Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r496 |
Quaestiones Cesena IIsin.3 |
late 13th–early 14th c. |
Alternative Names |
Biography/Description |
A fourteenth century collection of 48 quaestiones dating between 1294 and 1313 includes the named authors Aegidius de Cremona, Guido de Baysio, Jacobus (Bonacosa) a canon of Bologna, frater Jacobus, canon of the church of Saints Victor and John on the mount, Johannes Andreae, Johannes Calderini, Johannes de Monte Murlo, Marsilius de Mantighellis, Palmerius de Casulis, Paulus de Liazariis. |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Quaestiones. (Cesena IIsin.3). |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 1 |
Quaestiones. |
Manuscript | Cesena, Bibl. Malatest. Iisin.3, fol. 93v–127r |
Literature |
M. Bertram, ‘Kanonistische Quästionensammlungen von Bartholomäus Brixiensis bis Johannes Andreae’, Proceedings Cambridge (MIC C–8; Città del Vaticano 1988) 271–72. |