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Appeals to the Privy Council from the Caribbean and Canadian Colonies |
Report No. BAR_1714_07 |
Barbados |
Case Name Long |
John Gardner, Alexander Walker, Thomas Alleyne, and Reynold Alleyne v Michael Tirrell |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series |
APC Citation | v.2 [1213] p.685–687 (25 Oct. 1714 – 10 Aug. 1721) |
PC Register Citation | George I v.1 (1 Aug. 1714 – 2 March 1717) p.105, 248, 495: PC 2/85/105, 248, 495 |
PC Register Citation | George I v.2 (2 March 1717 – 25 Aug. 1720) p.282, 389–390, 402, 420–421: PC 2/86/282, 389–390, 402, 420–421 |
PC Register Citation | George I v.3 (25 Aug. 1720 – 31 May 1722) p.271–272, 272: PC 2/87/271–272, 272 |
Colonial Courts |
Governor and Council as Court of Chancery – 12 Aug. 1713 |
Participants |
Alleyne, Reynold, appellant |
Alleyne, Thomas, appellant |
Baker, John (commissioner of Michael Tirrell [2]) |
Gardner (Gardiner), John, merchant, of London, appellant |
Heathcote, Sir Gilbert (commissioner of John Gardner) |
Humphreys, Sir William (commissioner of John Gardner) |
Lascelles, Edward (commissioner of Michael Tirrell [2]) |
Tilden, Mr. ___, solicitor (attorney for Michael Tirrell [2]) |
Tirrell, Michael (1), senior, deceased (?father of Michael [2]) |
Tirrell (Tyrrell), Michael (2), infant, respondent (son [?of the administrator] of Michael [1]) |
Walker, Alexander, appellant |
Description |
Injunction on a case concerning debt. |
Disposition |
Bill in Chancery dismissed and injunction dissolved. |
References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations |
Table of Cases (Gardner v Tirrell) |
Printed Cases |
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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew |
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