Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t297 |
Christophorus Roffiniacus |
?1520–1572 |
Alternative Names |
Christophe de Roffignac |
Biography/Description |
Not in DHJF. Not in NBG. CERL Thesaurus. Library cataloguers are unusually cautious about R. We have not been able to confirm the birth date given in French Wikipedia, though it is plausible. The death date seems solid. R. was a member an ancient Limousin family of Roffignac. That he called himself ‘seigneur of Couzage’ [dép. Corrèze], today a ruin of a château and not a commune, seems clear, and there is no reason to doubt that he was. Whether he was also seigneur of Pègres, Chavagnac and Marzac, as some genealogies claim, is more questionable. Of his education we know nothing, but his works suggest an exposure both to humanism and to law. He became the fourth president of the parlement of Bordeaux in July of 1555. In 1565, he became the second president, a position that he seems to have held until his death in January of 1572, since his successor, Goyet de La Ferrière, was appointed in February of that year. Archives départementales de la Gironde, Liste de membres du parlement de Bordeaux. He published two works in his lifetime: Christophori Rofiniaci Cosagaei, praesidis et consiliarii regii, Ad Carolum Lotharingum, Cardinalem & principem illustrissimum De re sacerdotali, seu pontificia quatuor libris exarata commentatio: Attexta [sic] est inscriptio omnium capitum, quae in alteris libris duobus continentur, nam primus, per capita non est distinctus, sed vno, perpetuoque contextu, omnem suam prosequens, est materiem. Cum approbatione sacrae theologiae, Parisiensis facultatis, & consultissimae pontificiorum (Paris 1557) (online) and Commentarii omnium a creato orbe historiarum Christophoro Roffin. in Senatu Burdegal. Praeside, auctore (Paris 1571). WorldCaTUI 1584 t. The former might lead to the suspicion that he was a associated with the Ligue, a suspicion that is confirmed by the fact that Charles IX rebuked him in 1568 for having supported the activities of the Ligue in the southwesTUI 1584 t. K. Gould, Catholic Activism in South-West France, 1540–1570 (London 2016) 151. The Tractatus de beneficiis, eorumque acquisitione, item et amissione (TUI 1584 t. 15.2) was not, so far as we can tell, published until its appearance in TUI 1584, and not again. Whether it is an extract from the De re sacerdotali or an independent work deserves further exploration. |
Source: CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |