Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t292 |
Antonius de Praetis |
fl. mid-16th c. |
Alternative Names |
Antonio Preti |
Biography/Description |
A. is described as a doctor in utroque in his first printed work (Roma 1544). See below. We have not confirmed, but have no reason to doubt, the statement in Italian edit16 that he taught canon law at Bologna in 1531 X 1532. He is described as a priest and the editor of Bartolomeo Bellencini’s Tractatus de charitativo subsidio et decima beneficiorum published in Roma in 1544 with the support of Michele Tramezzino, and to have contributed to it a work called Clippeus pastoralis. The Clippeus also seems to have been published separately in Roma in the same year where it is described as a Tractatus de iurisdictionis episcopalis defensione (TUI 1584 t. 13.2, divided between two titles). P’s De clericorum praestantia was first published in Lucca in 1565 (online), where P. is described as teaching canon law at Pisa in the morning. It is an indepedent work, not included in TUI 1584. |
Source: Not in DGI. Not in DBI. CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |