Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t286 |
Antonius Nicellus |
fl. end of 15th c. X beginning of 16th c. |
Alternative Names |
Antonio Nicelli |
Biography/Description |
Son of the better-known jurist Cristoforo Nicelli, who began teaching in Piacenza and moved to Torino, A. reversed his father's career, beginning in Torino and returning to Piacenza. Mongiano doubts that the De concordia glossarum (TUI 1584 t. 18) is entirely A’s work and suspects that it is the work of his father which A. may have completed. Only what is described as the first part is in print, beginning with incunabulum edition of 1499 and an edition of 1506. His better-known Concordantiae contrarietatum Bartoli de Saxoferrato (Pavia 1495, Milano 1506, Lyon 1516 etc.) is definitely a joint work with his father. |
Source: Mentioned in E. Mongiano, in DGI s.n. Nicelli, Cristoforo. CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |