Appeals to the Privy Council from the
Caribbean and Canadian Colonies
Report No. JAM_1764_03

Beckford v Jeake



Case Name Long

William Beckford v Samuel Jeake


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.4 [564] p.682–683 (11 July 1764 – 26 July 1765)

  PC Register Citation

George III v.3 (1 May 1763 – 30 Sept. 1764) p.509: PC 2/110/509


  PC Register Citation

George III v.4 (1 Oct. 1764 – 27 Aug. 1766) p.66, 285–286, 304: PC 2/111/66, 285–286, 304



Colonial Courts


Supreme Court


Governor and Council – 1 Nov. 1763



Beckford, William, appellant


Cotton, Sir Lynch Salusbury


Jeake, Samuel, respondent


Lynch, Sir Thomas



Trespass and ejectment.


Judgment affirmed without prejudice. Appellant may pursue matters related to non-payment of quitrents.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Beckford v Jeake) (very extensive discussion)


Printed Cases

Appellant’s case

Case of the appellant (William Beckford v Samuel Jeake), with printed appendix


Wm. De Grey; C. Ambler


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36219 f.168r–176v (Printed/manuscript date on dorse July 1765 with manuscript notes. Additional manuscript notes and underlining. Includes appendix.)


Respondent’s case

Case of the respondent (William Beckford v Samuel Jeake [bis]), followed by supplementary material in manuscript


Wm. De Grey; C. Ambler (bis)


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36219 f.177r–183v; 184r–209v (Two copies of ?same case. First case (f177r–183v): Printed date on dorse 1765 with manuscript note: “Atty Genl.; For Mr. Yorke; Nuthall.” No other manuscript notes or underlining. Second case [f184r–190v]: Printed date on dorse 1765 with pencilled note in a modern hand. No other manuscript notes or underlining. Followed by [f191r–209v] in manuscript: copy of the clauses of in the acts of admiralty in Jamaica referred to in the case, copy of the reasons, notes of counsel, opinion of Lord Mansfield for the Council, order of Council, opinion of the attorney general [Yorke], transmittal of opinions, and copies of all opinions in the case.)



Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Committee report – 17 July 1765 (PC 1/52/56) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [667] p.403.
