Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t181 |
Jacobus de S. Georgio |
d. 1494 |
Alternative Names |
Giacomino (Iacopino) da San Giorgio |
Biography/Description |
J. seems to have come from San Giorgio Canavese (prov. Torino). He is recorded as having lectured at Torino in 1452. He received his doctorate in utroque there in 1457. He taught there for the rest of his life, civil law, canon law, and feudal law. His best known works are on the last topic, De homagiis and De feudis, both in TUI 1584, t. 10.1. According to Goria, J. focused more on practice than on theory in these works. J. also wrote Quaestiones feudales and rendered a consilium in a dispute between the duke of Savoy and the king of France about the homage of the marquis of Saluzzo. His work was not, however, confined to feudal law. There are lecturae on the Code and the Digestum Vetus, and a lectura on the work of Rolandinus Passagerius, q.v. The last named and some of his other works remain in manuscript. |
Source: F. A. Goria, in DGI. |
Entry by: CD 23.iv.2019 |