Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t271 |
Laelius Jordanus |
d. 1583 |
Alternative Names |
Lelio Giordano |
Biography/Description |
We have been unable to confirm L’s origin in Napoli, but have no reason to doubt the statement to that effect in Italian edit16. In 1570, when he was regent professor of civil law at the university of Roma, G. was made bishop of Acerno (prov. Salerno), with dispensation for defect in orders: ‘quia persona erat nota et doctor utruisque iuris ac iuris canonici in Curia Romana interpres et semper in habitu clericali incessit’. Eubel. At the end of his life (1580), he was translated to the archiepiscopal see of Rossano [prov. Cosenza], but he died at the beginning of 1583. L’s only known published work, Tractatus de maioribus rerumque capitalium episcoporum causis ad Papam deferendis et Romanae Sedis origine atque authoritate (TUI 1584 t. 13.2) was first published in Venezia in 1572, with a dedicatory epistle to Pius V. Whether the version in TUI 1584 is the whole work or an extract remains to be explored. |
Source: Not in DGI. Not in DBI. CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |