Aliter procustode. | 5 | 3 |
254 | 124v | Nova | Nota; De custode ammovendo et alium substituendo; Nota; Certficacio nove disesieine; Aliter coram Iusticiariis ad primam assisam; Aliter coram Iusticiariis apud Westm’; Aliter coram nobis; Patens inde. | 6 | 3 |
255 | 125r | Disseisina | de attornato; associacio unius tribus vel duobus et formatur super le si non etc’; Regula. | 2 | 2 |
256 | 125v | Nova | Patens inde; Associacio in attincta; Si non omnes. | 3 | 3 |
257 | 126r | Disseisina | Si non omnes; Si non omnes in attincta; Quod unus iusticiarius vacare non potest ad omnes assisas; Patens inde. | 4 | 4 |
258 | 126v | Nova | Aliter quando Iusticiarius diem clausit extremum; Regula; Inde vicecomiti; Patens inde; Aliter de sepe; Aliter in certificacione; De recordo et processu nove disseisine. | 6 | 3 |
259 | 127r | disseisina | Aliter de via artata; Mittimus recordum et processum; <Paragraph mark only>; Regula; Aliter in certificacione. | 4 | 2 |
260 | 127v | Certiorari de assisa nove disseisine | Aliter; Aliter Thesaurio et Baronibus de scaccario; <Paragraph mark only>. | 3 | 1 |
261 | 128r | Certiorari pro dampnum | De dampnis levandis; Aliter. | 2 | 1 |
262 | 128v | Certiorari pro redisseisina | De reddisseisina; Aliter thesaurario de recordo et processu assise mittendis quia alia assisa arramiata est de eodem ten’. | 2 | 0 |
263 | 129r | De recordo mittendis | Mittimus sub pede sigilli; De recordo et processu mittendo; De recordo et processu mittendo in cancellaria; Mittimus recordum et processum. | 4 | 4 |
264 | 129v | De recordo mittendis | Aliter; Aliter. | 2 | 0 |
265 | 130r | De recordo et processu mittendis | Aliter; de recordo et processu mittendis de utlagat’ in cancellaria; Aliter ad certificandum Canc’ de satisfaccione dampnum; de recordo et processu execucione iudicii. | 4 | 2 |
266 | 130v | De recordo et processu mittendis | de recordo et processu ad errorem corrigendum; De recordo et processu. | 2 | 2 |
267 | 131r | De recordo mittendis | Aliter; de attornato coram rege in recordo et processu assise; Quando capitalis Iusticiarius amovetur et alius etc’ dimittendo recordum et processum. | 3 | 2 |
268 | 131v | De recordo et processu mittendis | de mittendo recordum et processum coram Rege ad levandum dampnum in assisa frisce forcie; Quando capitalis Iusticiarius in Curia mortuus est et alius loco suo constituitur. | 2 | 2 |
269 | 132r | De presentacione facta in turno vicecomitis mittendis | De presentacione facta in turno vicecomitis mittenda coram Rege; de recordo et processu as mittendis coram Reg ad capiendi diss’ propter diss’ vi et armis factam. | 2 | 2 |
270 | 132v | De recordo quando breve pedibus de altiori et De decepcione | de recordo et processu que allegatur in assisa quod breve de alciori natura pendet inter partes; Mittimus inde; Breve de decepcione super attinctam de servic’ domini Regis. | 3 | 3 |
271 | 133r | Quod Iustic’ viso scripto fac’ scire facere parti | Quod Iustic’ viso scripto fac’ scire parti qu prius recuperavit contra factum suum proprium. | 1 | 1 |
272 | 133v | De recordo et carta reddend’ | Mittimus pro dampnis levandis; de recordo et carta reddenda. | 2 | 2 |
273 | 134r | Recordo processu et inquisicione mittenda quia interfecit se defend’ | De carta liberanda; de recordo et processu inquisicionis mittendis quia interfecit se defendendo. | 2 | 2 |
274 | 134v | De reddisseisina | De redisseisina merton capitulo iiio Marl’ capitulo viio W’ secundum capitulo xxl; Nota; Regula; associacio in reddisseisina. | 2 | 2 |
275 | 135r | De redd[isseisina] | Regula; De stagno; Aliter; De communa pasture coram specialibus Iustic’ recuperanda. | 3 | 2 |
276 | 135v | Redisseisina | De quadam via artata; Aliter de custodia dominicarum terrarum et part’. | 2 | 1 |
277 | 136r | De postdisseisina | Aliter; Aliter; Regula; De postdisseisina; Regula. | 3 | 1 |
278 | 136v | De postdisseisina | Aliter; cum pluries de reddisseisina; Aliter; Attincta nove disseisine. | 4 | 2 |
279 | 137r | Attincta | Aliter; Aliter; de attornato in attincta. | 3 | 1 |
280 | 137v | Attincta | Attincta inquis’ capt’ coram Iusticiariis apud W’; Attincta de via artata; Regula; Aliter. | 3 | 2 |
281 | 138r | De attincta | Aliter quando iur’ capta fuit inter partes Warant’; Quando ?sum’ coram aliquibus Iusticiariis et capt’ coram aliis; Aliter in Warant’; Aliter in brevi de racionabili parte; Attincta in reddisseisina; Attincta coram Iusticiariis de Banco. | 6 | 3 |
282 | 138v | De attincta | Apud Ebor’ Anno viii; Attincta mortis antecessoris; Patens inde; Aliter. | 4 | 3 |
283 | 139r | De attincta | Per breve de privato sigillo; Quod assisa capiatur per propinquiores; Aliter in attincta; Aliter. | 4 | 2 |
284 | 139v | De attincta | Aliter in confinio; Aliter in attincta; Inde vicecomiti; quod iusticiarii procedant ad capcionem assise. | 4 | 2 |
285 | 140r | De attincta | Aliter; Aliter in attincta; quod iusticiarii itinerantes procedant ad capcionem assise; quod iusticiarii procedant ad iudicium; Aliter. | 5 | 2 |
286 | 140v | Quod iusticiarii procedant | Aliter de ultima presentacione; Aliter; quod iusticiarii procedant ad capcionem assise non expectato termino stat’ per Iusticiarios assign’; Nota; Breve ad constituendum Iusticiarium ad omnes assisas. | 4 | 2 |
287 | 141r | De execucione Iudicii | Si non omnes; Quod omnibus aliis pretermissis capiant assisas; De execucione iudicii in assisa nove disseisine; De execucione iudicii in reddisseisine; De sine pro reddisseisina. | 5 | 5 |
288 | 141v | de deliberando imprisonantum | aliter vicecomiti; De racionabili fine capienda; De hominibus attinctis deliberandis; quod iusticiarii procedant ad calumpniandum iur’ assise. | 4 | 4 |
289 | 142r | De supersedendo in levacione dampnorum | De supersedendo in levacione dampnorum; <Paragraph mark only>. | 2 | 2 |
290 | 142v | [Cut off] | De morte antecessoris; Aliter secundum statutum Glouc’ capitulo vio Regula; Patens inde; Aliter pro illo qui est infra etatem. | 3 | 1 |
291 | 143r | De morte antecessoris | Regula; De redditu; De corodio; Quod antecessor moriebatur in peregrinando; Quando antecessor habitum religionis assumpsit. | 4 | 4 |
292 | 143v | De mort’ | Regula; de attornato; Associacio ad dubitaciones audiendas; Nota; Attincta mortis antecessoris. | 3 | 3 |
293 | 144r | antecessoris | Aliter; Patens inde; de recordo et processu assise mortis antecessoris mittendis; Aliter. | 4 | 2 |
294 | 144v | De mort’ | Nota. | 0 | 0 |
295 | 145r | De avo et Nuper obijt | De avo et avia; Nuper obiit; Nota; Attachiamentum inde inter assisas; Regula; de attornato inde; Regula. | 4 | 4 |
296 | 145v | De ventre inspiciendo | Nota; De ventre inspiciendo. | 1 | 1 |
297 | 146r | Diem clausit extremum | Diem clausit extremum; Aliter; Super modo causa capcionis; Aliter. | 4 | 2 |
298 | 146v | De modo et causa capcionis | De seisina habenda; Aliter; De modo et causa capcionis; De etate probanda. | 4 | 3 |
299 | 147r | De etate probanda | Regula; Aliter coram iusticiariis assignatis; Aliter; Inde vicecomiti. | 3 | 1 |
300 | 147v | De etate probanda | Regula; Super modo et causa capcionis. | 1 | 1 |
301 | 148r | Quare eiecit infra terminum; de attornato inde; De eieccione firme; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter. | 7 | 3 | |
303 | 149r | De ingressu ad terminum qui preteriit; Aliter; Nota; <Paragraph mark only>; Regula; In secundo gradu; Post dimissionem; In primo gradu cum titulo. | 6 | 5 | |
304 | 149v | De ingressu | In secundo gradu cum titulo; Post dimissione cum titulo; Regula; Nota; Regula. | 2 | 2 |
305 | 150r | De ingressu | Dum non fuit compos mentis; In le per; In le post; Cum titulo in primo gradu; In le cui; In le post; de attornato inde; Quando infre etatem fuit; In le cui; In le post; Regula; Cum titulo. | 11 | 11 |
306 | 150v | De ingressu | In le per et cui; In le post; Regula; Nota; De ingressu per disseisinam; In le per cum titulo et sine titulo; Cum titulo in le per et cui; In le post cum titulo et sine. | 6 | 6 |
307 | 151r | De ingressu | Pro religiosis in le post; Regula; De ingressu sine assensu et voluntate capituli Nota; Regula. | 1 | 1 |
Note: The final ‘Nota’ may be its own writ. | |||||
308 | 151v | De ingressu | Cum tenens ad vitam disseis’ et moritur in eodem statu; Nota; De ingressu de Cantaria; Regula; Regula; Regula; Regula. | 2 | 1 |
309 | 152r | De ingressu | Regula; Regula; Regula; De ingressu sine licencia Decani et Capituli pro prebendario; Anno x apud Ebor’. | 2 | 2 |
310 | 152v | Audita querela | Audita querela; Aliter. | 2 | 1 |
311 | 153r | De ingressu cui in vita pro muliere W secundum capitulo iiio; Aliter de eodem; Aliter quando clamat tenere ad vitam; In le cui; In le post; Aliter ante divorcium; Regula. | 6 | 3 | |
312 | 153v | De ingressu | Regula; Capitulo matromonii prelocuto; Aliter; Post; Causa matrimonii pro herede; Regula; Cui in vita pro herede; Cui; Post. | 7 | 6 |
313 | 154r | [cut off] | Aliter; Aliter; De proparte. | 3 | 1 |
314 | 154v | [cut off] | <Paragraph mark only>; Regula. | 1 | 1 |
Note: ulls’ written faintly in margin in later script. | |||||
315 | 155r | Donacionis | Aliter; Supersedeas de transgressione facta vi et armis. | 2 | 1 |
316 | 155v | Forma donacionis | Forma donacionis in le reverti; Quando habitum religionis assumpsit. | 2 | 2 |
317 | 156r | Forma donacionis | Forma donacionis in le remanere; Aliter; Aliter; De proparte; Regula. | 4 | 2 |
318 | 156v | Forma donacionis | Nota; Decepcio. | 1 | 1 |
319 | 157r | [Ex gravi querela]; <Paragraph mark only>; <Paragraph mark only>; <Paragraph mark only>; Aliter in Londonia. | 5 | 4 | |
320 | 157v | Quod ei deforciat | Aliter in le remanere; De dote amissa per defaltam; De libero maritagio; Regula; [Quod ei deforc’]. | 4 | 3 |
321 | 158r | Si sit ad dampnum. | 1 | 1 | |
322 | 158v | Si sit | Regula; Aliter in escambium. | 1 | 0 |
323 | 159r | Ad dampnum | Regula; Nota; Aliter de redditu remittendo relaxando et quiet’ clamand’; Aliter quando tenetur de Rege in capite. | 2 | 0 |
324 | 159v | Si sit | De terra assignanda et advocacione aproprianda; De ecclesia aproprianda; Pro abbate de redditu dande celle. | 3 | 3 |
325 | 160r | De dampnum | Regula; Aliter in le refeoffare; Aliter in le remanere; De tenementis tentis ad terminum vite. | 3 | 1 |
326 | 160v | Si sit | De terra adquisita sine licencia Regis rehabenda; Ad terminum vite in le retinere. | 2 | 2 |
327 | 161r | Ad dampnum | De feodo calliato; De religiosis; Regula. | 2 | 2 |
328 | 161v | Si sit de dampnum | Aliter de refeoffando et reversionem concedendo. | 1 | 0 |
329 | 162r | Si sit ad dampnum | Custodi’ forma de Ingelwod’. | 1 | 1 |
330 | 162v | Si sit ad dampnum | De balliva Forestarie; De via includenda; Parco faciendo. | 3 | 3 |
331 | 163r | Si sit ad dampnum | In partem satisfactoris; Pro monialibus; Aliter; Aliter quando tenementis tenentis de Rege in capite licensia super hoc non optenta. | 4 | 2 |
332 | 163v | Si sit ad dampnum | Aliter in le remanere; In le remanere. | 2 | 1 |
333 | 164r | Si sit ad dampnum dampnum | aliter vicecomiti in le retinere; De terra assignanda ad divina pro ?animal’ in domo aliqua celebrand’; Carta de inquis’ facta de foresta. | 3 | 3 |
334 | 164v | Si sit ad dampnum | Aliter de conductu; Aliter. | 2 | 0 |
335 | 165r | Si sit ad dampnum | Aliter. | 1 | 0 |
336 | 165v | Proteccio; Aliter in Curia magnatis; Aliter; Aliter in municione Castri. | 4 | 1 | |
337 | 166r | Proteccio | Proteccio generalis cum clausula volumus quod de bladis; Aliter pro seculari; Aliter; De conductu ad partes trans’. | 4 | 2 |
338 | 166v | Aliter; Aliter; Aliter pro mercatoribus. | 3 | 0 | |
339 | 167r | Aliter; Quod mercatores extranei et alienigene non prestent muragium panagium et pontagium ??. | 2 | 1 | |
340 | 167v | Proteccio | De theolonio muragio panagio et hansagio non prestando; Regula; cum pluries. | 2 | 2 |
341 | 168r | Proteccio | Attachiamentum inde; Aliter. | 2 | 1 |
342 | 168v | Proteccio | Aliter; cum pluries; Aliter cum pluries. | 3 | 1 |
343 | 169r | Proteccio | De theolonio pro personis ecclesiasticis; De non distringendo persona ecclesiastica pro theolonio; Aliter; De theolonio pro tenentibus secundum consuetudinem manerii. | 4 | 3 |
344 | 169v | Proteccio | Aliter; Aliter. | 2 | 0 |
345 | 170r | Proteccio | Manucapcio ad attinctam in brevi de trans’; De fine cap’ pro coronat’ deliberand’ qui committis ?fui’ de concelend’ in alescores W’m prim’ anno x. | 2 | 2 |
346 | 170v | Proteccio | Quod Abbas non contribuat expen’ ?homini in itinere per ten’ que tenet in Curia clemes’; De libertate allocandi. | 2 | 2 |
347 | 171r | Proteccio | Aliter; de attornato inde; Aliter. | 3 | 1 |
348 | 171v | Proteccio | De libertate allocandi abbati; De certiorando; Ad filiam maritandam. | 3 | 3 |
349 | 172r | Proteccio | De expensis militum. | 1 | 1 |
350 | 172v | Proteccio | Aliter de libertate; Aliter; De libertate allocandi. | 3 | 1 |
351 | 173r | Proteccio | Aliter. | 1 | 0 |
353 | 174r | pro relig’ licenc’ transfretand’; Aliter; Aliter; Aliter de corrodio. | 4 | 1 | |
354 | 174v | Cum pluries. | 1 | 1 | |
355 | 175r | Attachiamentum; De certiorando. | 2 | 2 | |
356 | 175v | Carta pardonacionis de morte hominis; de recordo et processu in convencione in Comitatu Cestrie. | 2 | 2 | |
357 | 176r | Carta pacis in hibernia; Breve inde. | 2 | 2 | |
358 | 176v | De idemptitate nominis | Trans’. | 1 | 1 |
361 | 178r | Audita querela ubi quis ?renditur [?retinetur] in statuto stapule infra etatem. | 1 | 1 | |
Total: | 1271 | 867 |
The totals are large: 1271 in the long count, 867 in the short one. If we wish, we can add to that the 11 writs that were probably on the missing quire. (See the Introduction.) If we do that, however, then we probably should try to exclude the writs that were added, probably early in the 15th century. There would seem to be 13 of these included in the count, to which we should add the 16th-century addition on fol. 178r–179v. Whether we take the number from the table or that derived from the inclusions and exclusions, 1268 or 864, we are clearly in the right ball park for statistical purposes. The total is quite a bit larger than Hall’s register ‘R’. Using the first of the two numbers, which gives a total close to the way in which Hall counted the writs in ‘R’, we have 1271 or 1268, as opposed to Hall’s 886. Our register was probably compiled 25 or 30 years after Hall’s ‘R’. The intervening years seem to have made a difference in the size. HLS MS 28 is roughly contemporary with Hall’s ‘R’. It has approximately the same number of writs (941 vs. 886). In the conclusion to the analysis of the writs in MS 28, we compared its structure with that of ‘R’. They were similar, though not quite the same. The same can be said of this register, when compared with the other two, but the differences seem to greater. The contents of all three registers can be mapped onto a group of large categories with approximate proportions of the coverage: Right (10%), Ecclesiastical (13%), Waste (3%), Replevin (4%), Criminal (0%), Trespass (10%), Account (2%), Rights in land (3%), Debt (4%), Warranty of charter (1%), Annuity, Mesne (1%), Covenant (3%), Dower (1%), Wardship (2%), Escheat (1%), Local courts (2%), Writs on statutes (5%), Novel disseisin (12%), Mort d’ancestor (3%), Ejectment (0%), Entry (4%), Formedon (1%), Ad quod dampnum (4%), Protections (5%), Pardons (1%), Miscellaneous (2%). (Proportions that are zero percent are less than half a percent.) Broadly speaking, the proportions track those of MS 28 at the beginning (MS 28: Right [11%], Ecclesiastical [14%], Waste [3%]). That means, of course, that there are considerably more writs in each category so that MS 166 could have equivalent proportions in a much larger register. The proportions then fall below those of MS 28 for the remaining categories that are found in both manuscripts, so that MS 161 can devote 10% of its contents to categories after formedon: Ad quod dampnum, Protections, and Pardons, categories that do not exist as categories in MS 28. A detailed comparison that includes Hall’s ‘R’ follows: Like MS 28 and Hall’s ‘R’, our register begins with the writ of right with its variants and subprocedures (fol. 4r–21r; MS 28 fol. 61r–69r; R1–R75). It is, however, considerably larger (18 folios vs. 9 in MS 28; 128 writs vs. 75 in ‘R’). The headers divide it into numerous subcategories. All three registers then have a broad section dealing with ecclesiastical writs without regard to the type of writ (right of advowson, darein presentement, quare impedit, prohibition, consultation, de excommunicato capiendo) (fol. 22r–45r; fol. 69v–80v in MS 28; R76–R161). This section is also considerably larger than it is in the other two (25 folios vs. 12 in MS 28; 143 writs vs. 63 in ‘R’). The headers divide it into three large subcategories: De advocacionibus, Prohibicio, Consultacio, before descending into basically folio-by-folio detail. Waste follows in all three registers. In none of them is it very large, but it is larger in ours than it is in the others (fol. 45v–49r; fol. 80v–82r in MS 28; R162–R180) (5 folios vs. 1.5 in MS 28; 39 writs vs. 9 in ‘R’). Replevin follows in all three registers (fol. 50r–56r; fol. 82v–88v in MS 28; R181–R243). Here, if anything, our register appears a bit shorter (7 folios vs. 8 in MS 28; 52 writs vs. 63 in ‘R’). The differences are almost certainly not statistically significant, but they probably indicate that the maker of our register was not interested in expanding the examples of replevin writs as he had in the preceding categories. As in MS 28 and ‘R’, our register includes a brief section that we called ‘rights of lordship’ in the other two (de nativis habendis and de libertate probanda, but including aid, tallage, and scutage) (fol. 56v–57r; fol. 89r–90r in MS 28; R244–R252). The headers in our register focus on the first two. The scope of this section in all three registers is approximately the same (2 folios vs. 1.5 in MS 28; 9 writs vs. 9 in ‘R’). Unlike MS 28 but like ‘R’, our section dealing, broadly speaking, with trespass and crime begins with the writ de minis. As in all three registers, civil trespass precedes anything that we might call criminal (de conspiracione, de odio et athia). None of the registers devotes much space to the criminal. Unlike the other two, ours briefly returns to civil trespass after it deals with the criminal. Comparison of the coverage is best made by considering the whole broad section (fol. 58r–77v; fol. 90v–102r in MS 28; R257–R411). Once more, our register is fuller than MS 28 (20.5 folios vs. 13 in MS 28), but not much more than ‘R’ (180 writs vs. 155 in ‘R’). Account follows as a separate category in our register, whereas it is mixed in with writs concerning rights in land in both MS 28 and ‘R’, both of which are very skimpy on the topic. The better part of one page (fol. 81r) is devoted to Quod nullus placiteur sine bevi Regis de libero tenemento. This has no parallel in the other two registers. There follows a section that deals with rights in land, including de racionalibus divisis (fol. 81v–85v), but not mesne, which is treated after debt (fol. 96r–96v). Comparison with the other two registers can only be approximate because these topics are all jumbled up in those registers, but broadly speaking these topics are found in fol. 103r–107r in MS 28, R412–R475 in ‘R’, a total of 5.5 folios in MS 28 and 64 writs in ‘R’. The corresponding numbers in our register are 8 (fol. 78r–80v, 81r–85v, 96r–96v) and 59, approximately the same numbers but somewhat better organized. Both MS 28 and ‘R’ have reasonably coherent sections that treat with debt, detinue, and convent, the latter leading to de fine facto (fol. 107v–114r in MS 28; R478–R555). Our register treats with those topics in that order but it intersperses between debt and covenant warranty of charter, annuity, customs and services, and mesne, and devotes more space to the making and enforcement of fines. The result is considerably longer than the other two registers (16.5 folios vs. 7.5 in MS 28; 146 writs vs. 78 in ‘R’). Like MS 28 and unlike ‘R’, our register next considers dower (fol. 101v–102r). Like ‘R’, and unlike MS 28, it then moves to wardship and succession (fol. 102v–107r). Writs about making attorney in local courts follow, as they do in ‘R’ (fol. 107v–110v), preceded, as they are not in ‘R’, with some sample forms for making an attorney that are not writs. ‘R’ considers wardship and succession before dower. Otherwise, our register follows the order of ‘R’. MS 28 has making attorney is jammed in between dower and wardship. The totals for the three groups are 7 folios in MS 28 (fol. 114v–122r), 65 writs in ‘R’ (R556–R620), and 10 folios and 90 writs in our register. Our register then has a section that has no equivalent in either MS 28 or ‘R’, although the section in MS 28 on those who do not have to appear at assizes (fol. 122v–124r) and the somewhat broader parallel section in ‘R’ (R614–R633) anticipate it. The headers in our register eventually settle on a general name for this section, ‘brevia de statuto’, but before it gets there it is specific: Ne fiant plures secte pro una hereditate, De contribucione facienda, Quod ille qui habet eius partem faciat sectam, Quod barones (or in patria non commorantes, or homines de antiquo dominico, or coronatores) non ponantur in assisis, De trans’, De coronatore eligendo, Quod marescalli et senescallus non teneant placitum de libero tenemento, De estrepamento, De manutencione. Those who do not have appear at assizes are there, but the section is much broader. Not all of them cite statutory authority, but some of them do; we are aware of statutory authority for others. For example, the writ de manutencione could well have been thought to have been authorized by one, or some combination of, the statutes of Edward I cited in J. Rose, Maintenance in Medieval England (Cambridge: CUP, 2017), 30. We rather suspect that statutes or ordinances could be found to support all of them, but some of them may have their origins in royal writs for particular people that were then generalized. The result, once more is a longer section than that found in MS 28 or ‘R’ (6 folios vs. 1.5 in MS 28; 31 writs vs. 20 in ‘R’). Novel disseisin and mort d’ancestor (fol. 121r–147v), their spinoffs and related writs have, of course, their parallels in MS 28 (fol. 125v–135r) and ‘R’ (R645–R766). Once more they are longer in our register (27.5 folios vs. 11 in MS 28; 178 writs vs. 122 in ‘R’). The same cannot be said of entry and formedon (fol. 148r–157r; fol. 135r–148r in MS 28; R767–R874). This section is longer in MS 28 and much longer in ‘R’ (5.5 folios vs. 14 in MS 28; 35 writs vs. 107 in ‘R’). We should recall that our manuscript is lacking eight folios in this section, and we know that there were 11 separate headings in this section. It is highly unlikely, however, that it was as extensive on this topic as is ‘R’, and it may not have been as extensive as it is in MS 28. There is very little in MS 28 after formedon. Both our register and ‘R’ contain ‘administrative’ sections after formedon (fol. 158r–176r; R875–R886), which the headers in our manuscript divide between ‘Si sit ad dampnum’ and ‘Proteccio’. The same type of material is found in ‘R’, but there is much less of it (84 writs vs. 12 in ‘R’). Our register is clearly of the same type as MS 28 and ‘R’. It is somewhat better organized, and except for entry and formedon it contains a considerable amount more material. In terms of the organizational ideas that seem to underlie it, we might point to ‘brevia de statuto’. The idea, but not the term, may be there in ‘R’, and this is not the first time that we have found that category so defined. HLS MS 52, which we dated with some hesitancy in 1307, has ‘brevia de statutis’. HLS MS 60, dating from approximately 1327, has ‘de statutis’. In both those cases it applies to a group of writs, probably thought to have been derived from Westminster II, c. 38, about those who are not to be placed on assizes. In MS 166 it is applied to other statutes (e.g., De adnullando recogniciones per vim et duriciam factas, which would seem to be based in 1 Edw. 3, c. 3, or Quod vicecomes ponat inquis’ magis propinquos et magis sufficientes, which would seem to be based on Articuli super cartas, 28 Edw. 1, c. 9, but it could be based on an interpretation of Westminster II, c. 38). It has not yet been expanded in the headings to all that it might include, although such writs, including those not to be placed on assizes, are right before it, a fact that suggests that the category was already recognized by those who compiled the register. The other thing that we might point to is the expansion of the category of what seem to be largely ‘administrative’ writs following formedon. This category will expand considerably as the century goes on. |