Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. BAR_1699_01

Peers v Amory



Case Name Long

George Peers v Jonathan Amory (In re The Turtle)


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.2 [747] p.333–334 (31 May 1699 – 11 September 1701)

PC Register Citation  

William III v.5 (5 May 1697 – 30 March 1700) p.345: PC 2/77/345


PC Register Citation  

William III v.6 (4 April 1700 – 19 February 1702) p.57, 123–124, 125, 233, 256: PC 2/78/57, 123–124, 125, 233, 256


Colonial Courts

Court of Admiralty of Carolina


Amory, Mr. Jonathan, naval officer in Charles Town, Carolina, respondent

Cunningham, Robert, master of the Turtle

Mountague, Mr. ___, agent for the defendant

Peers, George, merchant, of Barbados, owner of the Turtle, appellant


Turtle (sloop) of Barbados




Committee agrees to hear appeal. No further disposition noted.


The proceedings in this appeal took place in Carolina as the APC margin note and all Privy Council register entries, except the last, indicate. However, the APC indexes the matter as a Barbadian appeal and the final register entry refers to “a sentence in Barbados.” But for the index and final register entry, this appeal would have been solely attributed to Carolina. In fact, a duplicate report of it is found in Part I under South Carolina (12_1699_00), though South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia were not established as separate entities at this date.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Peers v Amory; In re The Turtle)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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