Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r387 |
Johannes Gundisalvus |
d. 1440 |
Alternative Names |
Juan Gonzáles; Johannes Gundissalvi; Johannes Gundisalvi; Joannes Gundisalvi; Johannes Gundissalvus |
Biography/Description |
Johannes studied canon law at Salamanca, where he became doctor decretorum around 1418. In the same year, he went to the Council of Constance as the proctor of his university and of the Queen of Castille, and continued on to Rome to become an auditor at the papal curia. Named bishop of Cadiz in 1426, he left Rome in 1427 for his diocese. He reappeared at the Council at Basel (1432–34) but returned to Cadiz after two years. He died in 1440. His literary activity revolved exclusively around political questions of the day, mostly in the form of tractatus. |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Tractatus de annatis. |
Text(s) – Modern Editions |
No. 1 |
Tractatus de annatis. |
Modern Editions |
Edited by H. Finke in Forschungen und Quellen zur Geschichte des Konstanzer Konzils (Paderborn 1888) 283–87. |
Literature |
J. Miethke, ‘Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Schriften des Juan Gonzáles, Bischof von Cadíz (d.1440)’, QF, 60 (1980) 275–324. |
A. García y García, Estudios sobre la canonística portuguesa medieval (Madrid 1976) 143–47. |
E. Meuthen, ‘Juan Gonzáles, Bischof von Cadíz, auf dem Basler Konzil’, AHC, 8 (1976) 250–93. |
V. Beltrán de Heredia, Cartulario de la Universitad de Salamanca (1218–1600) (Salamanca 1970) 1.281–99. |
A. García y García, ‘Los canonistas de la Universidad de Salamanca en el s. xiv–xv’, REDC, 17 (1962) 182–83. |