Appeals to the Privy Council |
Report No. JAM_1770_07 |
Jamaica |
Case Name Long |
Jane Stone v Robert Wadham Spragge and James Trower | |
Case Name Long |
Robert Wadham Spragge and James Trower v Jane Stone |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series |
APC Citation | v.5 [175] p.290–291 (21 Dec. 1770 – 31 March 1773) |
PC Register Citation | George III v.7 (May 1769 – Dec. 1770) p.701: PC 2/114/701 |
PC Register Citation | George III v.8 (Jan. 1771 – Dec. 1771) p.45, 67–68, 327–330, 342–343: PC 2/115/45, 67–68, 327–330, 342–343 |
PC Register Citation | George III v.10 (Jan. 1773 – April 1774) p.110–116, 126: PC 2/117/110–116, 126 |
Colonial Courts |
Chancellor – 20 Aug. 1770 |
Participants |
Cunniffe, Henry |
Lumsden, George, deceased |
McGhie, James |
McGhie, Jonathan |
McGhie, Robert |
Simpson, John |
Spragge, George |
Spragge (formerly Veale), Jane (widow of Robert, mother of Robert Wadham) |
Spragge, Robert, deceased (husband of Jane, father of Robert Wadham Spragge) |
Spragge, Robert Wadham, infant, respondent/appellant (son of Robert) |
Stone, Jane, appellant/respondent |
Trower, James, respondent/appellant |
Veale, Jane – see Spragge, Jane |
Description |
Concerning an estate and will. |
Disposition |
Stone’s appeal is dismissed. The decree is reversed with respect to the will’s disposition of real estate, which is revoked by subsequent marriage and birth of a son. |
References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations |
Table of Cases (Stone v Spragge) |
Printed Cases |
Not found |
Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew |
TNA Document | Committee report (Spragge v Stone) – 27 March 1773 (PC 1/55/72) | view_Document |
Notes about Document |
Referenced in APC v.6 [907] p.539. AALT lists this under March 31 (when it was read and approved) |