Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. STC_1754_02

Wells v Wilson

St. Christopher 


Case Name Long

William and Elizabeth Wells v Richard Wilson and Anthony Wharton


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.4 [250] p.270 (6 Aug. 1754 – 4 Feb. 1757)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.15 (1 Jan. 1754 – 31 Dec. 1755) p.230–231, 426–427: PC 2/104/230–231, 426–427


PC Register Citation  

George II v.16 (1 Jan. 1756 – 31 Dec. 1757) p.399–401, 415–416: PC 2/105/399–401, 415–416


Colonial Courts

George Thomas, Governor of the Leeward Islands, as Ordinary – 3 Dec. 1753


Taylor, Elizabeth (1) – see Wells, Elizabeth

Taylor, Elizabeth (2) (daughter of Elizabeth [1] [now Elizabeth Wells] and Nicholas)

Taylor, George (son of Elizabeth [1] [now Elizabeth Wells] and Nicholas)

Taylor, John (son of Elizabeth [1] [now Elizabeth Wells] and Nicholas)

Taylor, Nicholas, deceased (father of Elizabeth [2], George, John, William, and Samuel James Taylor)

Taylor, Samuel James (son of Elizabeth [1] [now Elizabeth Wells] and Nicholas)

Taylor, William (son of Elizabeth [1] [now Elizabeth Wells] and Nicholas)

Thomas, George, governor of the Leeward Islands

Wells, Elizabeth, appellant (wife of William, widow and administratrix of Nicholas Taylor, mother of Elizabeth [2], George, John, William, and Samuel James Taylor)

Wells, William jun., merchant, appellant (husband of Elizabeth)

Wharton, Anthony, respondent (executor of Nicholas Taylor, guardian of George Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor [2], William Taylor, and Samuel James Taylor)

Wilson, Richard, respondent (administrator and executor of Nicholas Taylor, guardian of George Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor [2], William Taylor, and Samuel James Taylor)


Concerning the validity of a will.




The appellants’ and respondents’ printed cases are summarized in Caribbeana: miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies, ed. Vere Langford Oliver (London: Mitchell, Hughes, and Clarke, 1909–1919), 6:69–70 (view).

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Wells v Wilson)


Printed Cases


Case of the appellant (William jr. and Elizabeth Wells v Richard Wilson, Anthony Wharton, and George, Elizabeth, William, and Samuel James Taylor)


W. Murray; Geo. Hay


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36217 f.103r–104v (Printed/manuscript date on dorse 25 Jan’y 1757 with lengthy note. Extensive manuscript notes and underlining)



Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Printed date on dorse 1756; 22 Dec. added by hand; includes extensive manuscript notes)



Case of the respondent (William jr. and Elizabeth Wells v Richard Wilson, Anthony Wharton, and George, Elizabeth, William, and Samuel James Taylor), with will of Nicholas Taylor annexed


A. Hume Campbell; C. Pratt


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36217 f.105r–122v (No date on dorse. One manuscript note with minor underlining. Includes appendix (will of Nicholas Taylor). Followed by an abstract of the proceedings below and many pages of notes of counsel)



Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Manuscript date on dorse 11 June 1755; manuscript notes only on dorse)


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

Not found


Other Documents

Other DocumentsNote that Wells v Wilson is cited in Johnston v Johnston, a case from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1 Phil. 447, 161 Eng. Rep. 1039 (P.C.C. 1817). 
Library Ames Foundation: (18 pages) (Source: HeinOnline [available by subscription])
