Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. a142 |
Collectio Orielensis |
1180s–1190s |
Alternative Names |
Orielensis II |
Biography/Description |
Fragment of a systematic decretal collection which seems to represent an intermediarly stage between the Appendix concilii Lateranensis and the ‘Bamberg Group’ of decretal collections. Derived from English sources. Formerly known as Orielensis II. |
Entry by: KP rev AL 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Collectio Orielensis. |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 1 |
Collectio Orielensis. |
Manuscript | Oxford, Oriel Coll. 53, fol. 353r–354v (by older pagination, on folios 253r–254v) |
Text(s) – Modern Editions |
No. 1 |
Collectio Orielensis. |
Modern Editions |
Analysis by W. Holtzmann in Studies 127–31. |
Literature |
C. Duggan, ‘Decretal Collections from Gratian’s Decretum to the Compilationes antiquae: The Making of the New Case Law’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 279. |
W. Holtzmann, Studies in the Collections of Twelfth Century Decretals, C. Cheney, ed. (MIC B–3; Città del Vaticano 1979) 127–31. |
W. Holtzmann, Kanonistische Ergänzungen zur Italia Pontificia (Tübingen 1959) 7. (The collection is named Orielensis II here.) |
W. Deeters, ‘Die Bambergensisgruppe der Dekretalensammlungen des 12. Jahrhunderts’, (Phil. diss.; Bonn 1956). |
W. Holtzmann, ‘Die Register Papst Alexanders III. in den Händen der Kanonisten’, QF, 30 (1940) 19. |
S. Kuttner, |