Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t301 |
Mattia Ugonius |
1446–1535 |
Alternative Names |
Mattia Ugoni |
Biography/Description |
On 1 Jul. 1504, Pope Julius II made M. bishop of Famagosta (now Gazimağusa, Northern Cyprus). He was recorded at the time as ‘de nobili gen. procr.’, a doctor in utroque, an apostolic notary, and a canon of Brescia. He is mentioned as having been involved in the papal governance of Parma in 1523. On 10 Jan. 1530, when he would have been 85, he resigned the see in favor of Giovanni Francesco Ugoni, his nephew, with a reservation of half the fruits. Eubel. So far as we can tell, his De praestantia patriarchali (TUI 1584 t. 13.2) was first published in Brescia in 1507, reprinted there in 1510, and not printed again until its last printing in TUI 1584. In 1508, he is listed as the editor of Auree questiones dominicales ac veneriales necnon brocardica Bartholomei brixiensis published by Battista de Tortis in Venezia. In 1534 (dating on the basis of the second dedicatory epistle), he published in Brescia a work with the curious title Synodia ugonia episcopi Phamaugustani de Conciliis (online). It is, in fact, a quite learned treatise of 145 folios on the conduct and authority of general councils. The work was reprinted in Venezia in 1563, 1565, and 1568. P. E. Tiboni, Mattia Ugoni, vescovo di Famagosta: memoria letta all’Ateneo di Brescia il 23 luglio 1871 (Brescia 1872) was unavailable to us. A quite full summary of it may be found in N. Bettoni, Commentari dell’Ateneo di Brescia per gli anni 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873 (Brescia 1874) 187–191. The stub in Italian Wikipedia seems accurate as far as it goes. |
Source: CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |