Appeals to the Privy Council |
Report No. 13_1762_02 |
Rickards v Hudson |
Virginia |
Case Name Short |
Rickards v Hudson |
Case Name Long |
Samuel Rickards, Archibald Maclane, Israel Mauduit, Edmund Lardner, William Cooke, Francis Jerdone, Robert Duncanson and Ann Buchanan v John and Ann Hudson, William and Martha Johnson, Roger Gregory, Orlando Jones, Rolling Jones and Francis Barber Jones |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series |
APC Citation | v.4 [475] p.531 – 9 April 1762 – entry 1 |
PC Register Citation | George III v.2 (1 January 1762 – 30 April 1763) p.196–197: PC 2/109/196–197 |
APC Citation | v.4 [475] p.531–532 – 3 August 1762 – entry 2 |
PC Register Citation | George III v.2 (1 January 1762 – 30 April 1763) p.288–293, 326: PC 2/109/288–293, 326 |
Colonial Courts |
General Court of Chancery – 10 April 1761 |
Participants |
Barber, Mary (niece of Elizabeth Milner) Barber, Mr. (a deceased husband of Anna Maria Timson Barber Scarburgh Thornton) Buchanan, Ann, widow, of Glasgow in North Britain (executor of Neil Buchanan) Buchanan, George, bankrupt merchant, late of London (executor of Neil Buchanan) Buchanan, James, merchant, of London Buchanan, Neil, esquire, of London, deceased Cooke, William, merchant, of London (assignee of the estate and effects of George Buchanan and William Hamilton) Duncanson, Robert, merchant, of Virginia Goslin, William (executor of Elizabeth Milner) Gregory, Roger (executor of Lane Jones) Hamilton, William, bankrupt merchant, late of London (executor of Neil Buchanan) Hanbury, Mr. Hudson, Ann (daughter of Lane Jones and wife of John Hudson) Hudson, John (husband of Ann Hudson) Jerdone, Francis, merchant, of Virginia Johnson, Martha (daughter of Lane Jones and wife of William Johnson) Johnson, William (husband of Martha Johnson) Jones, Francis Barber (daughter of Lane Jones) Jones, Lane (deceased father of Ann Hudson, Martha Johnson, and Orlando, Rolling, and Francis Barber Jones) Jones, Lane (possibly the deceased son of Lane Jones) Jones, Orlando (son of Lane Jones) Jones, Rolling (son of Lane Jones) Keys, Maurice (executor of Elizabeth Milner) Lardner, Edmund, merchant, of London (assignee of the estate and effects of George Buchanan and William Hamilton) Maclane, Archibald, merchant, of London (assignee of the estate and effects of George Buchanan and William Hamilton) Manly, Mr. Mauduit, Israel, merchant, of London (assignee of estate and effects of George Buchanan and William Hamilton) Milner, Elizabeth of the Strand in London (deceased aunt of William Timson and Mary Barber) Palmer, Charlton Rickards, Samuel, merchant, of London (assignee of the estate and effects of George Buchanan and William Hamilton) Robothan, Charles (son of Walter Robothan) Robothan, Sarah (widow of Walter Robothan) Robothan, Walter (deceased executor of Elizabeth Milner, father of Charles and Walter Robothan, and husband of Sarah Robothan) Robothan, Walter (son of Walter Robothan) Scarburgh, Col. Edmund (husband of Anna Maria Timson Barber Scarburgh Thornton) Thornton, Anna Maria Timson Barber Scarburgh (wife of William Timson, then William Barber, then Edmund Scarburgh, and then John Thornton) Thornton, John (another husband of Anna Maria Timson Barber Scarburgh Thornton) Timson, Samuel (alias John) (son of William Timson) Timson, William (The number of William Timsons mentioned is unclear.) |
Description |
Debt that, according to Smith (p.490), raises the question of the extension of the bankruptcy acts to Virginia |
Disposition |
Reversed |
Notes |
Spelling of Rolling Jones is more often Rowland, Roland, or Rolando. Francis Barber Jones is more properly Frances. The Jones, Timson, and Barber families are related by blood and marriage. See Cary, “Descendants of Rev. Rowland Jones.” |
References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations |
Table of Cases (Rickards et al v Hudson et al) |
Printed Cases |
Appellant’s case |
Case of the appellant (Rickards) |
Counsel | [Signed] C. Yorke; Al. Forrester |
Library | British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36218 f.199–201 and f.202–204 (Two copies, both with manuscript notes) |
Respondent’s case |
Case of the respondent (Hudson) |
Counsel | [Signed] Tho. Sewell; Wm. DeGrey |
Library | British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36218 f.205–206 |
Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew |
TNA Document | Committee report – 15 July 1762 – PC 1/50/47 | view_Document |
Notes about Document |
Referenced in APC, v.6 [539] p.339 |
Other Documents |
Other Documents | The cases of Timson v Robertson and Scarbury & ux. v Barber’s Ex’or in Barton, Virginia Colonial Decisions, 2:B85–B87, B294–304, involve members of some of the families involved in this case, and probably some of the same people. Whether the issues are otherwise related requires further exploration. |