Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t188 |
Amaedeos a Ponte Lombriascus |
1526–1593 |
Alternative Names |
Amedeo Ponte |
Biography/Description |
Library cataloguers are agreed on A’s birth and death dates and that he was, in some sense, a jurist. He was also noble and carried the title of lord of Lombriasco, now a commune in Torino. That he was a member of the senate of Piemonte seems clear. His Quaestiones laudimiales (TUI 1584, t. 10.2) was first published in Torino in 1577. The work displays considerable learning, not only about the authors on fiefs in the ius commune but also about the actual practice in a wide range of places. |
Source: Not in DGI or DBI. CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 23.iv.2019 |