Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. ANT_1752_03

Kirwan v Alexander



Case Name Long

Richard Kirwan v Charles and Bisse Alexander, Samuel and Jane Lyons, Rowland Hamilton, John Gunthorpe, Ashton Warner, William Byam, William Yeamans, Rowland and Sarah Oliver, William Denbow, and Byam Denbow, by William Denbow


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.4 [174] p.162–163 (14 April 1752 – 9 Jan. 1755)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.14 (1 April 1752 – 31 Dec. 1753) p.36–37, 545: PC 2/103/36–37, 545


PC Register Citation  

George II v.15 (1 Jan. 1754 – 31 Dec. 1755) p.260–264, 282: PC 2/104/260–264, 282


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 26 March and 6 and 18 April 1751 (year inferred from the date of the report)


Alexander, Bisse, respondent (wife of Charles)

Alexander, Charles, respondent (husband of Bisse)

Bisse, Mary – see Kirwan, Mary

Byam, William, respondent

Denbow, Byam, infant, respondent (son of William)

Denbow, William, respondent (father and guardian of Byam)

Gunthorpe, John, respondent

Hamilton, Archibald, deceased

Hamilton, Col. John (father of Archibald)

Hamilton, Mary – see Kirwan, Mary

Hamilton, Rowland, respondent (son of John)

Kirwan (née Bisse, formerly Hamilton), Mary, deceased (wife of Richard, former wife of Archibald Hamilton)

Kirwan, Richard, esquire, appellant (husband and administrator of Mary, administrator de bonis non of William Ling)

Ling, William, esquire, deceased (trustee for Mary Bisse [now Mary Kirwan])

Lyons, Jane, respondent (wife of Samuel)

Lyons, Samuel, respondent (husband of Jane)

Oliver, Rowland, respondent (husband of Sarah)

Oliver, Sarah, respondent (wife of Rowland)

Warner, Ashton, respondent

Yeamans, William, respondent


In relation to payment of the arrears of a jointure annuity.


Decrees reversed, bill dismissed in part with directions for taking accounts and for payments to be made.


Related to another Privy Council appeal:

Kirwan v Lyons, Hamilton v Lyons – Report No. ANT_1738_03 (APC, v.3 [457] p.620–621).


Printed Cases


Case of the appellant (Richard Kirwan v Samuel and Jane Lyons, Charles and Bisse Alexander, Rowland Hamilton, William Byam, John Gunthorpe, Rowland and Sarah Oliver, William Denbow, Byam Denbow, and William Yeomans)


Robert Henley; Samuel Martin


Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Manuscript date on dorse 21 Nov. 1754. Library markings on page 2; considerable underlining)



Case of the respondent (Samuel and Jane Lyons, Charles and Bisse Alexander, Rowland Hamilton, William Byam, John Gunthorpe, Rowland and Sarah Oliver, William Denbow, Byam Denbow, and William Yeomans v Richard Kirwan)


Robert Henley; Samuel Martin


Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Includes underlining)


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

Not found