Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t179 |
Guerrinus Pisonus |
d. 1591 |
Alternative Names |
Guarino Piso |
Biography/Description |
G. taught at Venezia and Pisa, perhaps also at Padova. He was the father of Taddeo Piso, a jurist of the next generation. The significance of ‘Soacius’, which frequently accompanies both his name and Taddeo’s, is unclear. It may be related to the Italian surname Soatto, which seems to be derived from a Venetian word for a type of leather. The name is found in Montagnana (prov. Padova). Ganino Cognomi Italiani. In addition to the In feudorum usus (TUI 1584, t. 10.1) (?first ed. Venezia 1575), to P. is also attributed a short tract De Romanorum et Venetorum magistratuum inter se comparatione (1st ed. Padova 1563). |
Source: Not in DGI. CERL Thesaurus; Italian edit16 CNCA 9152. |
Entry by: CD 23.iv.2019 |