Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. ANT_1729_01

Thibon v Pierce

Pierce v Picard de la Ferte

Thibon v Rigby



Case Name Long

Jacob Thibon v unnamed children and representatives of the late John Pierce

Case Name Long

Unnamed children and representatives of the late John Pierce v Abraham and Ann Picard de la Ferte, Benjamin and Catherine Terry, and Arabella Turton, John Gambell, John Frye, and Samuel Frye

Case Name Long

Jacob Thibon v Richard and Ann Rigby, and George and Dorothy Barker


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [177] p.230–231 (22 May 1729 – 11 July 1734)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.1 (14 June 1727 – 22 May 1729) p.512: PC 2/90/512


PC Register Citation  

George II v.2 (1 June 1729 – 16 June 1732) p.5, 179–180, 214, 251, 381–382, 431: PC 2/91/5, 179–180, 214, 251, 381–382, 431


PC Register Citation  

George II v.3 (21 July 1732 – 18 July 1734) p.425–426, 489–492, 518–519: PC 2/92/425–426, 489–492, 518–519


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 15 July 1726

Chancery – 1 July 1728 (Thibon v Rigby)

Chancery – 10 July 1728 (Thibon v Pierce)


Barbouttain, John, gentleman, deceased

Barker (née Perry), Dorothy, respondent (wife of George, daughter of John Perry)

Barker, George, respondent (husband of Dorothy)

Frye, John, respondent (executor of Jervase Turton)

Frye, Samuel, respondent (executor of Jervase Turton)

Gambell, John, respondent (executor of Jervase Turton)

Perry, Ann – see Rigby, Ann

Perry, Dorothy – see Barker, Dorothy

Perry, John, deceased (father of Ann [now Ann Rigby] and Dorothy [now Dorothy Barker])

Picard de la Ferte, Abraham, respondent (husband of Ann)

Picard de la Ferte (née Turton), Ann, respondent (wife of Abraham, daughter and coheir of Jervase Turton)

Pierce, John, gentleman, deceased

Rigby (née Perry), Ann, respondent (wife of Richard, daughter of John Perry)

Rigby, Richard, respondent (husband of Ann)

Terry, Benjamin (husband of Catharine)

Terry (née Turton), Catharine, respondent (wife of Benjamin, daughter and coheir of Jervase Turton)

Thibon (Thibou), Jacob, appellant (executor of John Barbouttain)

Turton, Ann – see Picard de la Ferte, Ann

Turton, Arabella, respondent (daughter and coheir of Jervase)

Turton, Catharine – see Terry, Catharine

Turton (or Fenton), Jervase (Jervas), deceased (father of Ann [now Ann Picard de la Ferte], Arabella, and Catharine [now Catharine Terry])


Relating to debts due from Jervase Turton to John Pierce and John Perry.


Decree of 1 July 1728 reversed in part; further proceedings ordered on the decree of 15 July 1726.


The first entry in the PC register labels this case as St. Christopher, but then changes to Antigua.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Thibou v Pierce)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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