Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. GRE_1770_01

Scott v Brebner



Case Name Long

Michael Scott and Maria Martha Victoria Cornette de St. Cyr, his wife v James Brebner and Ninian Home


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.5 [149] p.241 (27 April 1770 – 19 July 1771)

PC Register Citation  

George III v.7 (May 1769 – Dec. 1770) p.363: PC 2/114/363


PC Register Citation  

George III v.8 (Jan. 1771 – Dec. 1771) p.299–304, 339–340: PC 2/115/299–304, 339–340


Colonial Courts

Grenada Chancery – 9 Sept. 1767


Bellidentes du Pradel, John, of Martinique (guardian of Joanna Herbert)

Brebner, James, respondent (administrator of Joseph Herbert)

Herbert, Herbert (son of Leon Marie Herbert du Jardin)

Herbert, Joanna Victoria Adelaide (niece and heiress of Joseph Herbert)

Herbert, Joseph, deceased (uncle of Joanna Victoria Adelaide Herbert)

Herbert, Louis Charles Marie (son of Leon Marie Herbert du Jardin)

Herbert du Jardin, Leon Marie, of Martinique, deceased (husband of Maria [now Maria Scott], brother of Joseph Herbert, father of Herbert Herbert and Louis Herbert)

Herbert du Jardin, Maria – see Scott, Maria

Home, Ninian, respondent (administrator of Joseph Herbert)

Maxwell, Patrick, master in Chancery

Scott (formerly Herbert du Jardin), Maria Martha Victoria Cornette de St. Cyr, appellant (wife of Michael, widow of Leon Marie Herbert du Jardin, guardian of Joanna Herbert)

Scott, Michael, appellant (husband of Maria, guardian of Joanna Herbert)




Reversed in part.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Scott v Brebner and Home) (extensive discussion)


Printed Cases


Case of the appellant (Michael Scott and Maria Martha Victoria Cornette de St. Cyr v James Brebner, Ninian Home, and Joanna Victoria Adelaide Herbert)


Al. Wedderburn; J. Dunning


Columbia University. Diamond Law Library: (William Samuel Johnson Collection) Treasure – Johnson 1770m and Microfilm – AA70 (Printed date on dorse 1770. One lengthy manuscript note)


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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