Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r327 |
Jesselinus de Cassanis |
c.1300–1334/35 |
Alternative Names |
Zenzelinus de Cassanis (LC); Genzelinus de Cassanis; Genselinus de Casanis ultramontanus; Zenzelinus de Cassanis; Jesselin de Cassagnes,Secellinus de Cassanhis; Zenzelino dei Cassani; Gaucelin de Cassagnes |
Biography/Description |
Jesselinus was born before 1300, probably in the south of France. He was teaching law at Montpellier by 1317. In 1323 he moved to Avignon where he became the chaplain of Cardinal Arnaud de Via to whom he dedicated his three commentaries. In a document of 1323 he is mentioned as papal chaplain. From 1325 to 1335 Jesselinus was involved in the workings of the curia as an executor of papal letters. He received many benefices and he was also named a member of the Rota; this appointment took effect by 1326. He did not advance further in his career, probably because of his old age and poor health, and not because of the controversies arising from Jesselin’s ideas on the papacy. |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Apparatus ad Librum Sextum. |
No. 2 | Commentaria super Clementinis. |
No. 3 | Commentaria super Extravagantibus Johannis XXII. |
No. 4 | Auctoritates veteris et novi testamenti prout in ordinem librorum Bibliae in libro Decretorum sunt inductae tam expositae quam non expositae. |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 1 |
Apparatus ad Librum Sextum. |
Manuscript | Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye 37 2o |
No. 2 |
Commentaria super Clementinis. |
Manuscript | Bruxelles/Brussel, Bibl. Royale 7520 |
Bruxelles/Brussel, Bibl. Royale 7521 |
Città del Vaticano, BAV Ross. 565, fol. 125r–173r |
København, Kongelige Bibl. Gl. kgl. saml. 198, 2o, fol. 1r–35r |
Hereford, Cath. Libr. O.viii.5, fol. 213r–263v |
Napoli, BN XII.A.7, fol. 158r–208r |
New York, N.Y., Morgan Libr. 901, fol. 1r–12r |
Oxford, Corpus Christi Coll. 70, fol. 1r–35v (Defective) |
Oxford, Exeter Coll. 17, fol. 62r–106v |
Oxford, New Coll. 180, fol. 38r-130v |
Paris, BN lat. 14331, fol. 116r–144r |
Reims, BM 743, fol. 69r–122r |
Salisbury, Cath. Libr. 31, fol. 51r–84r |
No. 3 |
Commentaria super Extravagantibus Johannis XXII. |
Manuscript | Amiens, BM 376 |
Berlin, Staatsbibl. Hamilton 181, fol. 66r–110v |
Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 1397, fol. 133r–171r |
Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 6055, fol. 232r–289r |
Deene Park (nr. Corby, Northamptonshire), Brudenell Libr. xviii.a.2 (XXC.7), fol. 119v–131r |
København, Kongelige Bibl. Gl. kgl. saml. 198, 2o, fol. 1r–46v |
Napoli, BN XII.A.7, fol. 118r–156r |
Oxford, Bodleian Libr. lat. misc. b.20/1–2, fol. 119–131r |
Paris, BN lat. 14331, fol. 47r–78v |
No. 4 |
Auctoritates veteris et novi testamenti prout in ordinem librorum Bibliae in libro Decretorum sunt inductae tam expositae quam non expositae. |
Manuscript | Città del Vaticano, BAV Borgh. 50 |
Monte Cassino, Bibl. Abbazia 353 |
Literature |
F.C. Rodriguez, ‘Bernardo Raimundo y Gencelino de Cassanis’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 117 (1981) 248–63. |
J. Tarrant, ‘The Life and Works of Jesselin de Cassagnes’, BMCL, 9 (1979) 37–64. |
R. Naz, ‘Jesselin de Cassagnes’, in DDC (1957) 6.130–31. |
P. Fournier, ‘Jesselin de Cassagnes, canoniste’, in HLF (Paris 1921) 35.348–61. |
J. von Schulte, |