Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r557 |
Guilelmus Bateman |
d. 1355 |
Alternative Names |
Bateman; William (LC); William Bateman; Guillaume Bateman; Guilelmus Bateman de Northwico |
Biography/Description |
William was an Englishman whose career illustrated the links between the academic, judicial, diplomatic, and administrative worlds of his day. Under his patronage the first surviving court reports of the Rota (the pope’s own audience court where Bateman served as judge) were written by his protégé Thomas Fastolf (Decisiones novae, antiquae et antiquiores). |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Literature |
M. Geldof, ‘Signo dicti collegii: Instruction for a Fourteenth–Century Corporate Badge for the College of Trinity Hall, Cambridge’, Antiquaries Journal: Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 91 (2011) 163–173. |
P. Pobst, The Register of William Bateman. Volume I–II : Bishop of Norwich, 1344-1355 (Woodbridge 1996–2000). |
J. Baker, Monuments of Endlesse Labours: English Canonists and Their Work, 1300–1900 (London 1998). |