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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. a481

Raymundus de Pennaforte



Alternative Names

Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint (LC); Raymond de Peñafort; Raymond of Peñafort; Ramon de Penyafort; Raimondo da Pennafort; Raimundo de Peñafort



Catalan canon lawyer. After studying and teaching philosophy at Barcelona, he went to study law at Bologna sometime between 1210 and 1221. He entered the Dominican order in 1222 after his return to Barcelona. Called to Rome by Gregory IX in 1230, he presided over the commission which compiled the Liber Extra (the authoritative collection of decretals promulgated by the pope in 1234). Returning again to Catalonia, Raymond was confessor to Jaime I of Aragon (1213–76) and prominent in the activities of the Dominican order, of which he was master-general from 1238 to 1240. Thomas Aquinas wrote his Summa contra Gentiles at Raymond’s insistence. He was canonized in 1601. Raymond’s literary productivity was enormous and so was his success. Besides being commissioned to compile the Decretales Gregorii IX, which were to remain valid church law until 1918, he also had a great influence as the author of a penitential Summa (c.1222–25/34) and as a leading administrator of his order. A full account of his works would include a large number of minor treatises, many of which were composed after 1234 and outside of the orbit of canon law school. To avoid incompleteness and misattributions, the present survey lists only those titles that have a direct bearing on law. During his brief period as a canonist at Bologna (1218–1221), Raymond wrote a Summa iuris which he never finished. Simultaneously, he lectured on Gratian’s Decretum, as is testified by the survival of marginal glosses. There are further glosses on Compilatio quarta. After becoming a Dominican, he composed the penitential Summa de casibus. He later revised it. The printed editions regularly added Raymond’s Summa de matrimonio (c.1235) as Book IV, although the work, an update of the earlier treatise by the Bolognese canonist Tancred, had circulated separately in medieval manuscripts.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 01

Summa iuris canonici, 1218–1221. most likely never completed before Raymundus entered the Dominican order on April 1, 1222.

No. 02

Glosses on the Decretum.

No. 03

Glosses on Compilatio IV. as yet unconfirmed work by Raymundus; Kuttner posited this as a possible work of Raymundus in 1950 and 1953.

No. 04

Summulae de arboribus de consanguinitate et affinitate.

No. 05

Summa de casibus, 1222–1229, pos. 1234. also known as the Summa de poenitentia; 2 recensions, the second completed after the Decretales Gregorii noni and incorporating both allegationes to X (and decretals by Gregory IX) and a fourth book on marriage (cf. text 7).

No. 06

Liber Extra. See under Decretales Gregorii IX.

No. 07

Summa de matrimonio, 1235. revision of Tancredus’s Summa de matrimonio, appended as a fourth book to Raymundus’s Summa de casibus.

No. 08

Parva collectio decretalium.

No. 09

Dubitabilia cum responsionibus, 1235. Pertaining especially to matters of penance or the internal forum.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 01

Summa iuris canonici, 1218–1221.


a481Txt01Città del Vaticano, BAV Borgh. 261, fol. 91–102v (fragmentary, ends 2.39)

No. 02

Glosses on the Decretum.


a481Txt02Tours, BM 550 (third layer of glosses)


a481Txt02Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 1367 (third layer of glosses)

No. 03

Glosses on Compilatio IV.


Admont, Stiftsbibl. 22

No. 05

Summa de casibus, 1222–1229, pos. 1234.


Bonn, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. 269d


Chartres, BM 237


Chartres, BM 245


Chartres, BM 401


Épinal, BM 4


Épinal, BM 57


Épinal, BM 60


Épinal, BM 62


Épinal, BM 107


Erlangen, Universitätsbibl. 531


Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- u. Universitätsbibl. 0° Cod. Ms. Jurid.? 163b


Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- u. Universitätsbibl. 8° Cod. Ms. Jurid. 163


Göttweig, Stiftsbibl. 137


Kassel, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. 2° Ms theol. 43


Klosterneuberg, Stiftsbibl. 1040


Kaliningrad, Universitätsbibl. 23


Kaliningrad, Universitätsbibl. 55


Kaliningrad, Universitätsbibl. 64


Kaliningrad, Universitätsbibl. 179


Kaliningrad, Universitätsbibl. 180


Kaliningrad, Universitätsbibl. 186


Kaliningrad, Universitätsbibl. 1172


Laon, BM 157


Laon, BM 181


Laon, BM 183


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 1009a


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 1010


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 1011


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 1012


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 1013


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 1014


München, BSB Clm 2700


München, BSB Clm 2756


München, BSB Clm 2956, fols. 75–106


München, BSB Clm 3218


München, BSB Clm 4595


München, BSB Clm 5863


München, BSB Clm 6020


München, BSB Clm 6040


München, BSB Clm 7208


München, BSB Clm 7211


München, BSB Clm 7631


München, BSB Clm 7821


München, BSB Clm 9539


München, BSB Clm 9572


München, BSB Clm 9663


München, BSB Clm 9664


München, BSB Clm 9665


München, BSB Clm 9666


Nîmes, BM 13729


Olomouc, VKOL VI.307


a481Txt05Oxford, Bodleian Libr. Bodl. 146, fols. 143r–224v (1st redaction; utilized in Ochoa and Diez edition)


Paris, BN lat. 13466


Paris, BN lat. 15377


Paris, BN lat. 15924


Praha, Metropolitní Kapitula C.47


Praha, Metropolitní Kapitula C.113


Praha, Národní Muz. I.R.9


Praha, Národní Muz. III.D.13


Praha, Národní Muz. III.F.15


Praha, Národní Muz. XIV.G.48


Saint-Omer, BM 224


Tours, BM 348


Troyes, BM 279


Troyes, BM 537


Troyes, BM 1249


Troyes, BM 1347


Troyes, BM 1930


Wien, ÖNB 1269


Wien, ÖNB 1318


Wien, ÖNB 1331


Wien, ÖNB 1355


Wien, ÖNB 1371


Wien, ÖNB 1452


Wien, ÖNB 1608


Wien, ÖNB 1656


Wien, ÖNB 1691


Wien, ÖNB 1698


Wien, ÖNB 1750


Wien, ÖNB 1753


Wien, ÖNB 2210


Wien, ÖNB 2240


Wien, ÖNB 3807


Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibl. Helmst. 526


Wrocław, Bibl. Univ. II.Q.27


Wrocław, Bibl. Univ. II.Q.28


Würzburg, Universitätsbibl. M.p.th.f. 7


Würzburg, Universitätsbibl. M.p.th.f. 90


Würzburg, Universitätsbibl. M.p.th.f. 113


New Haven, Conn., Yale Univ., Beinecke Libr. Marston MS 127


New Haven, Conn., Yale Univ., Beinecke Libr. Ms 999


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 2300, fols. 1va–48vb


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 2301, fols. 24ra–287rb


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 2302, fols. 4ra–235ra


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 2674, fols. 131ra–205va


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 2708, fols. 1ra–114rb


a481Txt05Barcelona, Bibl. Univ. 746, fols. 1ra–89va (1st redaction; utilized in Ochoa and Diez edition)


a481Txt05Paris, Bibl. Arsenal 370, fols. 1r–81v (2nd redaction; utilized in Ochoa and Diez edition)


a481Txt05Città del Vaticano, BAV Ottob. lat. 5, fols. 1ra–46vb (2nd redaction; utilized in Ochoa and Diez edition)

No. 07

Summa de matrimonio, 1235.


a481Txt07Barcelona, Bibl. Univ. 746, fols. 92ra–100ra (separated from first-redaction Summa de casibus by two blank folios and written at different time and in different hand)


Paris, Bibl. Arsenal 370, fols. 82r–93r


Città del Vaticano, BAV Ottob. lat. 5, fols. 47r–57va

No. 09

Dubitabilia cum responsionibus, 1235.


Firenze, BN Conv. Soppr. I.10.49


Oxford, Bodleian Libr. Can. Misc. 269, fols. 206–208


Praha, Metropolitní Kapitula K.XII, fols. 16v–18v


Città del Vaticano, BAV Ottob. 45, fols. 103v–104v


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 01

Summa iuris canonici.

Modern Editions

Summa iuris, ed. J. Rius Serra (Opera omnia 1; Barcelona 1945).


Summa de iure canonico, ed. J. Ochoa Sanz and A. Díez (Universa Bibliotheca Iuris 1–A; Roma 1975) (cf. BMCL 11 (1981) 44 n.16).

No. 04

Summulae de arboribus de consanguinitate et affinitate.

Modern Editions

Summula de consanguinitate et affinitate, ed. J. Ochoa Sanz and A. Díez (Universa Bibliotheca Iuris 1–C; Roma 1978). (Cf. BMCL 11 (1981) 44 n.16. Other minor canonistic writings have been included in the same volume of the edition..)

No. 05

Summa de casibus.

Modern Editions

Summa Sancti Raymundi de Peniafort . . . De Poenitentia et Matrimonio (Roma 1603; repr. Farnborough 1967).


Summa de poenitentia, ed. J. Ochoa Sanz and A. Díez (Universa Bibliotheca Iuris 1–B; Roma 1976) (cf. BMCL 11 (1981) 44 n.16).

No. 07

Summa de matrimonio.

Modern Editions

Summa de matrimonio, ed. J. Ochoa Sanz and A. Díez (Universa Bibliotheca Iuris 1–C; Roma 1978) (cf. BMCL 11 (1981) 44 n.16).


Translation into English by P. Payer in Summa on Marriage (Mediaeval Sources in Translation 41; Toronto 2005).

No. 08

Parva collectio decretalium.

Modern Editions

See the description by H. Boese in Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 42 (1972) 69–80.

No. 09

Dubitabilia cum responsionibus.

Modern Editions

Die canonistischen Handschriften der Bibliotheken 1. der k. k. Universität, 2. des Böhmischen Museums, 3. des Fürsten Georg Lobkowitz, 4. des Metropolitan-Kapitels von St. Veit in Prag, ed. J. von Schulte (Praha 1868) 98–102. (Said to contain a transcription of the Prague manuscript. We have been unable to check this item. It does not seem to be online and paper copies are very rare.)


S. Raimundo de Peñafort, Diplomatario, ed. J. Rius Serra, 22–29.



M. Eichbauer, ‘Legal Authorities and their Legislative Priorities: The Treatment of Leprosy in the Sources of Canon Law’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 106 (2020) 185–186.

E. Reno, ‘The Two Anonymous Liber extra Commentaries in Paris’, BMCL, 34 (2017) 143–194.

E. Reno, ‘The Authoritative Text: Raymond of Penyafort’s Editing of the “Decretals of Gregory IX” (1234)’, (Ph.D. diss.; Columbia University 2011).

J. Tolan, ‘Marchands, mercenaires et captifs: le statut légal des chrétiens latins en terre d’islam selon le juriste canonique Ramon de Penyafort (XIII siècle)’, in Minorités et régulations sociales en Méditerranée médiévale: Actes du colloque réuni du 7 au 9 juin 2007 en l’Abbaye royale de Fontevraud, S. Boissellier, ed. (Rennes 2010) 223–36.

X. Bastida i Canal, ‘Les missions I la llibertat de la fe en sant Ramon de Penyafort’, Analecta sacra tarraconensia, 81 (2008) 19–80.

J. Goering, ‘The Internal Forum and the Literature of Penance and Confession’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 397, 409, 419–24.

K. Pennington, ‘The Decretalists 1190–1234’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 228, 238–41.

R. Weigand, ‘The Development of the Glossa ordinaria to Gratian’s Decretum’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 87, 97.

T. Wetzstein, ‘Resecatis superfluis?: Raymund von Peñafort und der Liber Extra’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 92 (2006) 355–91.

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K. Pennington, ‘The Church from Pope Innocent III to Pope Gregory IX’, in Domenico di Caleruega e la nascita dell’ordine dei frati predicatori: Atti del XLI Convegno storico internazionale Todi, 10–12 ottobre 2004 (Centro Italiano di Studi sul Basso Medioevo — Accademia Tudertina; Spoleto 2005) 25–37.

C. Reid, Power over the Body, Equality in the Family: Rights and Domestic Relations in Medieval Canon Law (Emory University Studies in Law and Religion; Grand Rapids 2004) 15, 47, 49, 133, 144–9, 189–90.

L. Galmés Mas, ‘San Ramon de Penyafort y la Inquisición en la Alta Catalunya’, in Praedicatores Inquisitores, Vol. 1: The Dominican and the Mediaeval Inquisition: Acts of the 1st International Seminar on the Dominicans and the Inquisition (Rome; 23–25 février 2002) (Dissertationes historicae [Roma] 29; Roma 2004) 85–104.

E. Molano, ‘San Raimundo de Peñafort’, in Juristas universales (2004) 1.414–21.

L. Galmés Mas, ‘Biobibliografia de san Ramon de Penyafort’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 11–34.

C. Longo, ‘San Raimondo maestro dell’ordine domenicano (1238–1240)’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 35–50.

P.–B. Hodel, ‘La canonisation de saint Raymond’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 51–60.

M. Bertram, ‘Die Dekretalen Gregors IX.: Kompilation oder Kodification?’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 61–86.

G. Minnucci, ‘Istituti di diritto processuale nella “Summa de poenitentia et de matrimonio” di san Raimondo di Penyafort’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 87–109.

I. Pérez de Heredia y Valle, ‘La “Summa de matrimonio” de san Raimundo de Penafort’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 111–64.

A. Errera, ‘Il Directorium inquisitoriale di san Raimondo’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 165–92.

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T. Bestul, ‘An Unrecorded Manuscript of the Summa de Poenitentia of Raymund of Pennaforte’, Manuscripta, 32 (1988) 206–7.

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S. Kuttner, ‘Raymond of Peñafort as Editor: The “decretales” and “constitutiones” of Gregory IX’, BMCL, 12 (1982) 65–80.

A. García y García, ‘La canonistica ibérica’, BMCL, 11 (1981) 58–60.

T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum medii aevi (Roma 1980) 3.283–87.

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S. Horwitz, ‘Magistri and magisterium: Saint Raymond of Peñafort and the Gregoriana’, Escritos del vedat, 7 (1977) 209–38.

B. Gautier, ‘Saint Raymond de Penyafort témoin d’un miracle’, Escritos del vedat, 7 (1977) 61–67.

J. Baucells i Reig, ‘Documentación inédita da San Ramón de Penyafort y cuesiones relatives al supuesto canonicato bercelonés’, Escritos del vedat, 7 (1977) 69–96.

A. Cortabarría Beitia, ‘San Ramón de Penyafort y las escuelas dominicanas de lenguas’, Escritos del vedat, 7 (1977) 125–54.

J. Formentín, ‘Funcionamiento pedagógico y proyección cultural de los estudios de árabe y de hebreo promovidos por San Ramón de Penyafort’, Escritos del vedat, 7 (1977) 155–75.

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P. Ribes Montane, ‘San Ramón de Penyafort y los estudios eclesiásticos’, Analecta sacra tarraconensia, 48 (1975) 85–142.

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F. Liotta, La continenza dei chierici (Milano 1971) 373–87.

K. Pennington, ‘Summae on Raymond of Pennaforts Summa de casibus in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich’, Traditio, 27 (1971) 471–80.

L. Robles, ‘S. Ramon de Peñafort’, Repertorio de Historia de las Ciencias Eclesiasticas en España, 3 (1971) 12–53.

J. Brundage, ‘A Transformed Angel (X 3.31.18): The Problem of the Crusading Monk’, in Studies in Medieval Cistercian History Presented to Jeremiah F. O’Sullivan (Cistercian Studies Series 13; Spencer MA 1971) 60. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XIII.

A. García y García, ‘Canonistica Hispanica III’, Traditio, 26 (1970) 460–62.

J. Martín Avedillo, ‘Influjo del canonista Ambrosius en S. Raimundo de Peñafort’, Revista española de derecho canonico, 26 (1970) 329–55.

K. Pennington, ‘A “consilium” of Johannes Teutonicus’, Traditio, 26 (1970) 435–40.

J. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader (Madison WI 1969) 88–94, 156.

J. Brundage, ‘The Votive Obligations of Crusaders: The Development of a Canonistic Doctrine’, Traditio, 24 (1968) 104–107. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. VI.

R. Weigand, Die Naturrechtslehre der Legisten und Dekretisten von Irnerius bis Accursius und von Gratian bis Johannes Teutonicus (Münchener Theologische Studien 3, Kan. Abt. 26; München 1967) 256–58 and passim.

A. García y García, ‘Canonistica Hispanica’, Traditio, 22 (1966) 468–69.

R. Weigand, Die bedingte Eheschliessung im kanonischen Recht (Münchener Theologische Studien 3, Kan. Abt. 16; München 1963) 1.400–402.

P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes de casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen âge (Louvain 1962) 34–40.

G. Couvreur, Les pauvres ont-ils des droits? Recherches sur le vol en cas d’extrême nécessité depuis la Concordia de Gratien (1140) jusqu’à Guillaume d’Auxerre († 1321) (Analecta Gregoriana 111; Roma 1961) 12, 62, 104, 151, 251, 260.

M. Diaz y Diaz, Index scriptorum Latinorum Medii Aevi Hispanorum (Salamanca 1959) 2.1323–45.

R. Naz, ‘Raymond de Pennafort’, in DDC (1959) 7.461–64.

J. Rius Serra, S. Raimundo de Peñafort, Diplomatario (Barcelona 1954).

S. Kuttner, ‘Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Summa de casibus poenitentie’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 39 (1953) 419–34.

S. Kuttner, ‘The Barcelona Edition of St. Raymond’s First Treatise of Canon Law’, Seminar, 8 (1950) 52–67.

J. Coll, ‘La crónica de Fr. Pedro Marsili y la “Vita anonymi” de S. Ramón de Penyafort, su historicidad’, Analecta sacra tarraconensia, 22 (1949) 21–50.

S. Kuttner, Repertorium 102, 438–52.

L. Feliu, ‘Diplomatari de Sant Ramon de Penyafort (nous documents)’, Analecta sacra tarraconensia, 8 (1932) 101–16.

A. Teetaert, ‘“Summa de matrimonio” S. Raymundi de Penyafort’, Jus pontificum, 9 (1929) 54–61, 228–34, 312–22.

F. Valls Taberner, ‘El Diplomatari de Sant Ramon de Penyafort’, Analecta sacra tarraconensia, 5 (1929) 249–304.

A. Teetaert, ‘La “Summa de poenitentia” de S. Raymond de Penyafort’, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 5 (1928) 49–72.

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A. Teetaert, ‘La “Summa de poenitentia” de S. Raymond de Penyafort’, Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses, 5 (1928) 49–72.

H. Denifle, ‘Die Constitutionen des Predigerordens in der Redaction Raimunds von Penafort’, Archiv für Literatur– und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters, 5 (1889) 530–64.

L. Rockinger, ‘Berthold von Regensburg und Raimund von Peniafort im sogenannten Schwabenspiegel’, Abhandlungen: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch–historische Klasse, 13:03 (1877) 167–253. (The name of this publication has changed over the years; at the time (i.e., 1877), it seems to have been entitled Abhandlungen der Historischen Klasse der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.)

J. von Schulte, Die canonistischen Handschriften der Bibliotheken in Prag (Abhandlungen der königlich böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 6, Folge 2.2; Praha 1868).