Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r279 |
Guilelmus de Monte Laudano |
d. 1343 |
Alternative Names |
Gulielmus; de Monte Laudano (LC); Guillermus de Monte Laudano; Guillaume de Montlauzun; Guillaume de Montlezun |
Biography/Description |
From Quercy, Guilelmus joined the Cluniac order and studied at Paris, where he obtained the doctorate in canon law. Until at least 1314, he was then professor at the University of Toulouse. It is uncertain where he spent the following years, during which he completed most of his canonistic works. Besides commentaries on the more recent decretal collections, they included the Sacramentale, a manual intended to guide canonists through the intricacies of theological sacramental doctrine. In 1321, Pope John XXII made him abbot of Montierneuf (Poitiers). For the rest of his life, he was involved in administrative matters, often on behalf of the papacy. Guilelmus died in 1343. |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Lectura super Sextum. |
No. 2 | Apparatus in Clementinas. |
No. 3 | Apostilla ad Clementinas. On Clem. 1.2.3. |
No. 4 | Repetitiones in universas fere iuris canonici partes. vol. VI (in part). |
No. 5 | Commentaria super tres extravagantes Ioannis XXII. (1) Suscepti regiminis (Extrav. Jo. XXII 2.1), (2) Execrabilis, (Extrav. Jo. XXII 3.1), (3) Sedes apostolica (Extrav. Jo. XXII 4.1). These are usually found at the end of Guillelmus’ Apparatus in Clementinas, thus folio references often indicate only the endpoint of the work. |
No. 6 | Sacramentale. Commentary on the constitution Summi magistri and others by Pope Benedict XII. |
No. 7 | Commentary on the constitution Summi magistri and others by Pope Benedict XII. |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 2 |
Apparatus in Clementinas. |
Manuscript | Angers, BM 392, fol. 1r–102v |
Barcelona, Arch. Corona Aragón Ripoll 43, fol. 1r–49r |
Cambridge, Gonville & Caius Coll. 269 (=502), fol. 56r–127r |
Cambridge, Gonville & Caius Coll. 311 (=709), fol. 1–88v |
Cambridge, Peterhouse Coll. 65, fol. 65r–132r |
Città del Vaticano, BAV Ross. 565, fol. 1r–64r |
Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 1397, fol. 69r–130r |
Deene Park (nr. Corby, Northamptonshire), Brudenell Libr. D.7.6, fol. 241r–312r |
Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye 57, 2o, fol. 1r–129 |
Hereford, Cath. Libr. O.viii.5, fol. 147r–212v |
Hereford, Cath. Libr., fol. 61r–139r |
Laon, BM 379 (Incomplete) |
London, BL Royal 11.C.xi, fol. 121r–178r |
Napoli, BN XII.A.7, fol. 1r–68r |
Oxford, Bodleian Libr. lat. misc. b.20/1–2, fol. 241r–325v |
Oxford, Corpus Christi Coll. 70, fol. 85r–135v |
Oxford, Exeter Coll. 17, fol. 1r–61r |
Oxford, New Coll. 180, fol. 38r–183, fol. 2r–179r (Combined with the apparatus of Johannes Andrea) |
Paris, BN lat. 4101, fol. 83r–159r (Incomplete) |
Paris, BN lat. 14331, fol. 79r–115v |
Paris, BN lat. 16902, fol. 166r–223v |
Paris, Bibl. Sainte-Geneviève 338, fol. 1r–182v |
Praha, Univ. Knihovna IV.D.3, fol. 1r–180r (Part 2) |
Reims, BM 743, fol. 123r–216v |
Reims, BM 769, fol. 57r–108v |
Rouen, BM E.12, fol. 260r–299v |
Saint-Claude, BM 11, fol. 141–212 (Incomplete) |
Saint-Omer, BM 458, fol. 96v–156r |
Salisbury, Cath. Libr. 122, fol. 17r–144 |
Valenciennes, BM 270, fol. 45r–100 |
Worcester, Cath. Libr. F.168, fol. 86r–end |
No. 3 |
Apostilla ad Clementinas. |
Manuscript | Barcelona, Arch. Corona Aragón Ripoll 43, fol. 55v |
No. 4 |
Repetitiones in universas fere iuris canonici partes. |
Manuscript | Angers, BM 380 |
Bamberg, Staatsbibl. P. III 3 |
Bamberg, Staatsbibl. P. III 19 |
Chartres, BM 461 |
Laon, BM 379 |
Laon, BM 386 |
Paris, BN lat. 16902 |
Praha, Univ. Knihovna IV D. 3l |
Saint-Omer, BM 440 |
Saint-Omer, BM 441 |
Saint-Omer, BM 458 |
No. 5 |
Commentaria super tres extravagantes Ioannis XXII. |
Manuscript | Cambridge, Peterhouse Coll. 65, fol. –132r |
Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 1397, fol. –130r |
Deene Park (nr. Corby, Northamptonshire), Brudenell Libr. xviii.a.2 (XXC.7), fol. 312r–325v |
Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universitätsbibl. Barth. 13, fol. 140r–148v |
Fulda, Landesbibl. D.15 |
Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye. 57, 2o, fol. 129–149 |
Hereford, Cath. Libr., fol. 139r–152v |
Oxford, Bodleian Libr. lat. misc. 6.20/1–2, fol. –325 |
Oxford, Corpus Christi Coll. 70, fol. –135v |
Oxford, Exeter Coll. 17, fol. –61r |
Oxford, New Coll. 180, fol. –130v |
Paris, BN lat. 4116 |
Paris, BN lat. 14331, fol. –115v |
Paris, BN lat. 16902, fol. –223v |
Reims, BM 743, fol. –216v |
Salisbury, Cath. Libr. 31, fol. 142v–149r |
No. 6 |
Sacramentale. |
Manuscript | Chartres, BM 189 |
Chartres, BM 316 |
Berlin, Staatsbibl. Magdeb. 101 |
Berlin, Staatsbibl. Magdeb. 206 |
München, BSB Clm 3061 |
München, BSB Clm 3822 |
München, BSB Clm 3876 |
Praha, Univ. Knihovna V.B.17, fol. 224–297 |
Praha, Metropolitní Kapitula N.11 |
Trier, Stadtbibl. 911 |
Troyes, BM 1260 |
No. 7 |
Commentary on the constitution Summi magistri and others by Pope Benedict XII. |
Manuscript | Paris, BN lat. 4121 |
Text(s) – Early Printed Editions |
No. 1 |
Lectura super Sextum. |
Early Printed Editions |
Toulouse, 1524. Has additions of Blaise Auriol. |
No. 2 |
Apparatus in Clementinas. |
Early Printed Editions |
Corpus iuris canonici. Roma, 1475 (Hain 11595). Partially. |
Rouen, 1512. Partially. |
No. 4 |
Repetitiones in universas fere iuris canonici partes. |
Early Printed Editions |
Venezia, 1587. |
Köln, 1618. |
No. 5 |
Commentaria super tres extravagantes Ioannis XXII. |
Early Printed Editions |
Roma, 1475 (Hain 11595). With additions by Franciscus de Pavanis. |
Paris, 1500. With additions by Johannes Chappuis. |
Literature |
G. Mollat, ‘Guillaume de Montlauzun’, in DHGE (1988) 22.192–30, 970. |
G. Mollat, ‘Guillaume de Montelauzun’, in DDC (1953) 5.1078–1079. |
P. Fournier, ‘Guillaume de Montlauzun, canoniste’, in HLF (1921) 35.467–503. |
J. von Schulte, |