Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. BAR_1738_03

Jones v Harrison



Case Name Long

John Jones v William Harrison


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [450] p.617–618 (12 Oct. 1738 – 12 June 1739)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.6 (1 Oct. 1738 – 27 March 1740) p.4, 56–57, 130, 154–158, 211: PC 2/95/4, 56–57, 130, 154–158, 211


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 12 Oct. 1736


Harrison (formerly Sexton), Temperance (wife of William, widow of Thomas Sexton)

Harrison, William, respondent (husband of Temperance)

Jones, John, merchant, appellant

Sexton, Temperance – see Harrison, Temperance

Sexton, Thomas, deceased (husband of Temperance [now Temperance Harrison])


Concerning an estate.


Order reversed with costs to appellant and ne exeat insulam continued.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Jones v Harrison)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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