Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r337 |
Johannes Abbas Nivicellensis |
fl. mid. 15th c. |
Alternative Names |
Jean de Nivelle; Jean de Jean; Johannes Johannis; Johannes Juncellensis; Johannes Neustrius; Johannes Nivigellensis; Johannes Vercellensis; Johannes de Vernone; Jean de Joncels |
Biography/Description |
Johannes appears as doctor decretorum in his Concordantiae. |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Concordantiae bibliorum et canonum. |
Text(s) – Early Printed Editions |
No. 1 |
Concordantiae bibliorum et canonum. |
Early Printed Editions |
Köln, 1482 (Hain 9412). |
Venezia, 1483 (Hain 9413). |
Bonn, 1486 (Hain 9414). |
Basel, 1486 (Hain 9415). |
Basel, 1487 (Hain 9416). |
Basel, 1489 (Hain 9417). |
Literature |
D. Claes, ‘“Adam per Evam deceptus est, non Eva per Adam”: Biblical Compendia in Fourteenth–Century Canon Law’, Aspects of Genre and Type in Pre–Modern Literary Cultures., B. Roest and H. Vanstiphout, ed. (COMERS/ICOG Communications, 1; Groningen 1999) 1–14. |
D. Claes, ‘Repertoria van bijbelse en theologische tekstfragmenten in veertiende–eeuws canoniek recht’, Van oud en nieuw recht: Handelingen van het XVde Belgisch–Nederlands Rechtshistorisch Congres, Universiteit Gent, 16 en 17 april 1998, D. Heirbaut and D. Lambrecht, ed. (Gandaius ontmoetingen met recht, 1; Antwerpen 1998) 283–297. |
J. von Schulte, |