Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. a273 |
Huguccio Vercellensis |
d. 1328 |
Alternative Names |
Huguccio da Borromei; Huguccio de Romeis Vercellensis; Uguccione di Vercelli; Uguccione Borromeo |
Biography/Description |
Born at Vercelli, Huguccio was a canon of St. Peter at Bologna and taught canon law and perhaps also Roman law there during the 1280s. He later became a papal auditor and finally bishop of Novara in 1304. Four quaestiones survive from his days as a teacher. Huguccio died in 1328. |
Entry by: KP rev AL 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Quaestiones. |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 1 |
Quaestiones. |
Manuscript | Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 48, fol. 240v–241r |
Darmstadt, Landesbibl. 853, fol. 165v–166r |
Text(s) – Modern Editions |
No. 1 |
Quaestiones. |
Modern Editions |
Four quaestiones have been edited by G. Briacca in , 7 (1977) 71–84. |
Literature |
G. Briacca, ‘Le “questiones disputatae” di Uguccione Borromei’, BMCL, 7 (1977) 65–84. |
P. Bartolini, ‘Borromeo, Uguccione’, in DBI (1971) 13.66–71. |
R. Naz, ‘Huguccio (Borromeo)’, in DDC (1953) 5.1228. |
J. von Schulte, |