Appeals to the Privy Council |
Report No. JAM_1733_03 |
Jamaica |
Case Name Long |
John Humphrey v Samuel and Mary Smith |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series |
APC Citation | v.3 [291] p.401 (20 Dec. 1733 – 3 April 1735) |
PC Register Citation | George II v.3 (21 July 1732 – 18 July 1734) p.280: PC 2/92/280 |
PC Register Citation | George II v.4 (1 Aug. 1734 – 23 Sept. 1736) p.84, 126, 127–131, 146: PC 2/93/84, 126, 127–131, 146 |
Colonial Courts |
Governor as Chancellor – 25 June 1733 |
Participants |
Humphrey (née Williams), Elizabeth, deceased (wife of John, daughter of Rowland Williams) |
Humphrey, John, of St. Iago de la Vega, appellant (husband and administrator of Elizabeth) |
Smith (née Williams), Mary, respondent (wife of Samuel, daughter of Rowland Williams) |
Smith, Samuel, esquire, respondent (husband of Mary) |
Williams, Elizabeth – see Humphrey, Elizabeth |
Williams, Mary – see Smith, Mary |
Williams, Rowland, formerly of the parish of Clarendon, Jamaica, deceased (father of Elizabeth [now Elizabeth Humphrey] and Mary [now Mary Smith]) |
Description |
Not stated in the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series. |
Disposition |
Appeal in part sustained, in part dismissed. |
Notes |
The appellant’s printed case is summarized in Caribbeana: miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies, ed. Vere Langford Oliver (London: Mitchell, Hughes, and Clarke, 1909–1919), 6:66 (view). |
Printed Cases |
Appellant’s case |
Case of the appellant (John Humphrey v Samuel and Mary Smith) |
Counsel | J. Strange; J. Brown |
Library | British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36216 f.81r–82v (Printed date on dorse 27 March 1734 with manuscript note: “Varied.” Additional manuscript notes and underlining) |
Respondent’s case |
Case of the respondent (John Humphrey v Samuel and Mary Smith) |
Counsel | J. Willes; D. Ryder |
Library | Yale University. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library: (General Collection) BrSides 1988 152 (Printed date on dorse March 173_. No manuscript notes or underlining) |
Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew |
Not found |