Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r320 |
Johannes Baconthorpe |
c. 1290–c.1348 |
Alternative Names |
Joannes Bacho (LC); John Baconthorpe; John Baconthorp; Joannes Baconthorp; Johannes Baco; Joannes Bacon; Johannes Baconthorpius; John Bacon; Doctor Resolutus; Joannes Baco Anglicus; Jean de Baconthorpe; Jean de Naone; Jean de Nono; Joahnnes de Baconstop |
Biography/Description |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Quaestiones. |
Text(s) – Modern Editions |
No. 1 |
Quaestiones. |
Modern Editions |
Die Quaestiones speculativae et canonicae des Johannes Baconthorp über den sakramentalen Charakter [Johannes Baco, In quattuor libros sententiarum – Teilausgabe], ed. E. Borchert (Veröffentlichungen de Grabmann-Instituts, Neue Folge 19; München 1974) (partial edition). |
Literature |
T. Turley, ‘The Impact of Marsilius: Papalist Responses to the Defensor pacis’, The World of Marsilius of Padua, G. Moreno–Riaño, ed. (Disputatio, 5; Turnhout 2006) 47–64. |
R. Cross, ‘John Baconthorpe’, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, J. Gracia and T. Noone, ed. (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, 24; Oxford 2003) 338–339. |
A. Boureau, ‘L’Immaculée Conception de la souveraineté. John Baconthorpe et la théologie politique (1325–1345)’, Saint–Denis et la royauté: Etudes offertes à Bernard Guenée, F. Autrand, C. Gauvard, and J.–M. Moeglin, ed. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 59; Paris 1999) 733–749. |
T. Turley, ‘Ab apostolorum temporibus: The Primitive Church in the Ecclesiology of Three Medieval Carmelites’, Studia in honorem eminentissimi Cardinalis Alphonsi M. Stickler, R. Castillo Lara, ed. (Pontificia Studiorum Universitas Salesiana. Facultas Iuris Canonici. Studia et textus historiae iuris canonici, 7; Roma 1992) 559–580. |
T. Turley, ‘John Baconthorpe on Papal Infallibility’, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 19 (1982) 744–58. |
T. Turley, ‘Tradition, Papal Power and John Baconthorpe’, BMCL, 12 (1982) 81–89. |
W. Ullmann, ‘John Baconthorpe as a Canonist’, Church and Government in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to C. R. Cheney, C. Brooke, ed. (Cambridge 1976) 223–46. Reprinted in: idem, Scholarship and Politics in the Middle Ages Collected Essays of Walter Ullmann (Variorum Collected Studies Series 72; London 1978) no. X. |
B. Smalley, ‘John Baconthorpe’s Postille on St. Matthew’, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 4 (1958) 91–145. |
N. di S. Brocardo, ‘Il profilo storico di Giovanni Baconthorp’, Ephemerides Carmeliticae, 2 (1948) 431–543. |
B. Xiberta, De scriptoribus scholasticis saeculi XIV ex ordine Carmelitarum (Leuven 1931) 167–240. |
B. Xiberta, ‘De magistro Johannes Baconthorp O. Carm.’, Analecta ordinis Carmalitarum, 6 (1927–29) 3–128, 516–25. |