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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. c012

Wilhelmus de Cabriano



Alternative Names

Guillaume de Cabriano; Wilhelm von Cabriano; Guglielmo da Cabriano



From a family of high standing in Brescia. Probably a student of Bulgarus, not Placentinus, as earlier surmised. Probably a contemporary, not teacher, of Johannes Bassianus. Possibly the anonymous bishop of Asti (from 1173) who became archbishop of Ravenna in 1191, in which case he died in the summer of 1201. Not a jurist of great significance, although his Casus codicis would have served well to introduce students to the main issues of law. His glosses are cited only rarely in the Glossa ordinaria, but his views appear more often than some in the Dissensiones dominorum. His siglum is ‘W’.


Entry by: AL viii.2016



No. 01

Casus codicis, c.1157. Treats the parts of Cod. 1-9 that would have been most important for teaching. Kantorowicz’s negative assessment of the work has been revised by Meijers and Wallinga.

No. 02

Glossae ad Corpus iuris ciuilis. Glosses by G. have been found on the Infortiatum, the Digestum Nouum, and the Cod.

No. 03

Distinctio de datione ut facias.

No. 04

Summa ad Digestum. mentioned by Pillius but as yet unfound.


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 01

Casus codicis.

Modern Editions

Studies in the Glossators of the Roman Law: Newly Discovered Writings of the Twelfth Century, ed. H. Kantorowicz (Cambridge 1938; repr. Aalen 1969) 295–301; (incomplete edition based on a single manuscript in London).


The ‘Casus Codicis’ of Wilhelmus de Cabriano, ed. T. Wallinga (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 182; Frankfurt a.M. 2005).



T. Wallinga, ‘Guglielmo da Cabriano’, in DGI (2013) 1.1087–88.

T. Wallinga, ‘Wilhelmus de Cabriano’s Casus Codicis zu C.8.13(14).7: erste Auswertung einer Fundgrube’, in Iuris Historia: liber amicorum Gero Dolezalek, V. Colli, ed. (Berkeley 2008) 105–119.

T. Wallinga, The ‘Casus Codicis’ of Wilhelmus de Cabriano (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 182; Frankfurt a.M. 2005).

F. Andrés, ‘Guillermo de Cabriano’, in Juristas universales (2004) 1.364–6.

G. Mazzanti, ‘Guglielmo de Cabriano’, in DBI (2003) 60.797–800.

T. Wallinga, ‘“De iuris et facti ignorantia” dans les “casus codicis” de Wilhelmus de Cabriano’, in El Derecho Común y Europa del derecho de el Escorial: Jornadas internacionales de Historia del Derecho de El Escorial, 3–6 de Junio de 1999: actas (Madrid 2000) 345–54.

H. Lange, Glossatoren (1997) 204–206.

G. Dolezalek, ‘Die Casus Codicis des Wilhelmus de Cabriano’, in Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte: Helmut Coing zum 28. Februar 1972, W. Wilhelm, ed. (Frankfurt a.M. 1972) 25–52.

H. Kantorowicz, Studies in the Glossators of the Roman Law: Newly Discovered Writings of the Twelfth Century (Cambridge 1938; repr. Aalen 1969) 206–212.

E. Meijers, ‘Sommes, Lectures et Commentaires (1100 à 1250)’, in Atti del Congresso internazionale di diritto Romano: Bologna e Roma 1933 (Pavia 1934) Bologna 1.211–13, 235–37, 258–60.

G. Pescatore, ‘Verzeichnis legistischer Distinktionen mit Angabe des Verfassers’, ZRG Rom. Abt., 33 (1912) 493–95, 506.

E. Seckel, ‘Distinctiones glossatorum: Studien zur Distinktionen–Literatur der romanistischen Glossatorenschule, verbunden mit Mitteilungen unedierter Texte’, in Fs. Ferdinand von Martitz (Berlin 1911; repr. as Distinctiones glossatorum, Graz 1956) 350, 386.

F. von Savigny, Geschichte 4.237–41.