Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. a580 |
Collectio Parisiensis secunda |
1177–79 |
Alternative Names |
Paris II |
Biography/Description |
Perhaps the first systematic collection, consisting of pre-Gratian material (close to 75%) and new decretals, the last of which was Quamuis simus to Richard of Winchester (July 1177). Divided into 96 titles, but most of the decretals remain whole. Accompanied by marginal apparatus with cross-references and references to the Decretum and Roman law. Probably the earliest collection by Bernardus Papiensis; compiled in Bologna. |
Entry by: KP rev AL 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Collectio Parisiensis secunda, 1177–79. |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 1 |
Collectio Parisiensis secunda, 1177–79. |
Manuscript | Paris, BN lat. 1566, fols. 1–54v |
Literature |
C. Duggan, ‘Decretal Collections from Gratian’s Decretum to the Compilationes antiquae: The Making of the New Case Law’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 270–71. |
P. Landau, ‘Die Entstehung der systematischen Dekretalensammlungen und die europäische Kanonistik des 12. Jahrhunderts’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 66 (1979) 126. |
A. Stickler, Historia iuris canonici latini: Institutiones academicae (Zürich 1974) 1.223. |
C. Duggan, Twelfth Century Decretal Collections and their Importance in English History (University of London Historical Studies 12; London 1963) 593–99. |
E. Friedberg, Die Canones–Sammlungen zwischen Gratian und Bernhard von Pavia (Leipzig 1897) 42. |