Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t162 |
Joannes Boscheus (Boschaeus) |
d. 1562 |
Alternative Names |
Jean du Bosc, seigneur d’Emandreville |
Biography/Description |
TUI 1584 adds the toponym ‘Neustrius’ to J’s name. This adds plausibility to the identification of him with the seigneur d’Emandreville (Mendrevilla), which is near Rouen. He also served as président of the Cour des aides of Rouen. Other than the Dikaiogamias (TUI 1584, t. 9), his only known work is a list of Venetian magistrates to 1539 that is sometimes appended to Pietro Bembo’s Historiae Venetae (WorldCat). In the Dikaiogamias, he mentions that he heard Andreas Alciatus lecture, and he attempts to explicate a passage from Roman law that Alciatus said he could not understand (TUI 1584, 9:87va). He was clearly influenced by legal humanism, and he may have had reformist leanings. |
Source: Not in DHJF. CERL Thesaurus. |
Entry by: CD 23.iv.2019 |