Appeals to the Privy Council

Report No. 05_1681_00

Appeals of Randolph


Case Name Short

Randolph, appeals of

Randolph v Armitage

Randolph v Bollard

Randolph v Brock

Randolph v Clay

Randolph v Grecian

Randolph v Harding

Randolph v Huling

Randolph v Hunkins

Randolph v Hutchinson

Randolph v Janon

Randolph v Lucy (?)

Randolph v Nichols

Randolph v Severet and Nicholls

Randolph v Whetstone

Case Name Long

Edward Randolph, appeals of


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation 

v.2 [44] p.22–23 – 11 August 1681 – entry 1

PC Register Citation 

Charles II v.16 (1 June 1680 – 31 May 1683) p.343–344: PC 2/69/343–344


Colonial Courts

Unnamed – locations given as “Boston and other Places"


Armitage, Timothy, master of the ship Two Sisters of Boston

Bollard, Nathaniel, master of a sloop of Linn

Brock, John, master of the Guift of God of Kittery

Clay, Steven, master of the Batchelor Delight of Providence

Grecian, Thomas, master of the pink Expectation of Boston

Harding, John of Salem

Huling, John, master of the ship Maidenhead of Nuberry

Hunkins, John, master of the ketch Industry of Plymouth

Hutchinson, John, merchant of Boston

Janon, Jeremia, master of a sloop of Scituate

Lucy (?), Samuel, master of the ship Expedition of Bristoll

Nichols, Eli, master of the barque Guift of God of Guernzey

Randolph, Edward, esquire

Severet, Philip and Nicholls, Eli., masters of two new ships of Piscataqua

Whetstone, ___, master of the Mary of Bristol


Batchelor Delight of Providence (ship)

Expectation of Boston (pink)

Expedition of Bristoll (ship)

Guift of God of Guernzey (barque)

Guift of God of Kittery

Industry of Plymouth (ketch)

Maidenhead of Nuberry (ship)

Mary of Bristol

Two Sisters of Boston (ship)


Seizures under the Navigation Acts


Not stated in APC, but Smith (p.61) indicates that there is no evidence that any of the respondents appeared.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Randolph, Edward, Appeals of)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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