Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. t065 |
Innocent V |
c. 1224–1276 |
Alternative Names |
Innocentius V; Pope Innocent V |
Biography/Description |
Innocent V, Pierre de Tarnetaise, is sometimes said to have written a canonical work, but that work, a well-known abbreviation of Gratian’s Decreta with the incipit Verbum abbreviatum, seems to have been misattributed to him. See Vie du Bienheureux Innocent V (Frère Pierre de Tarentaise), archevêque de Lyon, primat des Gaules et premier pape de l’Ordre des Frères prêcheurs par un religieux du même Ordre (Città del Vaticano 1896 59 n. 1. |
Entry by: CD/DC v.2017 |