Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t256 |
Camillus Cautius |
sec. 16/m |
Alternative Names |
Camillo Cauzio |
Biography/Description |
The authority file of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek gives floruit dates of 1541 X 1560, says that C. was born in Padova and worked in Cittadella (prov. Padova) and in Venezia, and says that he was a jurist, a translator, and a protonotary apostolic. Italian edit16 ventures no floruit dates, repeats that he was a jurist and a translator, and substitutes ‘archpriest’ (‘arciprete’) for ‘protonotary apostolic’. It also gives the first printings of ten works that are attributed to him, with first publication dates ranging from 1547 to 1587. The floruit dates come from the Archivio biografico italiano, which is no better than the secondary sources that it cites, some of which are of dubious quality. We have yet to examine the printed copy of G. Casati, Giovanni, Dizionario degli scrittori d’Italia 1 (1926), which is not available online. That C. had a humanist formation seems likely. His first two works (Roma 1547 and Venezia 1548) are translations into Italian of books 9 and 10, respectively, of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In 1558, 1559, and again in 1559, he published in Venezia three tracts against specific doctrines in the Lutheran catechism. In all three, he identifies himself as a lawyer, and argues in the dedicatory epistle of one that he is expounding the law of God. Two other controversial works about what we would call theology followed in 1561 and 1566: Commentarium iuris Camilli Cautii . . . quo respondet ad iniustas aduersarii sui querimonias, Romae in concistorio publico habitas (Venezia 1561); Obseruationes haeresum, atque censura defensionum Bartholomaei Fontij haeresiarchae (Padova 1566). A Commento sopra alcuni versi della cometa dell’anno M.D. LXXVII.: Doue anco si dimostra la nobilta, e la vera nobilta, e la vera pronontia della lingua italiana (Venezia 1579) (1 fol.) shows that he was alive at least as late as 1577. The Tractatus de pensionibus episcopalibus (TUI 1584 t. 15.2) was not published until 1582 with the title De pensionibus episcopalibus in romanum responsum obseruationes & espositiones Camilli Cautii (Girolamo Polo, Venezia). F. Ziletti also published it separately at approximately the same time as TUI 1584, with the title Camilli Cavtii i. c. prot. apost. venetijs iura reddentis Tractatvs de pensionibus episcopalibus. Tum aliorum doctorum sententijs, tum eius annotationibus, & allegationibus, sic re tuenda & explicanda suadente, contextus. It does not seem to have been published after that. More work needs to done, but we would seem to have expanded C’s floruit dates by at least 17 years. |
Source: CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 22.v.2019 |