Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r013 |
Alexander VI, pope |
c. 1431–1503 |
Alternative Names |
Alexander VI; Pope (LC); Alexandre VI; Alessandro VI; Roderigo da Borgia; Rodrigo de Borja; Rodrigo Borja y Doms; Roderico Lenzuoli Borja; Roderic de Borja; Rodrigo de Borja y Borja; Rodrgio Lanzol y Borja; Roderic Lançol y Borja; Rodrigo Borgia |
Biography/Description |
Born in Játiva, most likely in 1431, to a noble Catalan family, Rodrigo de Borja y Borja entered the ecclesiastical life in his youth, holding benefices in Valencia and other Spanish dioceses. By 1453 he was a student of law in Bologna, and he received a degree in canon law three years later. In 1455, his maternal uncle was elected pope and took the name Calixtus III. Calixtus saw to it that his nephew received a number of benefices, including being made a cardinal deacon in 1456 and vice–chancellor of the Roman Church in 1457. The accretion of benefices did not stop, however, with the death of Calixtus in 1458. In 1471 he became the cardinal–bishop of Albano, and in 1476 he was translated to Porto. Following the death of Sixtus IV in 1484, Borja attempted to garner support for his own election, though his methods earned the enimity of many, particularly Giuliano della Rovere. Rodrigo eventually threw his support behind Innocent VIII. Rodrigo was eventually elected pope in 1492 after the death of Innocent VIII. Soon after his election, Alexander had to contend with the invasion of Italy by Charles VIII of France. In order to deal with the French threat, Alexander entered into the so–called ‘Holy League’ with Spain, Milan, Venice, and the Holy Roman Emperor. Alexander also entered into a conflict with the Florentine Dominican preacher Girolamo Savanarola, who preached vehemently against papal corruption. At the urging of Alexander, the Florentine government had Savanarola arrested, condemned, and executed in 1498. Alexander continued to deal with political intrigue involving France, Spain, and the Italian States for the rest of his pontificate. He died in 1503. Although Alexander VI has been a frequent target for those denouncing corruption in the Church, both now and in his own day, recent scholarship has tended to place the Borgias in the context of the activities of other powerful fifteenth–century families. There is also an increased emphasis on the artistic and intellectual patronage of Alexander. |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | De cardinalium excellentia et officio uicecancellarii. |
No. 2 | Glossa in regulas cancellariae. |
Literature |
M. Bertram, ‘Von der decretalis epistola zur constitutio: Innozenz IV. und Alexander IV’, in Kuriale Briefkultur im späteren Mittelalter: Gestaltung – Überlieferung – Rezeption, T. Broser, A. Fischer, and M. Thumser, ed. (Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters 37; Köln 2015) 263–272. |
H. Avalos, ‘Pope Alexander VI, Slavery and Voluntary Subjection: “Ineffabilis et Summi Patris” in Context’, JEH, 65 (2014) 738–760. |
M. Cárcel Ortí and V. Pons Alós, ‘Curia, casa y corte valentina del cardenal Rodrigo de Borja, obispo de Valencia (1458–1492)’, Estudios en memoria del profesor Dr. Carlos Sáez: Homenaje, M. del Val González de la Peña, ed. (Alcalá de Henares 2007) 415–37. |
S. Fritsch, ‘Zwischen Papst und König. Der Gesandte Leonello Chieregati (1484–1506) als Spielball päpstlicher Außenpolitik’, Außenpolitisches Handeln im ausgehenden Mittelalter: Akteure und Ziele, S. Dünnebeil, C. Ottner, and A.–K. Kunde, ed. (Forschungen zur Kaiser– und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters: Beihefte zu J.F. Böhmer, Regesta Imperii, 27; Wien 2007) 227–37. |
J. Nadal Cañellas, ‘La permanencia de Rodrigo de Borja (Alejandro VI) en el Estudio de Bolonia, según los documentos originales’, Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, 27–28 (2007) 173–205. |
D. Pellerin, ‘Machiavelli’s best fiend’, History of Political Thought, 27 (2006) 423–53. |
V. Peri, ‘Corone, insegne e titolo regale nelle trattative tra gli zar e i papi nel XVI secolo’, Memorie storiche forogiuliesi: Deputazione di Storia Patria per il Friuli, 85 (2006) 13–22. |
Á. Riesco Terrero, ‘Documento del papa Alejandro VI (a. 1493) otorgado a petición de los Reyes Católicos para regular en sus reinos la concesión y predicación de indulgencias pontificias y cortar los abusos cometidos con motivo de la recaudación de limosnas’, Hidalguía: La revista de genealogía, nobleza y armas, 53 (2006) 503–19. |
M. del Vas Mingo, ‘Las bulas alejandrinas y su proyección histórica para Castilla y las Indias’, Cristóbal Colón: Ciudades y viajeros en la Edad Media (Valladolid 2006) 183–212. |
M. Miglio and A. Oliva, ‘Riflessioni a proposito degli “Incontri di studio per il quinto centenario del pontificato di Alessandro VI”,’, La Mediterrània de la Corona d’Aragó, segles XIII-XVI: VII Centenari de la Sentència Arbitral de Torrellas, 1304-2004. XVIII Congrés d’Història de la Corona d’Aragó, València 2004, 9–14 setembre, R. Narbona Vizcaíno, ed. (València 2005) 2033–39. |
V. Pons Alós, ‘Los cardenales valencianos de Alejandro VI’, Valencianos en la historia de la Iglesia, E. Callado Estela, ed. (Valencia 2005) 105–60. |
C. Shaw, ‘Alexander VI, Lucrezia Borgia and her marriage to Alfonso d’Este’, Iacobus: Revista de estudios jacobeos y medievales, 19–20 (2005) 219–40. |
Alessandro VI dal Mediterraneo all’ Atlantico : atti del convegno, Cagliari, 17–19 maggio 2001, M. Chiabo, A. Oliva, and O. Schena, ed. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di stato. Saggi, 82; Roma 2004). |
R. de Fantoni Benedi, ‘V Centenario de la muerte del Papa Alejandro VI (1503–2003)’, Hidalguía: La revista de genealogía, nobleza y armas, 51 (2004) 109–11. |
N. Nowakowska, ‘Poland and the crusade in the reign of King Jan Olbracht, 1492–1501’, Crusading in the Fifteenth Century: Message and Impact, N. Housley, ed. (Basingstoke 2004) 128–47, 227–31. |
Alessandro VI e lo stato della Chiesa : atti del convegno, Perugia, 13–15 marzo 2000, C. Frova and M. Nico Ottoviani, ed. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di stato. Saggi, 79; Roma 2003). |
G. Pesiri, Il Lazio e Alessandro VI : Civita Castellana, Cori, Nepi, Orte, Sermoneta (Nuovi studi storici, 64; Roma 2003). |
Principato ecclesiastico e riuso dei classici gli umanisti e Alessandro VI : atti del convegno (Bari–Monte Sant’Angelo, 22–24 maggio 2000), D. Canfora, M. Chiabo, and M. de Nichilo, ed. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di stato. Saggi, 72; Roma 2002). |
G. Le Thiec, ‘Le roi, le pape et l’otage. La croisade, entre théocratie pontificale et messianisme royal (1494–1504)’, Revue d’histoire de l’église de France (2002) 41–82. |
V. Escarti Soriano, ‘El cardenal Roderic de Borja en Valencia (1472–1473): representación social y poder’, El Hogar de los Borja (Valencia 2001) 109–23. |
M. Navarro Sorní, ‘De Calixto III a Alejandro VI: los Borja de Xàtiva a Roma’, Un documento inédito: El complemento de la dote de la hija de Santángel, Luisa, M. Ballesteros Gaibros, ed. (Aula de Humanidades y Ciencias. Serie histórica, 22; Valencia 2001) 157–78. |
P. Partner, ‘A financial Informatione under Alexander VI’, Italia et Germania: Liber Amicorum Arnold Esch, H. Keller, W. Paravicini, and W. Schieder, ed. (Tübingen 2001) 237–55. |
G. Picotti and M. Sanfilippo, ‘Alessandro VI’, Enciclopedia dei Papi (Roma 2000) 3.13–22. |
K. Baczkowski, ‘Europa wobec problemu tureckiego w latach 1493–1495’, Studia historyczne (1997) 313–340. |
R. Bartoss, ‘Miért nem lett Cesare Borgia Pannonhalmi főapát?’, Egyház és művelődés (Pannonhalma 996–1996), Á. Hajdú and Z. Kokas, ed. (Budapest 1997) 91–106. |
M. Batllori Munné, ‘Roderic de Borja, Alexandre VI’, Xàtiva, els Borja: una projecció europea. Catàleg de l’exposició 4 de febrer – 30 d’abril, Museu de l’Almodí, 1995 (Xàtiva 1995) 299–308. |
M. Bevià, ‘Apunts sobre Roderic de Borja, el monestir de la Santa Faç i els germans Bendicho’, Quaderns de Migjorn (1994–95) 55–62. |
M. Underwood, ‘The pope, the queen and the king’s mother: or, the rise and fall of Adriano Castellesi’, The Reign of Henry VII. Proceedings of the 1993 Harlaxton Symposium, B. Thompson, ed. (Harlaxton Medieval Studies, 5; Paul Watkins Medieval Studies, 19; Stamford 1995) 65–81. |
C. Baraut, ‘El papa Alexandre VI i el montestir de Santa Maria de Monserrat’, Studia monastica: Commentarium ad rem monasticam investigandam (1994) 41–67. |
N. Belloso Martín, ‘La Escuela de Salamanca y la acción ultramarina hispánica: la conquista de Nueva España’, Ciencia tomista, 121 (1994) 79–112. |
M. Carbonell Buades, ‘Roderic de Borja: un exemple de mecenatge renaixentista’, Afers: Fulls de recerca i pensament, 17 (1994) 109–32. (Some libraries catalogue this item as a monographic series.) |
G. Ferraù, ‘Politica e cardinalato in un’età di transizione. Il De cardinalatu di Paolo Cortesi’, Roma capitale (1447–1527), S. Gensini, ed. (Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Stato, Saggi, 29; Centro di studi sulla Civiltà del Tardo Medioevo, San Miniato: Collana di Studi e Ricerche, 5; Pisa 1994) 519–40. |
H. Röttgen, ‘Savonarola i Alexandre VI Borja’, Afers: Fulls de recerca i pensament, 17 (1994) 139–40. (Some libraries catalogue this item as a monographic series.) |
S. Schüller–Piroli, ‘Lucrecia Borja en la llegenda demoniaca dels papes’, Afers: Fulls de recerca i pensament, 17 (1994) 141–44. (Some libraries catalogue this item as a monographic series.) |
M. Batllori Munné, ‘L’elecció de Roderic de Borja com a Papa Alexandre VI, l’any 1492’, Els Borja : un llinatge universal dels Països Catalans (Nadala, 26; Barcelona 1992) 20–22. |
M. Batllori Munné, ‘Die Renaissancepolitik Alexanders VI.: Rom – Italien – Spanien – Europa’, Die Renaissancefamilie Borgia: Geschichte und Legende, E. Schraut, ed. (Kataloge des Hällisch–Fränkischen Museums Schwäbisch Hall, 6; Sigmaringen 1992) 24–27. |
F. Cantelar Rodríguez, ‘El Envío de Misioneros a América y las Bulas Inter caetera de Alejandro VI en 1493’, Proceedings San Diego (MIC Series C–9; Città del Vaticano 1992) 635–65. |
S. Poeschel, ‘Alexander Borgia, der heilige Vater. Bemerkungen zur Authentizität der Borgia-Bildnisse im Vatikan’, Die Renaissancefamilie Borgia: Geschichte und Legende, E. Schraut, ed. (Kataloge des Hällisch-Fränkischen Museums Schwäbisch Hall, 6; Sigmaringen 1992) 51–67. |
P. Pedraza, ‘“Pacis cultor”. Apuntes para una interpretación del Apartamento Borgia del Vaticano’, Lecturas de Historia del Arte, 1 (1989) 125–60. |
G. Vitale, ‘Il culto di s. Gennaro a Napoli in età aragonese. Una rilettura delle fonti’, Campania Sacra: Rivista di storia sociale e religiosa del Mezzogiorno, 20 (1989) 239–67. |
M. Monaco, ‘The instructions of Alexander VI to his ambassadors sent to Louis XII in 1498’, Renaissance Studies: Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies (1988) 251–57. |
G. Guidi, ‘La corrente savonaroliana e la petizione al Papa del 1497’, Archivio storico italiano, 142 (1984) 31–46. |
K. Walsh, ‘Päpstliche Kurie und Reformideologie am Beispiel von Santa Maria del Popolo in Rom. Die Augustiner–Observanten in Spannungsfeld zwischen Borgia und Della Rovere’, AHP, 20 (1982) 129–61. |
M. Dorati da Empoli, ‘I lettori della Studia e i maestri di grammatica a Roma da Sisto IV ad Alessandro VI’, Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato (1981) 98–147. |
C. Shaw, ‘Alexander VI, Cesare Borgia and the Orsini’, European Studies Review, 11 (1981) 1–23. |
J. Fernández–Alonso, ‘Pedro de Aranda, obispo de Calahorra (ob. 1500), un legado de Alejandro VI ante la Señoría de Venecia 1494)’, Miscellanea in onore di Monsignore Martino Giusti, Prefetto dell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 5; Città del Vaticano 1978) 1255–95. |
J. Muldoon, ‘Papal responsibility for the infidel: another look at Alexander VI’s Inter caetera’, CHR, 64 (1978) 168–84. Reprinted in: idem, Canon Law, the Expansion of Europe, and World Order (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 612; Aldershot 1998) no. IV. |
F. Young, ‘Fundamental changes in the nature of the cardinalate in the fifteenth century and their reflection in the election of Pope Alexander VI’, (Ph.D. Diss. University of Maryland; College Park MD 1978). |
A. Barragona, ‘La polemica storiografica sulle bolle alessandrine relative alle grandi scoperte’, Miscellanea di storia della esplorazione (Studi di Storia delle Esplorazioni, 5; Genova 1977) 29–47. |
E. Bernareggi, ‘Il ritratto monetale di Alessandro VI Borgia’, Numisma, 27 (1977) 59–64. |
A. Borràs Feliu, ‘Cartes d’Alexandre VI conservades a l’Arxiu del Palau de Barcelona’, Analecta sacra tarraconensia: Revista de ciències històrico-eclesiàstiques, 46 (1975) 279–323. |
E. Brouette, ‘Les clercs “mensiers” de la Chambre apostolique sous les pontificats d’Innocent VIII et d’Alexandre VI (1484–1503)’, Economies et sociétés au Moyen Age: Mélanges offerts à Édouard Perroy (Publications de la Sorbonne, Serie “Etudes”, 5; Paris 1973) 581–87. |
R. de Maio, ‘Savonarola, Alessandro VI e il mito dell’Anticristo’, RSI, 82 (1970) 533–59. |
G. Picotti, ‘Alessandro VI, papa’, in DBI (Roma 1960) 196–205. |
J. von Schulte, |
M. Batllori Munné, ‘Alessandro VI e Alfonso II di Napoli’, Atti del Congresso Internazionale di studi sull’età aragonese, Bari, 15–18 Decembre 1968 (Società di storia patria per la Puglia, congressi; Bari 1972) 586–92. |