Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. JAM_1770_07

Stone v Spragge

Spragge v Stone



Case Name Long

Jane Stone v Robert Wadham Spragge and James Trower

Case Name Long

Robert Wadham Spragge and James Trower v Jane Stone


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.5 [175] p.290–291 (21 Dec. 1770 – 31 March 1773)

PC Register Citation  

George III v.7 (May 1769 – Dec. 1770) p.701: PC 2/114/701


PC Register Citation  

George III v.8 (Jan. 1771 – Dec. 1771) p.45, 67–68, 327–330, 342–343: PC 2/115/45, 67–68, 327–330, 342–343


PC Register Citation  

George III v.10 (Jan. 1773 – April 1774) p.110–116, 126: PC 2/117/110–116, 126


Colonial Courts

Chancellor – 20 Aug. 1770


Cunniffe, Henry

Lumsden, George, deceased

McGhie, James

McGhie, Jonathan

McGhie, Robert

Simpson, John

Spragge, George

Spragge (formerly Veale), Jane (widow of Robert, mother of Robert Wadham)

Spragge, Robert, deceased (husband of Jane, father of Robert Wadham Spragge)

Spragge, Robert Wadham, infant, respondent/appellant (son of Robert)

Stone, Jane, appellant/respondent

Trower, James, respondent/appellant

Veale, Jane – see Spragge, Jane


Concerning an estate and will.


Stone’s appeal is dismissed. The decree is reversed with respect to the will’s disposition of real estate, which is revoked by subsequent marriage and birth of a son.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Stone v Spragge)


Printed Cases

Not found

Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Committee report (Spragge v Stone) – 27 March 1773 (PC 1/55/72) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [907] p.539. AALT lists this under March 31 (when it was read and approved)
